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-# Protocol Documentation
-<a name="top"></a>
-## Table of Contents
-{{range .Files}}
-{{$file_name := .Name}}- [{{.Name}}](#{{.Name}})
-{{if .Services}} - Services
-    {{range .Services}}- [{{.Name}}](#{{.FullName}})
-    {{end}}{{end}}
-{{if .Messages}}  - Messages
-    {{range .Messages}}- [{{.LongName}}](#{{.FullName}})
-    {{end}}{{end}}
-- [Scalar Value Types](#scalar-value-types)
-{{range .Files}}
-{{$file_name := .Name}}
-<a name="{{.Name}}"></a>
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Top</a></p>
-## {{.Name}}
-{{range .Services}}
-<a name="{{.FullName}}"></a>
-### Service "{{.FullName}}"
-{{range .Methods -}}
-  rpc {{.Name}}({{if .RequestStreaming}}stream {{end}}{{.RequestLongType}}) returns ({{if .ResponseStreaming}}stream {{end}}{{.ResponseLongType}});
-{{range .Methods -}}
-#### Method {{.Name}}
-| Name | Input | Output |
-| ---- | ----- | ------ |
-| {{.Name}} | [{{.RequestLongType}}](#{{.RequestFullType}}) | [{{.ResponseLongType}}](#{{.ResponseFullType}}) |
-{{end}}{{end}} <!-- end services -->
-{{range .Messages}}
-<a name="{{.FullName}}"></a>
-### Message {{.LongName}}
-{{if .HasFields}}
-| Field | Type | Label | Description |
-| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
-{{range .Fields -}}
-  | {{.Name}} | [{{.LongType}}](#{{.FullType}}) | {{.Label}} | {{nobr .Description}}{{if .DefaultValue}} Default: {{.DefaultValue}}{{end}} |
-{{end}} <!-- end messages -->
-{{range .Enums}}
-<a name="{{.FullName}}"></a>
-### {{.LongName}}
-| Name | Number | Description |
-| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
-{{range .Values -}}
-  | {{.Name}} | {{.Number}} | {{nobr .Description}} |
-{{end}} <!-- end enums -->
-## Scalar Value Types
-| .proto Type | Notes | C++ Type | Java Type | Python Type |
-| ----------- | ----- | -------- | --------- | ----------- |
-{{range .Scalars -}}
-  | <a name="{{.ProtoType}}" /> {{.ProtoType}} | {{.Notes}} | {{.CppType}} | {{.JavaType}} | {{.PythonType}} |
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index 31c87f6..ca3684b 100644
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-# NeoFS API
+<p align="center">
+<img src="./.github/logo.svg" width="500px" alt="NeoFS">
+<p align="center">
+  Golang SDK for <a href="https://fs.neo.org">NeoFS</a>
 [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/nspcc-dev/neofs-api.svg)](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go)
 ![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/nspcc-dev/neofs-api.svg?style=popout)
+# Overview
-NeoFS API repository contains implementation of core NeoFS structures that
-can be used for integration with NeoFS. 
-## Сompatibility
-[neofs-api v1.1.0]: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api/releases/tag/v1.1.0
-[neofs-api-go v1.1.0]: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/releases/tag/v1.1.0
-* [neofs-api-go v1.1.0] supports [neofs-api v1.1.0]
-[neofs-api v1.2.0]: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api/releases/tag/v1.2.0
-[neofs-api-go v1.2.0]: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/releases/tag/v1.2.0
-* [neofs-api-go v1.2.0] supports [neofs-api v1.2.0]
-[neofs-api-go v1.3.0]: https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/releases/tag/v1.3.0
-* [neofs-api-go v1.3.0] supports [neofs-api v1.2.0]
-## Description
-Repository contains 13 packages that implement NeoFS core structures. These
-packages mostly contain protobuf files with service and structure definitions 
-or NeoFS core types with complemented functions. 
-There is a auto-generated documentation for protobuf files in [docs](docs).
-### Accounting
-Accounting package defines services and structures for accounting operations: 
-balance request and `cheque` operations for withdraw. `Cheque` is a structure
-with inner ring signatures, which approve that user can withdraw requested
-amount of assets. NeoFS smart contract takes binary formatted `cheque` as a 
-parameter in withdraw call. 
-#### API
-Accounting package defines: 
-- [Accounting service](docs/accounting.md#accounting.Accounting)
-- [Withdraw service](docs/accounting.md#accounting.Withdraw)
-### Bootstrap
-Bootstrap package defines bootstrap service which is used by storage nodes to
-connect to the storage network. 
-#### API
-Bootstrap package defines:
-- [Bootstrap service](docs/bootstrap.md#bootstrap.Bootstrap)
-### Chain
-Chain package contains util functions for operations with NEO Blockchain types:
-wallet addresses, script-hashes. 
-### Container
-Container package defines service and structures for operations with containers.
-Objects in NeoFS are stored in containers. Container defines storage 
-policy for the objects. 
-#### API
-Bootstrap package defines:
-- [Container service](docs/container.md#container.Service)
-### Decimal
-Decimal defines custom decimal implementation which is used in accounting
-### Hash
-Hash package defines homomorphic hash type.
-### Internal
-Internal package defines constant error type and proto interface for custom
-protobuf structures. 
-### Object
-Object package defines service and structures for object operations. Object is 
-a core storage structure in NeoFS. Package contains detailed information
-about object internal structure.
-#### API
-Object package defines:
-- [Object service](docs/object.md#object.Service)
-### Query
-Query package defines structure for object search requests. 
-### Refs
-Refs package defines core identity types: Object ID, Container ID, etc.
-### Service
-Service package defines util structure and functions for all NeoFS services
-operations: TTL and request signature management, node roles, epoch retriever. 
-### Session
-Session package defines service and structures for session obtain. Object
-operations require an established session with pair of session keys signed by 
-owner of the object. 
-#### API
-Session package defines:
-- [Session service](docs/session.md#session.Session)
-### State
-State package defines service and structures for metrics gathering. 
-#### API
-State package defines:
-- [Status service](docs/state.md#state.Status)
-## How to use
-NeoFS API packages contain godoc documentation. Examples of using most of 
-these packages can be found in NeoFS-CLI repository. CLI implements and 
-demonstrates all basic interactions with NeoFS: container, object, storage 
-group, and accounting operations. 
-Protobuf files are recompiled with the command:
-$ make protoc
+Go implementation of recent [NeoFS API](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api)
+versions and SDK layer working with all of them in a handy way.
 ## Contributing
-At this moment, we do not accept contributions. 
+Feel free to contribute to this project after reading the [contributing
+Before starting to work on a certain topic, create an new issue first,
+describing the feature/topic you are going to implement.
 ## License
-This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - 
+This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License -
 see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details