package blobovniczatree

import (

	apistatus ""

// Delete deletes object from blobovnicza tree.
// If blobocvnicza ID is specified, only this blobovnicza is processed.
// Otherwise, all Blobovniczas are processed descending weight.
func (b *Blobovniczas) Delete(ctx context.Context, prm common.DeletePrm) (res common.DeleteRes, err error) {
	var (
		success   = false
		startedAt = time.Now()
	defer func() {
		b.metrics.Delete(time.Since(startedAt), success, prm.StorageID != nil)

	ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "Blobovniczas.Delete",
			attribute.String("path", b.rootPath),
			attribute.String("address", prm.Address.EncodeToString()),
			attribute.String("storage_id", hex.EncodeToString(prm.StorageID)),
	defer span.End()

	if b.readOnly {
		return common.DeleteRes{}, common.ErrReadOnly

	var bPrm blobovnicza.DeletePrm

	if prm.StorageID != nil {
		id := blobovnicza.NewIDFromBytes(prm.StorageID)
		blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(id.String())
		if err != nil {
			return res, err

		if res, err = b.deleteObject(ctx, blz, bPrm); err == nil {
			success = true
		return res, err

	activeCache := make(map[string]struct{})
	objectFound := false

	err = b.iterateSortedLeaves(ctx, &prm.Address, func(p string) (bool, error) {
		dirPath := filepath.Dir(p)

		// don't process active blobovnicza of the level twice
		_, ok := activeCache[dirPath]

		res, err = b.deleteObjectFromLevel(ctx, bPrm, p, !ok)
		if err != nil {
			if !blobovnicza.IsErrNotFound(err) {
					zap.String("level", p),
					zap.String("error", err.Error()),

		activeCache[dirPath] = struct{}{}

		if err == nil {
			objectFound = true

		// abort iterator if found, otherwise process all Blobovniczas
		return err == nil, nil

	if err == nil && !objectFound {
		// not found in any blobovnicza
		return common.DeleteRes{}, logicerr.Wrap(apistatus.ObjectNotFound{})
	success = err == nil


// tries to delete object from particular blobovnicza.
// returns no error if object was removed from some blobovnicza of the same level.
func (b *Blobovniczas) deleteObjectFromLevel(ctx context.Context, prm blobovnicza.DeletePrm, blzPath string, tryActive bool) (common.DeleteRes, error) {
	lvlPath := filepath.Dir(blzPath)

	// try to remove from blobovnicza if it is opened
	v, ok := b.opened.Get(blzPath)
	if ok {
		if res, err := b.deleteObject(ctx, v, prm); err == nil {
			return res, err
		} else if !blobovnicza.IsErrNotFound(err) {
				zap.String("path", blzPath),
				zap.String("error", err.Error()),

	// therefore the object is possibly placed in a lighter blobovnicza

	// next we check in the active level blobobnicza:
	//  * the active blobovnicza is always opened.
	active, ok :=[lvlPath]

	if ok && tryActive {
		if res, err := b.deleteObject(ctx, active.blz, prm); err == nil {
			return res, err
		} else if !blobovnicza.IsErrNotFound(err) {
				zap.String("path", blzPath),
				zap.String("error", err.Error()),

	// then object is possibly placed in closed blobovnicza

	// check if it makes sense to try to open the blob
	// (Blobovniczas "after" the active one are empty anyway,
	// and it's pointless to open them).
	if u64FromHexString(filepath.Base(blzPath)) > active.ind {
		return common.DeleteRes{}, logicerr.Wrap(apistatus.ObjectNotFound{})

	// open blobovnicza (cached inside)
	blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(blzPath)
	if err != nil {
		return common.DeleteRes{}, err

	return b.deleteObject(ctx, blz, prm)

// removes object from blobovnicza and returns common.DeleteRes.
func (b *Blobovniczas) deleteObject(ctx context.Context, blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza, prm blobovnicza.DeletePrm) (common.DeleteRes, error) {
	_, err := blz.Delete(ctx, prm)
	return common.DeleteRes{}, err