package local

import (

	apiClient ""
	reputationapi ""
	reputationcommon ""

// RemoteProviderPrm groups the required parameters of the RemoteProvider's constructor.
// All values must comply with the requirements imposed on them.
// Passing incorrect parameter values will result in constructor
// failure (error or panic depending on the implementation).
type RemoteProviderPrm struct {
	Key *ecdsa.PrivateKey

// NewRemoteProvider creates a new instance of the RemoteProvider.
// Panics if at least one value of the parameters is invalid.
// The created RemoteProvider does not require additional
// initialization and is completely ready for work.
func NewRemoteProvider(prm RemoteProviderPrm) *RemoteProvider {
	switch {
	case prm.Key == nil:
		common.PanicOnPrmValue("NetMapSource", prm.Key)

	return &RemoteProvider{
		key: prm.Key,

// RemoteProvider is an implementation of the clientKeyRemoteProvider interface.
type RemoteProvider struct {
	key *ecdsa.PrivateKey

func (rp RemoteProvider) WithClient(c apiClient.Client) reputationcommon.WriterProvider {
	return &TrustWriterProvider{
		client: c,
		key:    rp.key,

type TrustWriterProvider struct {
	client apiClient.Client
	key    *ecdsa.PrivateKey

func (twp *TrustWriterProvider) InitWriter(ctx reputationcommon.Context) (reputationcommon.Writer, error) {
	return &RemoteTrustWriter{
		ctx:    ctx,
		client: twp.client,
		key:    twp.key,
	}, nil

type RemoteTrustWriter struct {
	ctx    reputationcommon.Context
	client apiClient.Client
	key    *ecdsa.PrivateKey

	buf []*reputationapi.Trust

func (rtp *RemoteTrustWriter) Write(t reputation.Trust) error {
	apiTrust := reputationapi.NewTrust()

	apiPeer := reputationapi.NewPeerID()


	rtp.buf = append(rtp.buf, apiTrust)

	return nil

func (rtp *RemoteTrustWriter) Close() error {
	prm := apiClient.AnnounceLocalTrustPrm{}


	_, err := rtp.client.AnnounceLocalTrust(

	return err