#!/usr/bin/make -f SHELL = bash REPO ?= $(shell go list -m) VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags --dirty --always)" HUB_IMAGE ?= nspccdev/neofs HUB_TAG ?= "$(shell echo ${VERSION} | sed 's/^v//')" BIN = bin DIRS= $(BIN) # List of binaries to build. May be automated. CMDS = neofs-node neofs-ir CMS = $(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(CMDS)) BINS = $(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(CMDS)) .PHONY: help all dep clean fmts fmt imports test lint docker/lint # To build a specific binary, use it's name prefix with bin/ as a target # For example `make bin/neofs-node` will build only storage node binary # Just `make` will build all possible binaries all: $(DIRS) $(BINS) $(BINS): $(DIRS) dep @echo "⇒ Build $@" CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go build -v -trimpath \ -ldflags "-X ${REPO}/misc.Version=$(VERSION) -X ${REPO}/misc.Build=${BUILD}" \ -o $@ ./cmd/$(notdir $@) $(DIRS): @echo "⇒ Ensure dir: $@" @mkdir -p $@ # Pull go dependencies dep: @printf "⇒ Tidy requirements : " CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go mod tidy -v && echo OK @printf "⇒ Download requirements: " CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go mod download && echo OK @printf "⇒ Install test requirements: " CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go test -i ./... && echo OK # Regenerate proto files: protoc: @GOPRIVATE=github.com/nspcc-dev go mod vendor # Install specific version for gogo-proto @go list -f '{{.Path}}/...@{{.Version}}' -m github.com/gogo/protobuf | xargs go get -v # Install specific version for protobuf lib @go list -f '{{.Path}}/...@{{.Version}}' -m github.com/golang/protobuf | xargs go get -v # Protoc generate @for f in `find . -type f -name '*.proto' -not -path './vendor/*'`; do \ echo "⇒ Processing $$f "; \ protoc \ --proto_path=.:./vendor:./vendor/github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go:/usr/local/include \ --gofast_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:. $$f; \ done rm -rf vendor # Build NeoFS Storage Node docker image image-%: @echo "⇒ Build NeoFS $* docker image " @docker build \ --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile.$* \ -t $(HUB_IMAGE)-$*:$(HUB_TAG) . # Build all Docker images images: image-storage image-ir # Run all code formaters fmts: fmt imports # Reformat code fmt: @echo "⇒ Processing gofmt check" @GO111MODULE=on gofmt -s -w cmd/ pkg/ misc/ # Reformat imports imports: @echo "⇒ Processing goimports check" @GO111MODULE=on goimports -w cmd/ pkg/ misc/ # Run Unit Test with go test test: @echo "⇒ Runnning go test" @GO111MODULE=on go test ./... # Run linters lint: @golangci-lint run # Run linters in Docker docker/lint: docker run --rm -it \ -v `pwd`:/src \ -u `stat -c "%u:%g" .` \ --env HOME=/src \ golangci/golangci-lint:v1.30 bash -c 'cd /src/ && make lint' # Print version version: @echo $(VERSION) # Show this help prompt help: @echo ' Usage:' @echo '' @echo ' make <target>' @echo '' @echo ' Targets:' @echo '' @awk '/^#/{ comment = substr($$0,3) } comment && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ?:/{ print " ", $$1, comment }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -t -s ':' | grep -v 'IGNORE' | sort -u clean: rm -rf vendor rm -rf $(BIN)