import logging

import allure
import pytest
from epoch import get_epoch
from file_helper import generate_file, get_file_hash
from frostfs_testlib.resources.common import OBJECT_NOT_FOUND
from pytest import FixtureRequest
from python_keywords.container import create_container
from python_keywords.frostfs_verbs import get_object_from_random_node, put_object_to_random_node
from utility import wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes

from steps.cluster_test_base import ClusterTestBase

logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")

class TestObjectApiLifetime(ClusterTestBase):
    @allure.title("Test object life time")
        [pytest.lazy_fixture("simple_object_size"), pytest.lazy_fixture("complex_object_size")],
        ids=["simple object", "complex object"],
    def test_object_api_lifetime(
        self, default_wallet: str, request: FixtureRequest, object_size: int
        Test object deleted after expiration epoch.

        allure.dynamic.title(f"Test object life time for {}")

        wallet = default_wallet
        endpoint = self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint
        cid = create_container(wallet,, endpoint)

        file_path = generate_file(object_size)
        file_hash = get_file_hash(file_path)
        epoch = get_epoch(, self.cluster)

        oid = put_object_to_random_node(
            wallet, file_path, cid,, self.cluster, expire_at=epoch + 1
        got_file = get_object_from_random_node(wallet, cid, oid,, self.cluster)
        assert get_file_hash(got_file) == file_hash

        with allure.step("Tick two epochs"):
            for _ in range(2):

        # Wait for GC, because object with expiration is counted as alive until GC removes it

        with allure.step("Check object deleted because it expires-on epoch"):
            with pytest.raises(Exception, match=OBJECT_NOT_FOUND):
                get_object_from_random_node(wallet, cid, oid,, self.cluster)