Pavel Karpy e5748bfc96 [] innerring/notary: Change notary deposit logic
IR tries to keep 1:3 proportion of GAS and
notary balances respectively. If that proportion
has been messed(means that notary balance is
lower than required) it sends half of its
GAS balance to the notary service.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
2021-10-15 12:22:25 +03:00

173 lines
5 KiB

package innerring
import (
control ""
const voteMethod = "vote"
var (
persistateMainChainLastBlockKey = []byte("main_chain_last_processed_block")
persistateSideChainLastBlockKey = []byte("side_chain_last_processed_block")
// EpochCounter is a getter for a global epoch counter.
func (s *Server) EpochCounter() uint64 {
return s.epochCounter.Load()
// SetEpochCounter is a setter for contract processors to update global
// epoch counter.
func (s *Server) SetEpochCounter(val uint64) {
// EpochDuration is a getter for a global epoch duration.
func (s *Server) EpochDuration() uint64 {
return s.epochDuration.Load()
// SetEpochDuration is a setter for the Netmap processor to update global
// epoch duration.
func (s *Server) SetEpochDuration(val uint64) {
// IsActive is a getter for a global active flag state.
func (s *Server) IsActive() bool {
return s.InnerRingIndex() >= 0
// IsAlphabet is a getter for a global alphabet flag state.
func (s *Server) IsAlphabet() bool {
return s.AlphabetIndex() >= 0
// InnerRingIndex is a getter for a global index of node in inner ring list. Negative
// index means that node is not in the inner ring list.
func (s *Server) InnerRingIndex() int {
index, err := s.statusIndex.InnerRingIndex()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("can't get inner ring index", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
return -1
return int(index)
// InnerRingSize is a getter for a global size of inner ring list. This value
// paired with inner ring index.
func (s *Server) InnerRingSize() int {
size, err := s.statusIndex.InnerRingSize()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("can't get inner ring size", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
return 0
return int(size)
// AlphabetIndex is a getter for a global index of node in alphabet list.
// Negative index means that node is not in the alphabet list.
func (s *Server) AlphabetIndex() int {
index, err := s.statusIndex.AlphabetIndex()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("can't get alphabet index", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
return -1
return int(index)
func (s *Server) voteForSidechainValidator(validators keys.PublicKeys) error {
index := s.InnerRingIndex()
if s.contracts.alphabet.indexOutOfRange(index) {
s.log.Info("ignore validator vote: node not in alphabet range")
return nil
if len(validators) == 0 {
s.log.Info("ignore validator vote: empty validators list")
return nil
epoch := s.EpochCounter()
s.contracts.alphabet.iterate(func(letter GlagoliticLetter, contract util.Uint160) {
// FIXME: do not use constant nonce for alphabet NR: #844
err := s.morphClient.NotaryInvoke(contract, s.feeConfig.SideChainFee(), 1, voteMethod, int64(epoch), validators)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't invoke vote method in alphabet contract",
zap.Int8("alphabet_index", int8(letter)),
zap.Uint64("epoch", epoch),
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
return nil
// InitAndVoteForSidechainValidator is a public function to use outside of
// inner ring daemon execution. It initialize inner ring structure with data
// from blockchain and then calls vote method on alphabet contracts.
func (s *Server) InitAndVoteForSidechainValidator(validators keys.PublicKeys) error {
err := s.initConfigFromBlockchain()
if err != nil {
return err
return s.VoteForSidechainValidator(validators)
// VoteForSidechainValidator calls vote method on alphabet contracts with
// provided list of keys.
func (s *Server) VoteForSidechainValidator(validators keys.PublicKeys) error {
return s.voteForSidechainValidator(validators)
// WriteReport composes audit result structure from audit report
// and sends it to Audit contract.
func (s *Server) WriteReport(r *audit.Report) error {
res := r.Result()
return s.auditClient.PutAuditResult(res)
// ResetEpochTimer resets block timer that produces events to update epoch
// counter in netmap contract. Used to synchronize this even production
// based on block with notification of last epoch.
func (s *Server) ResetEpochTimer() error {
return s.epochTimer.Reset()
func (s *Server) setHealthStatus(hs control.HealthStatus) {
// HealthStatus returns current health status of IR application.
func (s *Server) HealthStatus() control.HealthStatus {
return s.healthStatus.Load().(control.HealthStatus)
func initPersistentStateStorage(cfg *viper.Viper) (*state.PersistentStorage, error) {
persistPath := cfg.GetString("node.persistent_state.path")
persistStorage, err := state.NewPersistentStorage(persistPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("persistent state init error: %w", err)
return persistStorage, nil