package reputation

import (

	signatureV2 ""

// Trust represents peer's trust compatible with NeoFS API v2.
type Trust reputation.Trust

// NewTrust creates and returns blank Trust.
// Defaults:
//  - value: 0;
//  - PeerID: nil.
func NewTrust() *Trust {
	return TrustFromV2(new(reputation.Trust))

// TrustFromV2 converts NeoFS API v2
// reputation.Trust message structure to Trust.
// Nil reputation.Trust converts to nil.
func TrustFromV2(t *reputation.Trust) *Trust {
	return (*Trust)(t)

// ToV2 converts Trust to NeoFS API v2
// reputation.Trust message structure.
// Nil Trust converts to nil.
func (x *Trust) ToV2() *reputation.Trust {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x)

// TrustsToV2 converts slice of Trust's to slice of
// NeoFS API v2 reputation.Trust message structures.
func TrustsToV2(xs []*Trust) (res []*reputation.Trust) {
	if xs != nil {
		res = make([]*reputation.Trust, 0, len(xs))

		for i := range xs {
			res = append(res, xs[i].ToV2())


// SetPeer sets trusted peer ID.
func (x *Trust) SetPeer(id *PeerID) {

// Peer returns trusted peer ID.
func (x *Trust) Peer() *PeerID {
	return PeerIDFromV2(

// SetValue sets trust value.
func (x *Trust) SetValue(val float64) {

// Value returns trust value.
func (x *Trust) Value() float64 {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x).GetValue()

// Marshal marshals Trust into a protobuf binary form.
func (x *Trust) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x).StableMarshal(nil)

// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of Trust.
func (x *Trust) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x).Unmarshal(data)

// MarshalJSON encodes Trust to protobuf JSON format.
func (x *Trust) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x).MarshalJSON()

// UnmarshalJSON decodes Trust from protobuf JSON format.
func (x *Trust) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.Trust)(x).UnmarshalJSON(data)

// PeerToPeerTrust represents directed peer-to-peer trust
// compatible with NeoFS API v2.
type PeerToPeerTrust reputation.PeerToPeerTrust

// NewPeerToPeerTrust creates and returns blank PeerToPeerTrust.
// Defaults:
//  - trusting: nil;
//  - trust: nil.
func NewPeerToPeerTrust() *PeerToPeerTrust {
	return PeerToPeerTrustFromV2(new(reputation.PeerToPeerTrust))

// PeerToPeerTrustFromV2 converts NeoFS API v2
// reputation.PeerToPeerTrust message structure to PeerToPeerTrust.
// Nil reputation.PeerToPeerTrust converts to nil.
func PeerToPeerTrustFromV2(t *reputation.PeerToPeerTrust) *PeerToPeerTrust {
	return (*PeerToPeerTrust)(t)

// ToV2 converts PeerToPeerTrust to NeoFS API v2
// reputation.PeerToPeerTrust message structure.
// Nil PeerToPeerTrust converts to nil.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) ToV2() *reputation.PeerToPeerTrust {
	return (*reputation.PeerToPeerTrust)(x)

// SetTrustingPeer sets trusting peer ID.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) SetTrustingPeer(id *PeerID) {

// TrustingPeer returns trusting peer ID.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) TrustingPeer() *PeerID {
	return PeerIDFromV2(

// SetTrust sets trust value of the trusting peer to the trusted one.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) SetTrust(t *Trust) {

// Trust returns trust value of the trusting peer to the trusted one.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) Trust() *Trust {
	return TrustFromV2(

// Marshal marshals PeerToPeerTrust into a protobuf binary form.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.PeerToPeerTrust)(x).StableMarshal(nil)

// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of PeerToPeerTrust.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.PeerToPeerTrust)(x).Unmarshal(data)

// MarshalJSON encodes PeerToPeerTrust to protobuf JSON format.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.PeerToPeerTrust)(x).MarshalJSON()

// UnmarshalJSON decodes PeerToPeerTrust from protobuf JSON format.
func (x *PeerToPeerTrust) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.PeerToPeerTrust)(x).UnmarshalJSON(data)

// GlobalTrust represents peer's global trust compatible with NeoFS API v2.
type GlobalTrust reputation.GlobalTrust

// NewGlobalTrust creates and returns blank GlobalTrust.
// Defaults:
// 	- version: version.Current();
//  - manager: nil;
//  - trust: nil.
func NewGlobalTrust() *GlobalTrust {
	gt := GlobalTrustFromV2(new(reputation.GlobalTrust))

	return gt

// GlobalTrustFromV2 converts NeoFS API v2
// reputation.GlobalTrust message structure to GlobalTrust.
// Nil reputation.GlobalTrust converts to nil.
func GlobalTrustFromV2(t *reputation.GlobalTrust) *GlobalTrust {
	return (*GlobalTrust)(t)

// ToV2 converts GlobalTrust to NeoFS API v2
// reputation.GlobalTrust message structure.
// Nil GlobalTrust converts to nil.
func (x *GlobalTrust) ToV2() *reputation.GlobalTrust {
	return (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x)

// SetVersion sets GlobalTrust's protocol version.
func (x *GlobalTrust) SetVersion(version *version.Version) {

// Version returns GlobalTrust's protocol version.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Version() *version.Version {
	return version.NewFromV2(

func (x *GlobalTrust) setBodyField(setter func(*reputation.GlobalTrustBody)) {
	if x != nil {
		v2 := (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x)

		body := v2.GetBody()
		if body == nil {
			body = new(reputation.GlobalTrustBody)


// SetManager sets node manager ID.
func (x *GlobalTrust) SetManager(id *PeerID) {
	x.setBodyField(func(body *reputation.GlobalTrustBody) {

// Manager returns node manager ID.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Manager() *PeerID {
	return PeerIDFromV2(

// SetTrust sets global trust value.
func (x *GlobalTrust) SetTrust(trust *Trust) {
	x.setBodyField(func(body *reputation.GlobalTrustBody) {

// Trust returns global trust value.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Trust() *Trust {
	return TrustFromV2(

// Sign signs global trust value with key.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Sign(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
	v2 := (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x)

	sigV2 := v2.GetSignature()
	if sigV2 == nil {
		sigV2 = new(refs.Signature)

	return signature.SignDataWithHandler(
		signatureV2.StableMarshalerWrapper{SM: v2.GetBody()},
		func(key, sig []byte) {

// VerifySignature verifies global trust signature.
func (x *GlobalTrust) VerifySignature() error {
	v2 := (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x)

	sigV2 := v2.GetSignature()
	if sigV2 == nil {
		sigV2 = new(refs.Signature)

	return signature.VerifyDataWithSource(
		signatureV2.StableMarshalerWrapper{SM: v2.GetBody()},
		func() ([]byte, []byte) {
			return sigV2.GetKey(), sigV2.GetSign()

// Marshal marshals GlobalTrust into a protobuf binary form.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x).StableMarshal(nil)

// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of GlobalTrust.
func (x *GlobalTrust) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x).Unmarshal(data)

// MarshalJSON encodes GlobalTrust to protobuf JSON format.
func (x *GlobalTrust) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x).MarshalJSON()

// UnmarshalJSON decodes GlobalTrust from protobuf JSON format.
func (x *GlobalTrust) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	return (*reputation.GlobalTrust)(x).UnmarshalJSON(data)