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package uploader
import (
var neofsAttributeHeaderPrefixes = [...][]byte{[]byte("Neofs-"), []byte("NEOFS-"), []byte("neofs-")}
func systemTranslator(key, prefix []byte) []byte {
// replace the specified prefix with `__NEOFS__`
key = bytes.Replace(key, prefix, []byte(utils.SystemAttributePrefix), 1)
// replace `-` with `_`
key = bytes.ReplaceAll(key, []byte("-"), []byte("_"))
// replace with uppercase
return bytes.ToUpper(key)
func filterHeaders(l *zap.Logger, header *fasthttp.RequestHeader) (map[string]string, error) {
var err error
result := make(map[string]string)
prefix := []byte(utils.UserAttributeHeaderPrefix)
header.VisitAll(func(key, val []byte) {
// checks that the key and the val not empty
if len(key) == 0 || len(val) == 0 {
// checks that the key has attribute prefix
if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, prefix) {
// removing attribute prefix
clearKey := bytes.TrimPrefix(key, prefix)
// checks that it's a system NeoFS header
for _, system := range neofsAttributeHeaderPrefixes {
if bytes.HasPrefix(clearKey, system) {
clearKey = systemTranslator(clearKey, system)
// checks that the attribute key is not empty
if len(clearKey) == 0 {
// check if key gets duplicated
// return error containing full key name (with prefix)
if _, ok := result[string(clearKey)]; ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("key duplication error: %s", string(key))
// make string representation of key / val
k, v := string(clearKey), string(val)
result[k] = v
l.Debug("add attribute to result object",
zap.String("key", k),
zap.String("val", v))
return result, err
func prepareExpirationHeader(headers map[string]string, epochDurations *epochDurations, now time.Time) error {
expirationInEpoch := headers[object.SysAttributeExpEpoch]
if timeRFC3339, ok := headers[utils.ExpirationRFC3339Attr]; ok {
expTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, timeRFC3339)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse value %s of header %s", timeRFC3339, utils.ExpirationRFC3339Attr)
if expTime.Before(now) {
return fmt.Errorf("value %s of header %s must be in the future", timeRFC3339, utils.ExpirationRFC3339Attr)
updateExpirationHeader(headers, epochDurations, expTime.Sub(now))
delete(headers, utils.ExpirationRFC3339Attr)
if timestamp, ok := headers[utils.ExpirationTimestampAttr]; ok {
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(timestamp, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse value %s of header %s", timestamp, utils.ExpirationTimestampAttr)
expTime := time.Unix(value, 0)
if expTime.Before(now) {
return fmt.Errorf("value %s of header %s must be in the future", timestamp, utils.ExpirationTimestampAttr)
updateExpirationHeader(headers, epochDurations, expTime.Sub(now))
delete(headers, utils.ExpirationTimestampAttr)
if duration, ok := headers[utils.ExpirationDurationAttr]; ok {
expDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(duration)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse value %s of header %s", duration, utils.ExpirationDurationAttr)
if expDuration <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("value %s of header %s must be positive", expDuration, utils.ExpirationDurationAttr)
updateExpirationHeader(headers, epochDurations, expDuration)
delete(headers, utils.ExpirationDurationAttr)
if expirationInEpoch != "" {
headers[object.SysAttributeExpEpoch] = expirationInEpoch
return nil
func updateExpirationHeader(headers map[string]string, durations *epochDurations, expDuration time.Duration) {
epochDuration := uint64(durations.msPerBlock) * durations.blockPerEpoch
currentEpoch := durations.currentEpoch
numEpoch := uint64(expDuration.Milliseconds()) / epochDuration
if uint64(expDuration.Milliseconds())%epochDuration != 0 {
expirationEpoch := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
if numEpoch < math.MaxUint64-currentEpoch {
expirationEpoch = currentEpoch + numEpoch
headers[object.SysAttributeExpEpoch] = strconv.FormatUint(expirationEpoch, 10)