package apistatus

import (

// ContainerNotFound describes status of the failure because of the missing container.
// Instances provide Status and StatusV2 interfaces.
type ContainerNotFound struct {
	v2 status.Status

func (x ContainerNotFound) Error() string {
	return errMessageStatusV2(
		globalizeCodeV2(container.StatusNotFound, container.GlobalizeFail),

// implements local interface defined in FromStatusV2 func.
func (x *ContainerNotFound) fromStatusV2(st *status.Status) {
	x.v2 = *st

// ToStatusV2 implements StatusV2 interface method.
// If the value was returned by FromStatusV2, returns the source message.
// Otherwise, returns message with
//  * string message: "container not found";
//  * details: empty.
func (x ContainerNotFound) ToStatusV2() *status.Status {
	x.v2.SetCode(globalizeCodeV2(container.StatusNotFound, container.GlobalizeFail))
	x.v2.SetMessage("container not found")
	return &x.v2