syntax = "proto3"; package netmap; option go_package = ""; option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Netmap"; message PlacementRule { uint32 ReplFactor = 1; message SFGroup { message Filter { string Key = 1; message SimpleFilters { repeated SimpleFilter Filters = 1; } message SimpleFilter { enum Operation { NP = 0; EQ = 1; NE = 2; GT = 3; GE = 4; LT = 5; LE = 6; OR = 7; AND = 8; } Operation Op = 1; oneof Args { string Value = 2; SimpleFilters FArgs = 3; } } SimpleFilter F = 2; } repeated Filter Filters = 1; message Selector { uint32 Count = 1; string Key = 2; } repeated Selector Selectors = 2; repeated uint32 Exclude = 3; } repeated SFGroup SFGroups = 2; } // Groups the information about the NeoFS node. message NodeInfo { // Carries network address of the NeoFS node. string Address = 1; // Carries public key of the NeoFS node in a binary format. bytes PublicKey = 2; // Groups attributes of the NeoFS node. message Attribute { // Carries string key to the node attribute. string Key = 1; // Carries string value of the node attribute. string Value = 2; } // // Carries list of the NeoFS node attributes in a string key-value format. repeated Attribute Attributes = 3; // Represents the enumeration of various states of the NeoFS node. enum State { // Undefined state. Unknown = 0; // Active state on the network. Online = 1; // Network unavailable state. Offline = 2; } // Carries state of the NeoFS node. State state = 4; }