
376 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package slicer
import (
cid ""
neofscrypto ""
oid ""
// ObjectWriter represents a virtual object recorder.
type ObjectWriter interface {
// InitDataStream initializes and returns a stream of writable data associated
// with the object according to its header. Provided header includes at least
// container, owner and object ID fields.
InitDataStream(header object.Object) (dataStream io.Writer, err error)
// Slicer converts input raw data streams into NeoFS objects. Working Slicer
// must be constructed via New.
type Slicer struct {
signer neofscrypto.Signer
cnr cid.ID
owner user.ID
w ObjectWriter
opts Options
sessionToken *session.Object
// New constructs Slicer which writes sliced ready-to-go objects owned by
// particular user into the specified container using provided ObjectWriter.
// All objects are signed using provided neofscrypto.Signer.
// If ObjectWriter returns data streams which provide io.Closer, they are closed
// in Slicer.Slice after the payload of any object has been written. In this
// case, Slicer.Slice fails immediately on Close error.
// Options parameter allows you to provide optional parameters which tune
// the default Slicer behavior. They are detailed below.
// If payload size limit is specified via Options.SetObjectPayloadLimit,
// outgoing objects has payload not bigger than the limit. NeoFS stores the
// corresponding value in the network configuration. Ignore this option if you
// don't (want to) have access to it. By default, single object is limited by
// 1MB. Slicer uses this value to enforce the maximum object payload size limit
// described in the NeoFS Specification. If the total amount of data exceeds the
// specified limit, Slicer applies the slicing algorithm described within the
// same specification. The outcome will be a group of "small" objects containing
// a chunk of data, as well as an auxiliary linking object. All derived objects
// are written to the parameterized ObjectWriter. If the amount of data is
// within the limit, one object is produced. Note that Slicer can write multiple
// objects, but returns the root object ID only.
// If current NeoFS epoch is specified via Options.SetCurrentNeoFSEpoch, it is
// written to the metadata of all resulting objects as a creation epoch.
// See also NewSession.
func New(signer neofscrypto.Signer, cnr cid.ID, owner user.ID, w ObjectWriter, opts Options) *Slicer {
return &Slicer{
signer: signer,
cnr: cnr,
owner: owner,
w: w,
opts: opts,
// NewSession creates Slicer which generates objects within provided session.
// NewSession work similar to New with the detail that the session issuer owns
// the produced objects. Specified session token is written to the metadata of
// all resulting objects. In this case, the object is considered to be created
// by a proxy on behalf of the session issuer.
func NewSession(signer neofscrypto.Signer, cnr cid.ID, token session.Object, w ObjectWriter, opts Options) *Slicer {
return &Slicer{
signer: signer,
cnr: cnr,
owner: token.Issuer(),
w: w,
opts: opts,
sessionToken: &token,
// fillCommonMetadata writes to the object metadata common to all objects of the
// same stream.
func (x *Slicer) fillCommonMetadata(obj *object.Object) {
currentVersion := version.Current()
// Slice creates new NeoFS object from the input data stream, associates the
// object with the configured container and writes the object via underlying
// ObjectWriter. After a successful write, Slice returns an oid.ID which is a
// unique reference to the object in the container. Slice sets all required
// calculated fields like payload length, checksum, etc.
// Slice allows you to specify string key-value pairs to be written to the
// resulting object's metadata as object attributes. Corresponding argument MUST
// NOT be empty or have odd length. Keys SHOULD NOT start with system-reserved
// '__NEOFS__' prefix.
// See New for details.
func (x *Slicer) Slice(data io.Reader, attributes ...string) (oid.ID, error) {
if len(attributes)%2 != 0 {
panic("attributes must be even number of strings")
if x.opts.objectPayloadLimit == 0 {
x.opts.objectPayloadLimit = 1 << 20
var rootID oid.ID
var rootHeader object.Object
var rootMeta dynamicObjectMetadata
var offset uint64
var isSplit bool
var childMeta dynamicObjectMetadata
var writtenChildren []oid.ID
var childHeader object.Object
bChunk := make([]byte, x.opts.objectPayloadLimit+1)
for {
n, err := data.Read(bChunk[offset:])
if err == nil {
if last := offset + uint64(n); last <= x.opts.objectPayloadLimit {
if isSplit {
offset = last
// data is not over, and we expect more bytes to form next object
} else {
if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("read payload chunk: %w", err)
// there will be no more data
toSend := offset + uint64(n)
if toSend <= x.opts.objectPayloadLimit {
// we can finalize the root object and send last part
if len(attributes) > 0 {
attrs := make([]object.Attribute, len(attributes)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(attrs); i++ {
rootID, err = flushObjectMetadata(x.signer, rootMeta, &rootHeader)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("form root object: %w", err)
if isSplit {
// when splitting, root object's header is written into its last child
childID, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, bChunk[:toSend], childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write child object: %w", err)
writtenChildren = append(writtenChildren, childID)
} else {
// root object is single (full < limit), so send it directly
rootID, err = writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, rootHeader, bChunk[:toSend], rootMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write single root object: %w", err)
return rootID, nil
// otherwise, form penultimate object, then do one more iteration for
// simplicity: according to io.Reader, we'll get io.EOF again, but the overflow
// will no longer occur, so we'll finish the loop
// according to buffer size, here we can overflow the object payload limit, e.g.
// 1. full=11B,limit=10B,read=11B (no objects created yet)
// 2. full=21B,limit=10B,read=11B (one object has been already sent with size=10B)
toSend := offset + uint64(n)
overflow := toSend > x.opts.objectPayloadLimit
if overflow {
toSend = x.opts.objectPayloadLimit
// we could read some data even in case of io.EOF, so don't forget pick up the tail
if n > 0 {
if isSplit {
if overflow {
isSplitCp := isSplit // we modify it in next condition below but need after it
if !isSplit {
// we send only child object below, but we can get here at the beginning (see
// option 1 described above), so we need to pre-init child resources
isSplit = true
childMeta = rootMeta
// we do shallow copy of rootMeta because below we take this into account and do
// not corrupt it
} else {
childID, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, bChunk[:toSend], childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write child object: %w", err)
writtenChildren = append(writtenChildren, childID)
// shift overflow bytes to the beginning
if !isSplitCp {
childMeta = dynamicObjectMetadata{} // to avoid rootMeta corruption
offset = uint64(copy(bChunk, bChunk[toSend:]))
// linking object
_, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, nil, childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write linking object: %w", err)
return rootID, nil
func flushObjectMetadata(signer neofscrypto.Signer, meta dynamicObjectMetadata, header *object.Object) (oid.ID, error) {
var cs checksum.Checksum
var csBytes [sha256.Size]byte
copy(csBytes[:], meta.checksum.Sum(nil))
var csHomoBytes [tz.Size]byte
copy(csHomoBytes[:], meta.homomorphicChecksum.Sum(nil))
id, err := object.CalculateID(header)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("calculate ID: %w", err)
bID, err := id.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("marshal object ID: %w", err)
var sig neofscrypto.Signature
err = sig.Calculate(signer, bID)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("sign object ID: %w", err)
return id, nil
func writeInMemObject(signer neofscrypto.Signer, w ObjectWriter, header object.Object, payload []byte, meta dynamicObjectMetadata) (oid.ID, error) {
id, err := flushObjectMetadata(signer, meta, &header)
if err != nil {
return id, err
stream, err := w.InitDataStream(header)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("init data stream for next object: %w", err)
_, err = stream.Write(payload)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("write object payload: %w", err)
if c, ok := stream.(io.Closer); ok {
err = c.Close()
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("finish object stream: %w", err)
return id, nil
// dynamicObjectMetadata groups accumulated object metadata which depends on
// payload.
type dynamicObjectMetadata struct {
length uint64
checksum hash.Hash
homomorphicChecksum hash.Hash
// accumulateNextPayloadChunk handles the next payload chunk and updates the
// accumulated metadata.
func (x *dynamicObjectMetadata) accumulateNextPayloadChunk(chunk []byte) {
x.length += uint64(len(chunk))
// reset resets all accumulated metadata.
func (x *dynamicObjectMetadata) reset() {
x.length = 0
if x.checksum != nil {
} else {
x.checksum = sha256.New()
if x.homomorphicChecksum != nil {
} else {
x.homomorphicChecksum = tz.New()