Leonard Lyubich 8eded316de Initial commit of static object slicer
There is a need to provide convenient function which allows to slice
user data into objects to be stored in NeoFS. The main challenge is to
produce objects compliant with the format described in the NeoFS

Add `object/slicer` package. Export `Slicer` type which performs data

Refs #342.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2023-04-26 21:38:05 +04:00

375 lines
11 KiB

package slicer
import (
cid ""
neofscrypto ""
oid ""
// ObjectWriter represents a virtual object recorder.
type ObjectWriter interface {
// InitDataStream initializes and returns a stream of writable data associated
// with the object according to its header. Provided header includes at least
// container, owner and object ID fields.
InitDataStream(header object.Object) (dataStream io.Writer, err error)
// Slicer converts input raw data streams into NeoFS objects. Working Slicer
// must be constructed via New.
type Slicer struct {
signer neofscrypto.Signer
cnr cid.ID
owner user.ID
w ObjectWriter
opts Options
sessionToken *session.Object
// New constructs Slicer which writes sliced ready-to-go objects owned by
// particular user into the specified container using provided ObjectWriter.
// All objects are signed using provided neofscrypto.Signer.
// If ObjectWriter returns data streams which provide io.Closer, they are closed
// in Slicer.Slice after the payload of any object has been written. In this
// case, Slicer.Slice fails immediately on Close error.
// Options parameter allows you to provide optional parameters which tune
// the default Slicer behavior. They are detailed below.
// If payload size limit is specified via Options.SetObjectPayloadLimit,
// outgoing objects has payload not bigger than the limit. NeoFS stores the
// corresponding value in the network configuration. Ignore this option if you
// don't (want to) have access to it. By default, single object is limited by
// 1MB. Slicer uses this value to enforce the maximum object payload size limit
// described in the NeoFS Specification. If the total amount of data exceeds the
// specified limit, Slicer applies the slicing algorithm described within the
// same specification. The outcome will be a group of "small" objects containing
// a chunk of data, as well as an auxiliary linking object. All derived objects
// are written to the parameterized ObjectWriter. If the amount of data is
// within the limit, one object is produced. Note that Slicer can write multiple
// objects, but returns the root object ID only.
// If current NeoFS epoch is specified via Options.SetCurrentNeoFSEpoch, it is
// written to the metadata of all resulting objects as a creation epoch.
// See also NewSession.
func New(signer neofscrypto.Signer, cnr cid.ID, owner user.ID, w ObjectWriter, opts Options) *Slicer {
return &Slicer{
signer: signer,
cnr: cnr,
owner: owner,
w: w,
opts: opts,
// NewSession creates Slicer which generates objects within provided session.
// NewSession work similar to New with the detail that the session issuer owns
// the produced objects. Specified session token is written to the metadata of
// all resulting objects. In this case, the object is considered to be created
// by a proxy on behalf of the session issuer.
func NewSession(signer neofscrypto.Signer, cnr cid.ID, token session.Object, w ObjectWriter, opts Options) *Slicer {
return &Slicer{
signer: signer,
cnr: cnr,
owner: token.Issuer(),
w: w,
opts: opts,
sessionToken: &token,
// fillCommonMetadata writes to the object metadata common to all objects of the
// same stream.
func (x *Slicer) fillCommonMetadata(obj *object.Object) {
currentVersion := version.Current()
// Slice creates new NeoFS object from the input data stream, associates the
// object with the configured container and writes the object via underlying
// ObjectWriter. After a successful write, Slice returns an oid.ID which is a
// unique reference to the object in the container. Slice sets all required
// calculated fields like payload length, checksum, etc.
// Slice allows you to specify string key-value pairs to be written to the
// resulting object's metadata as object attributes. Corresponding argument MUST
// NOT be empty or have odd length. Keys SHOULD NOT start with system-reserved
// '__NEOFS__' prefix.
// See New for details.
func (x *Slicer) Slice(data io.Reader, attributes ...string) (oid.ID, error) {
if len(attributes)%2 != 0 {
panic("attributes must be even number of strings")
if x.opts.objectPayloadLimit == 0 {
x.opts.objectPayloadLimit = 1 << 20
var rootID oid.ID
var rootHeader object.Object
var rootMeta dynamicObjectMetadata
var offset uint64
var isSplit bool
var childMeta dynamicObjectMetadata
var writtenChildren []oid.ID
var childHeader object.Object
bChunk := make([]byte, x.opts.objectPayloadLimit+1)
for {
n, err := data.Read(bChunk[offset:])
if err == nil {
if last := offset + uint64(n); last <= x.opts.objectPayloadLimit {
if isSplit {
offset = last
// data is not over, and we expect more bytes to form next object
} else {
if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("read payload chunk: %w", err)
// there will be no more data
toSend := offset + uint64(n)
if toSend <= x.opts.objectPayloadLimit {
// we can finalize the root object and send last part
if len(attributes) > 0 {
attrs := make([]object.Attribute, len(attributes)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(attrs); i++ {
rootID, err = flushObjectMetadata(x.signer, rootMeta, &rootHeader)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("form root object: %w", err)
if isSplit {
// when splitting, root object's header is written into its last child
childID, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, bChunk[:toSend], childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write child object: %w", err)
writtenChildren = append(writtenChildren, childID)
} else {
// root object is single (full < limit), so send it directly
rootID, err = writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, rootHeader, bChunk[:toSend], rootMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write single root object: %w", err)
return rootID, nil
// otherwise, form penultimate object, then do one more iteration for
// simplicity: according to io.Reader, we'll get io.EOF again, but the overflow
// will no longer occur, so we'll finish the loop
// according to buffer size, here we can overflow the object payload limit, e.g.
// 1. full=11B,limit=10B,read=11B (no objects created yet)
// 2. full=21B,limit=10B,read=11B (one object has been already sent with size=10B)
toSend := offset + uint64(n)
overflow := toSend > x.opts.objectPayloadLimit
if overflow {
toSend = x.opts.objectPayloadLimit
// we could read some data even in case of io.EOF, so don't forget pick up the tail
if n > 0 {
if isSplit {
if overflow {
isSplitCp := isSplit // we modify it in next condition below but need after it
if !isSplit {
// we send only child object below, but we can get here at the beginning (see
// option 1 described above), so we need to pre-init child resources
isSplit = true
childMeta = rootMeta
// we do shallow copy of rootMeta because below we take this into account and do
// not corrupt it
} else {
childID, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, bChunk[:toSend], childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write child object: %w", err)
writtenChildren = append(writtenChildren, childID)
// shift overflow bytes to the beginning
if !isSplitCp {
childMeta = dynamicObjectMetadata{} // to avoid rootMeta corruption
offset = uint64(copy(bChunk, bChunk[toSend:]))
// linking object
_, err := writeInMemObject(x.signer, x.w, childHeader, nil, childMeta)
if err != nil {
return rootID, fmt.Errorf("write linking object: %w", err)
return rootID, nil
func flushObjectMetadata(signer neofscrypto.Signer, meta dynamicObjectMetadata, header *object.Object) (oid.ID, error) {
var cs checksum.Checksum
var csBytes [sha256.Size]byte
copy(csBytes[:], meta.checksum.Sum(nil))
var csHomoBytes [tz.Size]byte
copy(csHomoBytes[:], meta.homomorphicChecksum.Sum(nil))
id, err := object.CalculateID(header)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("calculate ID: %w", err)
bID, err := id.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("marshal object ID: %w", err)
var sig neofscrypto.Signature
err = sig.Calculate(signer, bID)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("sign object ID: %w", err)
return id, nil
func writeInMemObject(signer neofscrypto.Signer, w ObjectWriter, header object.Object, payload []byte, meta dynamicObjectMetadata) (oid.ID, error) {
id, err := flushObjectMetadata(signer, meta, &header)
if err != nil {
return id, err
stream, err := w.InitDataStream(header)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("init data stream for next object: %w", err)
_, err = stream.Write(payload)
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("write object payload: %w", err)
if c, ok := stream.(io.Closer); ok {
err = c.Close()
if err != nil {
return id, fmt.Errorf("finish object stream: %w", err)
return id, nil
// dynamicObjectMetadata groups accumulated object metadata which depends on
// payload.
type dynamicObjectMetadata struct {
length uint64
checksum hash.Hash
homomorphicChecksum hash.Hash
// accumulateNextPayloadChunk handles the next payload chunk and updates the
// accumulated metadata.
func (x *dynamicObjectMetadata) accumulateNextPayloadChunk(chunk []byte) {
x.length += uint64(len(chunk))
// reset resets all accumulated metadata.
func (x *dynamicObjectMetadata) reset() {
x.length = 0
if x.checksum != nil {
} else {
x.checksum = sha256.New()
if x.homomorphicChecksum != nil {
} else {
x.homomorphicChecksum = tz.New()