forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw
Fallback path to search is needed because some software may keep FileName attribute and ignore FilePath attribute during file upload. Therefore, if this feature is enabled under certain conditions (for more information, see a search will be performed for the FileName attribute. Signed-off-by: Roman Loginov <>
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package logs
const (
CouldntParseCreationDate = "couldn't parse creation date" // Info in ../../downloader/*
CouldNotDetectContentTypeFromPayload = "could not detect Content-Type from payload" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotReceiveObject = "could not receive object" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
WrongObjectID = "wrong object id" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
GetLatestObjectVersion = "get latest object version" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectWasDeleted = "object was deleted" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotSearchForObjects = "could not search for objects" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectNotFound = "object not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ReadObjectListFailed = "read object list failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
FailedToAddObjectToArchive = "failed to add object to archive" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
IteratingOverSelectedObjectsFailed = "iterating over selected objects failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectsNotFound = "objects not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CloseZipWriter = "close zip writer" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ServiceIsRunning = "service is running" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceCouldntStartOnConfiguredPort = "service couldn't start on configured port" // Warn in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceHasntStartedSinceItsDisabled = "service hasn't started since it's disabled" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ShuttingDownService = "shutting down service" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
CantShutDownService = "can't shut down service" // Panic in ../../metrics/service.go
CantGracefullyShutDownService = "can't gracefully shut down service, force stop" // Error in ../../metrics/service.go
IgnorePartEmptyFormName = "ignore part, empty form name" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
IgnorePartEmptyFilename = "ignore part, empty filename" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CloseTemporaryMultipartFormFile = "close temporary multipart/form file" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotReceiveMultipartForm = "could not receive multipart/form" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotProcessHeaders = "could not process headers" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotParseClientTime = "could not parse client time" // Warn in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotPrepareExpirationHeader = "could not prepare expiration header" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotEncodeResponse = "could not encode response" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotStoreFileInFrostfs = "could not store file in frostfs" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
AddAttributeToResultObject = "add attribute to result object" // Debug in ../../uploader/filter.go
FailedToCreateResolver = "failed to create resolver" // Fatal in ../../app.go
FailedToCreateWorkerPool = "failed to create worker pool" // Fatal in ../../app.go
FailedToReadIndexPageTemplate = "failed to read index page template" // Error in ../../app.go
SetCustomIndexPageTemplate = "set custom index page template" // Info in ../../app.go
ContainerResolverWillBeDisabledBecauseOfResolversResolverOrderIsEmpty = "container resolver will be disabled because of resolvers 'resolver_order' is empty" // Info in ../../app.go
MetricsAreDisabled = "metrics are disabled" // Warn in ../../app.go
NoWalletPathSpecifiedCreatingEphemeralKeyAutomaticallyForThisRun = "no wallet path specified, creating ephemeral key automatically for this run" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingApplication = "starting application" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingServer = "starting server" // Info in ../../app.go
ListenAndServe = "listen and serve" // Fatal in ../../app.go
ShuttingDownWebServer = "shutting down web server" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToShutdownTracing = "failed to shutdown tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadStarted = "SIGHUP config reload started" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfigBecauseItsMissed = "failed to reload config because it's missed" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfig = "failed to reload config" // Warn in ../../app.go
LogLevelWontBeUpdated = "log level won't be updated" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToUpdateResolvers = "failed to update resolvers" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadServerParameters = "failed to reload server parameters" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadCompleted = "SIGHUP config reload completed" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathUploadCid = "added path /upload/{cid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetCidOid = "added path /get/{cid}/{oid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetByAttributeCidAttrKeyAttrVal = "added path /get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val:*}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathZipCidPrefix = "added path /zip/{cid}/{prefix}" // Info in ../../app.go
Request = "request" // Info in ../../app.go
CouldNotFetchAndStoreBearerToken = "could not fetch and store bearer token" // Error in ../../app.go
FailedToAddServer = "failed to add server" // Warn in ../../app.go
AddServer = "add server" // Info in ../../app.go
NoHealthyServers = "no healthy servers" // Fatal in ../../app.go
FailedToInitializeTracing = "failed to initialize tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
TracingConfigUpdated = "tracing config updated" // Info in ../../app.go
ResolverNNSWontBeUsedSinceRPCEndpointIsntProvided = "resolver nns won't be used since rpc_endpoint isn't provided" // Warn in ../../app.go
RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped" // Warn in ../../app.go
RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated = "soft runtime memory limit value updated" // Info in ../../app.go
CouldNotLoadFrostFSPrivateKey = "could not load FrostFS private key" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
UsingCredentials = "using credentials" // Info in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateConnectionPool = "failed to create connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialConnectionPool = "failed to dial connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateTreePool = "failed to create tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialTreePool = "failed to dial tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
AddedStoragePeer = "added storage peer" // Info in ../../settings.go
CouldntGetBucket = "could not get bucket" // Error in ../handler/utils.go
CouldntPutBucketIntoCache = "couldn't put bucket info into cache" // Warn in ../handler/handler.go
FailedToSumbitTaskToPool = "failed to submit task to pool" // Error in ../handler/browse.go
FailedToHeadObject = "failed to head object" // Error in ../handler/browse.go
FailedToIterateOverResponse = "failed to iterate over search response" // Error in ../handler/browse.go
InvalidCacheEntryType = "invalid cache entry type" // Warn in ../cache/buckets.go
InvalidLifetimeUsingDefaultValue = "invalid lifetime, using default value (in seconds)" // Error in ../../cmd/http-gw/settings.go
InvalidCacheSizeUsingDefaultValue = "invalid cache size, using default value" // Error in ../../cmd/http-gw/settings.go
FailedToUnescapeQuery = "failed to unescape query"
ServerReconnecting = "reconnecting server..."
ServerReconnectedSuccessfully = "server reconnected successfully"
ServerReconnectFailed = "failed to reconnect server"
WarnDuplicateAddress = "duplicate address"
MultinetDialSuccess = "multinet dial successful"
MultinetDialFail = "multinet dial failed"
FailedToLoadMultinetConfig = "failed to load multinet config"
MultinetConfigWontBeUpdated = "multinet config won't be updated"
ObjectNotFoundByFilePathTrySearchByFileName = "object not found by filePath attribute, try search by fileName"