syntax = "proto3"; package object; option go_package = ""; option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Object"; import "refs/types.proto"; import "object/types.proto"; import "service/meta.proto"; import "service/verify.proto"; // Object service provides API for manipulating with the object. service Service { // Get the object from container. Response uses gRPC stream. First response // message carry object of requested address. Chunk messages are parts of // the object's payload if it is needed. All messages except first carry // chunks. Requested object can be restored by concatenation of object // message payload and all chunks keeping receiving order. rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (stream GetResponse); // Put the object into container. Request uses gRPC stream. First message // SHOULD BE type of PutHeader. Container id and Owner id of object SHOULD // BE set. Session token SHOULD BE obtained before put operation (see // session package). Chunk messages considered by server as part of object // payload. All messages except first SHOULD BE chunks. Chunk messages // SHOULD BE sent in direct order of fragmentation. rpc Put(stream PutRequest) returns (PutResponse); // Delete the object from a container rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse); // Head returns the object without data payload. Object in the // response has system header only. If full headers flag is set, extended // headers are also present. rpc Head(HeadRequest) returns (HeadResponse); // Search objects in container. Version of query language format SHOULD BE // set to 1. Search query represented in serialized format (see query // package). rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (stream SearchResponse); // GetRange of data payload. Range is a pair (offset, length). // Requested range can be restored by concatenation of all chunks // keeping receiving order. rpc GetRange(GetRangeRequest) returns (stream GetRangeResponse); // GetRangeHash returns homomorphic hash of object payload range after XOR // operation. Ranges are set of pairs (offset, length). Hashes order in // response corresponds to ranges order in request. Homomorphic hash is // calculated for XORed data. rpc GetRangeHash(GetRangeHashRequest) returns (GetRangeHashResponse); } message GetRequest { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; // Raw carries the raw option flag of the request. // Raw request is sent to receive only the objects // that are physically stored on the server. bool Raw = 2; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message GetResponse { oneof R { // Object header and some payload Object object = 1; // Chunk of remaining payload bytes Chunk = 2; } } message PutRequest { message PutHeader { // Object with at least container id and owner id fields Object Object = 1; // Number of the object copies to store within the RPC call (zero is processed according to the placement rules) uint32 CopiesNumber = 2; } oneof R { // Header should be the first message in the stream PutHeader Header = 1; // Chunk should be a remaining message in stream should be chunks bytes Chunk = 2; } // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message PutResponse { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; } message DeleteRequest { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; // OwnerID carries identifier of the object owner. refs.OwnerID OwnerID = 2; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } // DeleteResponse is empty because we cannot guarantee permanent object removal // in distributed system. message DeleteResponse { } message HeadRequest { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; // FullHeaders can be set true for extended headers in the object bool FullHeaders = 2; // Raw carries the raw option flag of the request. // Raw request is sent to receive only the headers of the objects // that are physically stored on the server. bool Raw = 3; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message HeadResponse { // Object without payload Object Object = 1; } message SearchRequest { // ContainerID carries search container identifier. refs.ContainerID ContainerID = 1; message Query { uint32 Version = 1; message Filter { enum MatchType { MatchUnknown = 0; StringEqual = 1; } MatchType matchType = 1; string Name = 2; string Value = 3; } repeated Filter Filters = 2; } Query query = 2; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message SearchResponse { // Addresses of found objects repeated refs.Address Addresses = 1; } message Range { // Offset of the data range uint64 Offset = 1; // Length of the data range uint64 Length = 2; } message GetRangeRequest { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; // Range of object's payload to return Range Range = 2; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message GetRangeResponse { // Fragment of object's payload bytes Fragment = 1; } message GetRangeHashRequest { // Address of object (container id + object id) refs.Address Address = 1; // Ranges of object's payload to calculate homomorphic hash repeated Range Ranges = 2; // Salt is used to XOR object's payload ranges before hashing, it can be nil bytes Salt = 3; // RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98; // RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99; } message GetRangeHashResponse { // Hashes is a homomorphic hashes of all ranges repeated bytes Hashes = 1; }