package wrapper

import (

	client ""

// GetNetMap receives information list about storage nodes
// through the Netmap contract call, composes network map
// from them and returns it. With diff == 0 returns current
// network map, else return snapshot of previous network map.
func (w Wrapper) GetNetMap(diff uint64) (*netmap.Netmap, error) {
	args := client.GetSnapshotArgs{}

	vals, err := w.client.Snapshot(args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return unmarshalNetmap(vals.Peers())

// GetNetMapByEpoch receives information list about storage nodes
// through the Netmap contract call, composes network map
// from them and returns it. Returns snapshot of the specified epoch number.
func (w Wrapper) GetNetMapByEpoch(epoch uint64) (*netmap.Netmap, error) {
	args := client.EpochSnapshotArgs{}

	vals, err := w.client.EpochSnapshot(args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return unmarshalNetmap(vals.Peers())

// GetCandidates receives information list about candidates
// for the next epoch network map through the Netmap contract
// call, composes network map from them and returns it.
func (w Wrapper) GetCandidates() (*netmap.Netmap, error) {
	args := client.GetNetMapCandidatesArgs{}

	vals, err := w.client.Candidates(args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return unmarshalCandidates(vals.NetmapNodes())

func unmarshalNetmap(rawPeers [][]byte) (*netmap.Netmap, error) {
	infos := make([]netmap.NodeInfo, 0, len(rawPeers))

	for _, peer := range rawPeers {
		nodeInfo := netmap.NewNodeInfo()
		if err := nodeInfo.Unmarshal(peer); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal peer info: %w", err)

		infos = append(infos, *nodeInfo)

	nodes := netmap.NodesFromInfo(infos)

	return netmap.NewNetmap(nodes)

func unmarshalCandidates(rawCandidate []*client.PeerWithState) (*netmap.Netmap, error) {
	candidates := make([]netmap.NodeInfo, 0, len(rawCandidate))

	for _, candidate := range rawCandidate {
		nodeInfo := netmap.NewNodeInfo()
		if err := nodeInfo.Unmarshal(candidate.Peer()); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal peer info: %w", err)

		switch candidate.State() {
		case client.Online:
		case client.Offline:

		candidates = append(candidates, *nodeInfo)

	nodes := netmap.NodesFromInfo(candidates)

	return netmap.NewNetmap(nodes)