forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go
441 lines
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441 lines
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package eacl
import (
v2acl ""
// Action taken if ContainerEACL record matched request.
// Action is compatible with v2 acl.Action enum.
type Action uint32
const (
// ActionUnknown is an Action value used to mark action as undefined.
ActionUnknown Action = iota
// ActionAllow is an Action value that allows access to the operation from context.
// ActionDeny is an Action value that denies access to the operation from context.
// Operation is a object service method to match request.
// Operation is compatible with v2 acl.Operation enum.
type Operation uint32
const (
// OperationUnknown is an Operation value used to mark operation as undefined.
OperationUnknown Operation = iota
// OperationGet is an object get Operation.
// OperationHead is an Operation of getting the object header.
// OperationPut is an object put Operation.
// OperationDelete is an object delete Operation.
// OperationSearch is an object search Operation.
// OperationRange is an object payload range retrieval Operation.
// OperationRangeHash is an object payload range hashing Operation.
// Role is a group of request senders to match request.
// Role is compatible with v2 acl.Role enum.
type Role uint32
const (
// RoleUnknown is a Role value used to mark role as undefined.
RoleUnknown Role = iota
// RoleUser is a group of senders that contains only key of container owner.
// RoleSystem is a group of senders that contains keys of container nodes and
// inner ring nodes.
// RoleOthers is a group of senders that contains none of above keys.
// Match is binary operation on filer name and value to check if request is matched.
// Match is compatible with v2 acl.MatchType enum.
type Match uint32
const (
// MatchUnknown is a Match value used to mark matcher as undefined.
MatchUnknown Match = iota
// MatchStringEqual is a Match of string equality.
// MatchStringNotEqual is a Match of string inequality.
// FilterHeaderType indicates source of headers to make matches.
// FilterHeaderType is compatible with v2 acl.HeaderType enum.
type FilterHeaderType uint32
const (
// HeaderTypeUnknown is a FilterHeaderType value used to mark header type as undefined.
HeaderTypeUnknown FilterHeaderType = iota
// HeaderFromRequest is a FilterHeaderType for request X-Header.
// HeaderFromObject is a FilterHeaderType for object header.
// HeaderFromService is a FilterHeaderType for service header.
// ToV2 converts Action to v2 Action enum value.
func (a Action) ToV2() v2acl.Action {
switch a {
case ActionAllow:
return v2acl.ActionAllow
case ActionDeny:
return v2acl.ActionDeny
return v2acl.ActionUnknown
// ActionFromV2 converts v2 Action enum value to Action.
func ActionFromV2(action v2acl.Action) (a Action) {
switch action {
case v2acl.ActionAllow:
a = ActionAllow
case v2acl.ActionDeny:
a = ActionDeny
a = ActionUnknown
return a
// EncodeToString returns string representation of Action.
// String mapping:
// - ActionAllow: ALLOW;
// - ActionDeny: DENY;
// - ActionUnknown, default: ACTION_UNSPECIFIED.
func (a Action) EncodeToString() string {
return a.ToV2().String()
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
// String is designed to be human-readable, and its format MAY differ between
// SDK versions. String MAY return same result as EncodeToString. String MUST NOT
// be used to encode ID into NeoFS protocol string.
func (a Action) String() string {
return a.EncodeToString()
// DecodeString parses Action from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to EncodeToString().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (a *Action) DecodeString(s string) bool {
var g v2acl.Action
ok := g.FromString(s)
if ok {
*a = ActionFromV2(g)
return ok
// ToV2 converts Operation to v2 Operation enum value.
func (o Operation) ToV2() v2acl.Operation {
switch o {
case OperationGet:
return v2acl.OperationGet
case OperationHead:
return v2acl.OperationHead
case OperationPut:
return v2acl.OperationPut
case OperationDelete:
return v2acl.OperationDelete
case OperationSearch:
return v2acl.OperationSearch
case OperationRange:
return v2acl.OperationRange
case OperationRangeHash:
return v2acl.OperationRangeHash
return v2acl.OperationUnknown
// OperationFromV2 converts v2 Operation enum value to Operation.
func OperationFromV2(operation v2acl.Operation) (o Operation) {
switch operation {
case v2acl.OperationGet:
o = OperationGet
case v2acl.OperationHead:
o = OperationHead
case v2acl.OperationPut:
o = OperationPut
case v2acl.OperationDelete:
o = OperationDelete
case v2acl.OperationSearch:
o = OperationSearch
case v2acl.OperationRange:
o = OperationRange
case v2acl.OperationRangeHash:
o = OperationRangeHash
o = OperationUnknown
return o
// EncodeToString returns string representation of Operation.
// String mapping:
// - OperationGet: GET;
// - OperationHead: HEAD;
// - OperationPut: PUT;
// - OperationDelete: DELETE;
// - OperationSearch: SEARCH;
// - OperationRange: GETRANGE;
// - OperationRangeHash: GETRANGEHASH;
// - OperationUnknown, default: OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED.
func (o Operation) EncodeToString() string {
return o.ToV2().String()
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
// String is designed to be human-readable, and its format MAY differ between
// SDK versions. String MAY return same result as EncodeToString. String MUST NOT
// be used to encode ID into NeoFS protocol string.
func (o Operation) String() string {
return o.EncodeToString()
// DecodeString parses Operation from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to EncodeToString().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (o *Operation) DecodeString(s string) bool {
var g v2acl.Operation
ok := g.FromString(s)
if ok {
*o = OperationFromV2(g)
return ok
// ToV2 converts Role to v2 Role enum value.
func (r Role) ToV2() v2acl.Role {
switch r {
case RoleUser:
return v2acl.RoleUser
case RoleSystem:
return v2acl.RoleSystem
case RoleOthers:
return v2acl.RoleOthers
return v2acl.RoleUnknown
// RoleFromV2 converts v2 Role enum value to Role.
func RoleFromV2(role v2acl.Role) (r Role) {
switch role {
case v2acl.RoleUser:
r = RoleUser
case v2acl.RoleSystem:
r = RoleSystem
case v2acl.RoleOthers:
r = RoleOthers
r = RoleUnknown
return r
// EncodeToString returns string representation of Role.
// String mapping:
// - RoleUser: USER;
// - RoleSystem: SYSTEM;
// - RoleOthers: OTHERS;
// - RoleUnknown, default: ROLE_UNKNOWN.
func (r Role) EncodeToString() string {
return r.ToV2().String()
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
// String is designed to be human-readable, and its format MAY differ between
// SDK versions. String MAY return same result as EncodeToString. String MUST NOT
// be used to encode ID into NeoFS protocol string.
func (r Role) String() string {
return r.EncodeToString()
// DecodeString parses Role from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to EncodeToString().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (r *Role) DecodeString(s string) bool {
var g v2acl.Role
ok := g.FromString(s)
if ok {
*r = RoleFromV2(g)
return ok
// ToV2 converts Match to v2 MatchType enum value.
func (m Match) ToV2() v2acl.MatchType {
switch m {
case MatchStringEqual:
return v2acl.MatchTypeStringEqual
case MatchStringNotEqual:
return v2acl.MatchTypeStringNotEqual
return v2acl.MatchTypeUnknown
// MatchFromV2 converts v2 MatchType enum value to Match.
func MatchFromV2(match v2acl.MatchType) (m Match) {
switch match {
case v2acl.MatchTypeStringEqual:
m = MatchStringEqual
case v2acl.MatchTypeStringNotEqual:
m = MatchStringNotEqual
m = MatchUnknown
return m
// EncodeToString returns string representation of Match.
// String mapping:
// - MatchStringEqual: STRING_EQUAL;
// - MatchStringNotEqual: STRING_NOT_EQUAL;
// - MatchUnknown, default: MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED.
func (m Match) EncodeToString() string {
return m.ToV2().String()
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
// String is designed to be human-readable, and its format MAY differ between
// SDK versions. String MAY return same result as EncodeToString. String MUST NOT
// be used to encode ID into NeoFS protocol string.
func (m Match) String() string {
return m.EncodeToString()
// DecodeString parses Match from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to EncodeToString().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (m *Match) DecodeString(s string) bool {
var g v2acl.MatchType
ok := g.FromString(s)
if ok {
*m = MatchFromV2(g)
return ok
// ToV2 converts FilterHeaderType to v2 HeaderType enum value.
func (h FilterHeaderType) ToV2() v2acl.HeaderType {
switch h {
case HeaderFromRequest:
return v2acl.HeaderTypeRequest
case HeaderFromObject:
return v2acl.HeaderTypeObject
case HeaderFromService:
return v2acl.HeaderTypeService
return v2acl.HeaderTypeUnknown
// FilterHeaderTypeFromV2 converts v2 HeaderType enum value to FilterHeaderType.
func FilterHeaderTypeFromV2(header v2acl.HeaderType) (h FilterHeaderType) {
switch header {
case v2acl.HeaderTypeRequest:
h = HeaderFromRequest
case v2acl.HeaderTypeObject:
h = HeaderFromObject
case v2acl.HeaderTypeService:
h = HeaderFromService
h = HeaderTypeUnknown
return h
// EncodeToString returns string representation of FilterHeaderType.
// String mapping:
// - HeaderFromRequest: REQUEST;
// - HeaderFromObject: OBJECT;
// - HeaderTypeUnknown, default: HEADER_UNSPECIFIED.
func (h FilterHeaderType) EncodeToString() string {
return h.ToV2().String()
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
// String is designed to be human-readable, and its format MAY differ between
// SDK versions. String MAY return same result as EncodeToString. String MUST NOT
// be used to encode ID into NeoFS protocol string.
func (h FilterHeaderType) String() string {
return h.EncodeToString()
// DecodeString parses FilterHeaderType from a string representation.
// It is a reverse action to EncodeToString().
// Returns true if s was parsed successfully.
func (h *FilterHeaderType) DecodeString(s string) bool {
var g v2acl.HeaderType
ok := g.FromString(s)
if ok {
*h = FilterHeaderTypeFromV2(g)
return ok