syntax = "proto3";

package control;

import "pkg/services/control/types.proto";

option go_package = "";

// `ControlService` provides an interface for internal work with the storage node.
service ControlService {
    // Performs health check of the storage node.
    rpc HealthCheck (HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);

    // Sets status of the storage node in FrostFS network map.
    rpc SetNetmapStatus (SetNetmapStatusRequest) returns (SetNetmapStatusResponse);

    // Mark objects to be removed from node's local object storage.
    rpc DropObjects (DropObjectsRequest) returns (DropObjectsResponse);

    // Returns list that contains information about all shards of a node.
    rpc ListShards (ListShardsRequest) returns (ListShardsResponse);

    // Sets mode of the shard.
    rpc SetShardMode (SetShardModeRequest) returns (SetShardModeResponse);

    // Synchronizes all log operations for the specified tree.
    rpc SynchronizeTree (SynchronizeTreeRequest) returns (SynchronizeTreeResponse);

    // EvacuateShard moves all data from one shard to the others.
    // Deprecated: Use StartShardEvacuation/GetShardEvacuationStatus/StopShardEvacuation
    rpc EvacuateShard (EvacuateShardRequest) returns (EvacuateShardResponse);

    // StartShardEvacuation starts moving all data from one shard to the others.
    rpc StartShardEvacuation (StartShardEvacuationRequest) returns (StartShardEvacuationResponse);

    // GetShardEvacuationStatus returns evacuation status.
    rpc GetShardEvacuationStatus (GetShardEvacuationStatusRequest) returns (GetShardEvacuationStatusResponse);

    // StopShardEvacuation stops moving all data from one shard to the others.
    rpc StopShardEvacuation (StopShardEvacuationRequest) returns (StopShardEvacuationResponse);

    // FlushCache moves all data from one shard to the others.
    rpc FlushCache (FlushCacheRequest) returns (FlushCacheResponse);

    // Doctor performs storage restructuring operations on engine.
    rpc Doctor (DoctorRequest) returns (DoctorResponse);

    // Add local access policy engine overrides to a node.
    rpc AddChainLocalOverride (AddChainLocalOverrideRequest) returns (AddChainLocalOverrideResponse);

    // Get local access policy engine overrides stored in the node by chain id.
    rpc GetChainLocalOverride (GetChainLocalOverrideRequest) returns (GetChainLocalOverrideResponse);

    // List local access policy engine overrides stored in the node by container id.
    rpc ListChainLocalOverrides (ListChainLocalOverridesRequest) returns (ListChainLocalOverridesResponse);

    // Remove local access policy engine overrides stored in the node by chaind id.
    rpc RemoveChainLocalOverride (RemoveChainLocalOverrideRequest) returns (RemoveChainLocalOverrideResponse);

    // List targets of the local APE overrides stored in the node.
    rpc ListTargetsLocalOverrides (ListTargetsLocalOverridesRequest) returns (ListTargetsLocalOverridesResponse);

    // Flush objects from write-cache and move it to degraded read only mode.
    rpc SealWriteCache(SealWriteCacheRequest) returns (SealWriteCacheResponse);

    // DetachShards detaches and closes shards.
    rpc DetachShards(DetachShardsRequest) returns (DetachShardsResponse);

// Health check request.
message HealthCheckRequest {
    // Health check request body.
    message Body {

    // Body of health check request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Health check request.
message HealthCheckResponse {
    // Health check response body
    message Body {
        // Status of the storage node in FrostFS network map.
        NetmapStatus netmap_status = 1;

        // Health status of storage node application.
        HealthStatus health_status = 2;

    // Body of health check response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Set netmap status request.
message SetNetmapStatusRequest {
    // Set netmap status request body.
    message Body {
        // New storage node status in FrostFS network map.
        // If status is MAINTENANCE, the node checks whether maintenance is
        // allowed in the network settings. In case of prohibition, the request
        // is denied. Otherwise, node switches to local maintenance state. To
        // force local maintenance, use `force_maintenance` flag.
        NetmapStatus status = 1;

        // MAINTENANCE status validation skip flag. If set, node starts local
        // maintenance regardless of network settings. The flag MUST NOT be
        // set for any other status.
        bool force_maintenance = 2;

    // Body of set netmap status request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Set netmap status response.
message SetNetmapStatusResponse {
    // Set netmap status response body
    message Body {

    // Body of set netmap status response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Request to drop the objects.
message DropObjectsRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // List of object addresses to be removed.
        // in FrostFS API binary format.
        repeated bytes address_list = 1;

    // Body of the request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Response to request to drop the objects.
message DropObjectsResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {

    // Body of the response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Request to list all shards of the node.
message ListShardsRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {

    // Body of the request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// ListShards response.
message ListShardsResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {
        // List of the node's shards.
        repeated ShardInfo shards = 1;

    // Body of the response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// Request to set mode of the shard.
message SetShardModeRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // ID of the shard.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;

        // Mode that requested to be set.
        ShardMode mode = 2;

        // Flag signifying whether error counter should be set to 0.
        bool resetErrorCounter = 3;

    // Body of set shard mode request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// SetShardMode response.
message SetShardModeResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {

    // Body of set shard mode response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// SynchronizeTree request.
message SynchronizeTreeRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        bytes container_id = 1;
        string tree_id = 2;
        // Starting height for the synchronization. Can be omitted.
        uint64 height = 3;

    // Body of restore shard request message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// SynchronizeTree response.
message SynchronizeTreeResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {

    // Body of restore shard response message.
    Body body = 1;

    // Body signature.
    Signature signature = 2;

// EvacuateShard request.
message EvacuateShardRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // ID of the shard.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;

        // Flag indicating whether object read errors should be ignored.
        bool ignore_errors = 2;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// EvacuateShard response.
message EvacuateShardResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {
        uint32 count = 1;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// FlushCache request.
message FlushCacheRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // ID of the shard.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;
        // If true, then writecache will be left in read-only mode after flush completed.
        bool seal = 2;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// FlushCache response.
message FlushCacheResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// Doctor request.
message DoctorRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // Number of threads to use for the operation.
        uint32 concurrency = 1;
        // Flag to search engine for duplicate objects and leave only one copy.
        bool remove_duplicates = 2;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// Doctor response.
message DoctorResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// StartShardEvacuation request.
message StartShardEvacuationRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        enum Scope {
            NONE = 0;
            OBJECTS = 1;
            TREES = 2;

        // IDs of the shards.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;
        // Flag indicating whether object read errors should be ignored.
        bool ignore_errors = 2;
        // Evacuation scope.
        uint32 scope = 3;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// StartShardEvacuation response.
message StartShardEvacuationResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {}

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// GetShardEvacuationStatus request.
message GetShardEvacuationStatusRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {}

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// GetShardEvacuationStatus response.
message GetShardEvacuationStatusResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {
        // Evacuate status enum.
        enum Status {
            RUNNING = 1;
            COMPLETED = 2;

        // Unix timestamp value.
        message UnixTimestamp {
            int64 value = 1;

        // Duration in seconds.
        message Duration {
            int64 seconds = 1;

        // Total objects to evacuate count. The value is approximate, so evacuated + failed + skipped == total is not guaranteed after completion.
        uint64 total_objects = 1;
        // Evacuated objects count.
        uint64 evacuated_objects = 2;
        // Failed objects count.
        uint64 failed_objects = 3;

        // Shard IDs.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 4;
        // Evacuation process status.
        Status status = 5;
        // Evacuation process duration.
        Duration duration = 6;
        // Evacuation process started at timestamp.
        UnixTimestamp started_at = 7;
        // Error message if evacuation failed.
        string error_message = 8;

        // Skipped objects count.
        uint64 skipped_objects = 9;

        // Total trees to evacuate count.
        uint64 total_trees = 10;
        // Evacuated trees count.
        uint64 evacuated_trees = 11;
        // Failed trees count.
        uint64 failed_trees = 12;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// StopShardEvacuation request.
message StopShardEvacuationRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {}

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// StopShardEvacuation response.
message StopShardEvacuationResponse {
    // Response body structure.
    message Body {}

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

// AddChainLocalOverride request.
message AddChainLocalOverrideRequest {
    message Body {
        // Target for which the overrides are applied.
        ChainTarget target = 1;

        // Serialized rule chain. If chain ID is left empty
        // in the chain, then it will be generated and returned
        // in the response.
        bytes chain = 2;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// AddChainLocalOverride response.
message AddChainLocalOverrideResponse {
    message Body {
        // Chain ID assigned for the added rule chain.
        // If chain ID is left empty in the request, then
        // it will be generated.
        bytes chain_id = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// GetChainLocalOverride request.
message GetChainLocalOverrideRequest {
    message Body {
        // Target for which the overrides are applied.
        ChainTarget target = 1;

        // Chain ID assigned for the added rule chain.
        bytes chain_id = 2;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// GetChainLocalOverride response.
message GetChainLocalOverrideResponse {
    message Body {
        // Serialized rule chain.
        bytes chain = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// ListChainLocalOverrides request.
message ListChainLocalOverridesRequest {
    message Body {
        // Target for which the overrides are applied.
        ChainTarget target = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// ListChainLocalOverrides response.
message ListChainLocalOverridesResponse {
    message Body {
        // The list of serialized rule chain.
        repeated bytes chains = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// ListTargetsLocalOverrides request.
message ListTargetsLocalOverridesRequest {
    message Body {
        // Target for which the overrides are applied.
        string chainName = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

// ListTargetsLocalOverrides response.
message ListTargetsLocalOverridesResponse {
    message Body {
        // The list of chain targets.
        repeated ChainTarget targets = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

message RemoveChainLocalOverrideRequest {
    message Body {
        // Target for which the overrides are applied.
        ChainTarget target = 1;

        // Chain ID assigned for the added rule chain.
        bytes chain_id = 2;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

message RemoveChainLocalOverrideResponse {
    message Body {
        bool removed = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

message SealWriteCacheRequest {
    // Request body structure.
    message Body {
        // ID of the shard.
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;

        // Flag indicating whether object read errors should be ignored.
        bool ignore_errors = 2;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

message SealWriteCacheResponse {
    message Body {
        message Status {
            bytes shard_ID = 1;
            bool success = 2;
            string error = 3;
        repeated Status results = 1;

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;

message DetachShardsRequest {
    message Body {
        repeated bytes shard_ID = 1;

    Body body = 1;
    Signature signature = 2;

message DetachShardsResponse {
    message Body {

    Body body = 1;

    Signature signature = 2;