package storage

import (

	storagedriver ""

const (
	fileWriterBufferSize = 5 << 20

// fileWriter implements a remote file writer backed by a storage driver.
type fileWriter struct {
	driver storagedriver.StorageDriver

	ctx context.Context

	// identifying fields
	path string

	// mutable fields
	size   int64 // size of the file, aka the current end
	offset int64 // offset is the current write offset
	err    error // terminal error, if set, reader is closed

type bufferedFileWriter struct {
	bw *bufio.Writer

// fileWriterInterface makes the desired io compliant interface that the
// filewriter should implement.
type fileWriterInterface interface {

var _ fileWriterInterface = &fileWriter{}

// newFileWriter returns a prepared fileWriter for the driver and path. This
// could be considered similar to an "open" call on a regular filesystem.
func newFileWriter(ctx context.Context, driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, path string) (*bufferedFileWriter, error) {
	fw := fileWriter{
		driver: driver,
		path:   path,
		ctx:    ctx,

	if fi, err := driver.Stat(ctx, path); err != nil {
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case storagedriver.PathNotFoundError:
			// ignore, offset is zero
			return nil, err
	} else {
		if fi.IsDir() {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot write to a directory")

		fw.size = fi.Size()

	buffered := bufferedFileWriter{
		fileWriter: fw,
	} = bufio.NewWriterSize(&buffered.fileWriter, fileWriterBufferSize)

	return &buffered, nil

// wraps the fileWriter.Write method to buffer small writes
func (bfw *bufferedFileWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {

// wraps fileWriter.Close to ensure the buffer is flushed
// before we close the writer.
func (bfw *bufferedFileWriter) Close() (err error) {
	if err = bfw.Flush(); err != nil {
		return err
	err = bfw.fileWriter.Close()
	return err

// wraps fileWriter.Seek to ensure offset is handled
// correctly in respect to pending data in the buffer
func (bfw *bufferedFileWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
	if err := bfw.Flush(); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return bfw.fileWriter.Seek(offset, whence)

// wraps bufio.Writer.Flush to allow intermediate flushes
// of the bufferedFileWriter
func (bfw *bufferedFileWriter) Flush() error {

// Write writes the buffer p at the current write offset.
func (fw *fileWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	nn, err := fw.ReadFrom(bytes.NewReader(p))
	return int(nn), err

// ReadFrom reads reader r until io.EOF writing the contents at the current
// offset.
func (fw *fileWriter) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
	if fw.err != nil {
		return 0, fw.err

	nn, err := fw.driver.WriteStream(fw.ctx, fw.path, fw.offset, r)

	// We should forward the offset, whether or not there was an error.
	// Basically, we keep the filewriter in sync with the reader's head. If an
	// error is encountered, the whole thing should be retried but we proceed
	// from an expected offset, even if the data didn't make it to the
	// backend.
	fw.offset += nn

	if fw.offset > fw.size {
		fw.size = fw.offset

	return nn, err

// Seek moves the write position do the requested offest based on the whence
// argument, which can be os.SEEK_CUR, os.SEEK_END, or os.SEEK_SET.
func (fw *fileWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
	if fw.err != nil {
		return 0, fw.err

	var err error
	newOffset := fw.offset

	switch whence {
	case os.SEEK_CUR:
		newOffset += int64(offset)
	case os.SEEK_END:
		newOffset = fw.size + int64(offset)
	case os.SEEK_SET:
		newOffset = int64(offset)

	if newOffset < 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("cannot seek to negative position")
	} else {
		// No problems, set the offset.
		fw.offset = newOffset

	return fw.offset, err

// Close closes the fileWriter for writing.
// Calling it once is valid and correct and it will
// return a nil error. Calling it subsequent times will
// detect that fw.err has been set and will return the error.
func (fw *fileWriter) Close() error {
	if fw.err != nil {
		return fw.err

	fw.err = fmt.Errorf("filewriter@%v: closed", fw.path)

	return nil