(#102): neofs-cli accounting balance test

Signed-off-by: anastasia prasolova <anastasia@nspcc.ru>
This commit is contained in:
anastasia prasolova 2021-09-09 16:36:34 +03:00 committed by Anastasia Prasolova
parent f3f3f00d4a
commit 19f9d97328
7 changed files with 134 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import pexpect
from robot.api.deco import keyword
@keyword('Run Process And Enter Empty Password')
def run_proccess_and_interact(cmd: str) -> str:
p = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
# enter empty password
# throw a string with password prompt
first = p.readline()
# take all output
child_output = p.readline()
if p.exitstatus != 0:
raise Exception(f"{first}\n{child_output}")
return child_output

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Variables ../../variables/common.py
Library wallet_keywords.py
Library rpc_call_keywords.py
Library payment_neogo.py
*** Variables ***
@ -43,3 +44,20 @@ Payment Operations
${NEOFS_BALANCE} = Get NeoFS Balance ${WIF}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${NEOFS_BALANCE} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
Prepare Wallet And Deposit
[Arguments] ${DEPOSIT}
${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${WIF} = Init Wallet with Address ${ASSETS_DIR}
${TX} = Transfer Mainnet Gas ${MAINNET_WALLET_WIF} ${ADDR} ${DEPOSIT+1}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${MAINNET_TIMEOUT} ${MAINNET_BLOCK_TIME}
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX}
${TX_DEPOSIT} = NeoFS Deposit ${WIF} ${DEPOSIT}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${MAINNET_TIMEOUT} ${MAINNET_BLOCK_TIME}
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX_DEPOSIT}
# Now we have TX in main chain, but deposit might not propagate into the side chain yet.
# For certainty, sleeping during one morph block.
[Return] ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${WIF}

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import os
import tarfile
import uuid
from neo3 import wallet
from robot.api.deco import keyword
from robot.api import logger
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
@ -42,3 +43,11 @@ def get_container_logs(testcase_name: str) -> None:
@keyword('WIF to Binary')
def wif_to_binary(wif: str) -> str:
priv_key = wallet.Account.private_key_from_wif(wif)
path = f"{os.getcwd()}/{ASSETS_DIR}/{str(uuid.uuid4())}"
with open(path, "wb") as f:
return path

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
*** Settings ***
Variables ../../../../variables/common.py
Library Collections
Library Process
Library String
Library contract_keywords.py
Library cli_keywords.py
Library utility_keywords.py
Resource setup_teardown.robot
Resource payment_operations.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Test cases ***
CLI Accounting Balance Test
[Documentation] neofs-cli accounting balance test
[Tags] NeoFSCLI Accounting
[Timeout] 10 min
[Setup] Setup
${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${WIF} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
# Getting balance with WIF
${OUTPUT} = Run Process neofs-cli accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --wif ${WIF}
... shell=True
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
# Getting balance with wallet and address
${OUTPUT} = Run Process And Enter Empty Password
... neofs-cli accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --address ${ADDR} --wallet ${WALLET}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
# Getting balance with wallet only
${OUTPUT} = Run Process And Enter Empty Password
... neofs-cli accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --wallet ${WALLET}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
# Getting balance with wallet and wrong address
${OUTPUT} = Run Process neofs-cli accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --address ${ANOTHER_ADDR} --wallet ${WALLET}
... shell=True
Should Be Equal As Strings ${OUTPUT.stderr} --address option must be specified and valid
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.rc} 1
# Getting balance with control API
${CONFIG_PATH} = Write Control API Config ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} ${WIF}
${OUTPUT} = Run Process neofs-cli accounting balance --config ${CONFIG_PATH}
... shell=True
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
# Getting balance with binary key
${KEY_PATH} = WIF To Binary ${WIF}
${OUTPUT} = Run Process neofs-cli accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --binary-key ${KEY_PATH}
... shell=True
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT}
[Teardown] Teardown cli_accounting_balance
*** Keywords ***
Write Control API Config
[Documentation] Write YAML config for requesting NeoFS Control API via CLI
[Arguments] ${ENDPOINT} ${WIF}
Set Local Variable ${PATH} ${ASSETS_DIR}/config.yaml
Create File ${PATH} rpc: ${ENDPOINT}\nwif: ${WIF}
[Return] ${PATH}

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ${SN_02_ADDR} = s02.neofs.devenv:8080
*** Test cases ***
NetworkInfo RPC Method
[Documentation] Testcase to check NetworkInfo RPC method.
[Tags] RPC NeoFS NeoCLI NetworkInfo
[Tags] RPC NeoFS NeoFSCLI NetworkInfo
[Timeout] 10 min
[Setup] Setup

View file

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ RESOURCES="%s/resources/lib" % ROOT
CERT="%s/../../ca" % ROOT
KEYWORDS="%s/../../../neofs-keywords/robot/" % ROOT
# path from repo root is required for object put and get
# in case when test is run from root in docker
# Common NeoFS variables can be declared from neofs-dev-env env variables.
# High priority is accepted for those envs.
@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ NEOFS_NEO_API_ENDPOINT = os.getenv("NEOFS_NEO_API_ENDPOINT", 'http://morph_chain
HTTP_GATE = os.getenv("HTTP_GATE", 'http://http.neofs.devenv')
S3_GATE = os.getenv("S3_GATE", 'https://s3.neofs.devenv:8080')
NEOFS_NETMAP = os.getenv("NEOFS_NETMAP", ['s01.neofs.devenv:8080', 's02.neofs.devenv:8080','s03.neofs.devenv:8080','s04.neofs.devenv:8080'])
GAS_HASH = os.getenv("GAS_HASH", '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf')
GAS_HASH = '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf'
else os.getenv("NEOFS_IR_CONTRACTS_NEOFS", '008b43d3de8741b896015f79ac0fbfa4055b4574'))

View file

@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ export NEOFS_MORPH_DISABLE_CACHE=true
pushd ../neofs-dev-env
export `make env`
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${VIRTUAL_ENV}/neofs-keywords/lib:${VIRTUAL_ENV}/neofs-keywords/robot:~/neofs-testcases/robot/resources/lib