forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-s3-gw
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211 lines
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package main
import (
const (
destinationStdout string = "stdout"
destinationJournald string = "journald"
var defaultTags = []string{logs.TagApp, logs.TagApp, logs.TagDatapath}
type Logger struct {
logger *zap.Logger
lvl zap.AtomicLevel
func pickLogger(v *viper.Viper, loggerSettings LoggerAppSettings, tagSettings TagFilterSettings) *Logger {
dest := v.GetString(cfgLoggerDestination)
switch dest {
case destinationStdout:
return newStdoutLogger(v, loggerSettings, tagSettings)
case destinationJournald:
return newJournaldLogger(v, loggerSettings, tagSettings)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong destination for logger: %s", dest))
// newStdoutLogger constructs a Logger instance for the current application.
// Panics on failure.
// Logger contains a logger is built from zap's production logging configuration with:
// - parameterized level (debug by default)
// - console encoding
// - ISO8601 time encoding
// - sampling intervals
// and atomic log level to dynamically change it.
// Logger records a stack trace for all messages at or above fatal level.
// See also zapcore.Level, zap.NewProductionConfig, zap.AddStacktrace.
func newStdoutLogger(v *viper.Viper, loggerSettings LoggerAppSettings, tagSettings TagFilterSettings) *Logger {
c := newZapLogConfig(v)
out, errSink, err := openZapSinks(c)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("open zap sinks: %v", err.Error()))
core := zapcore.NewCore(zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(c.EncoderConfig), out, c.Level)
core = applyZapCoreMiddlewares(core, v, loggerSettings, tagSettings)
l := zap.New(core, zap.AddStacktrace(zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.FatalLevel)), zap.ErrorOutput(errSink))
return &Logger{logger: l, lvl: c.Level}
func newJournaldLogger(v *viper.Viper, logSettings LoggerAppSettings, tagSettings TagFilterSettings) *Logger {
c := newZapLogConfig(v)
// We can use NewJSONEncoder instead if, say, frontend
// would like to access journald logs and parse them easily.
encoder := zapjournald.NewPartialEncoder(zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(c.EncoderConfig), zapjournald.SyslogFields)
journalCore := zapjournald.NewCore(c.Level, encoder, &journald.Journal{}, zapjournald.SyslogFields)
core := journalCore.With([]zapcore.Field{
core = applyZapCoreMiddlewares(core, v, logSettings, tagSettings)
l := zap.New(core, zap.AddStacktrace(zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.FatalLevel)))
return &Logger{logger: l, lvl: c.Level}
func openZapSinks(cfg zap.Config) (zapcore.WriteSyncer, zapcore.WriteSyncer, error) {
sink, closeOut, err := zap.Open(cfg.OutputPaths...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
errSink, _, err := zap.Open(cfg.ErrorOutputPaths...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return sink, errSink, nil
var _ zapcore.Core = (*zapCoreTagFilterWrapper)(nil)
type zapCoreTagFilterWrapper struct {
core zapcore.Core
settings TagFilterSettings
extra []zap.Field
type TagFilterSettings interface {
LevelEnabled(tag string, lvl zapcore.Level) bool
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) Enabled(level zapcore.Level) bool {
return c.core.Enabled(level)
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) With(fields []zapcore.Field) zapcore.Core {
return &zapCoreTagFilterWrapper{
core: c.core.With(fields),
settings: c.settings,
extra: append(c.extra, fields...),
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) Check(entry zapcore.Entry, checked *zapcore.CheckedEntry) *zapcore.CheckedEntry {
if c.core.Enabled(entry.Level) {
return checked.AddCore(entry, c)
return checked
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) Write(entry zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) error {
if c.shouldSkip(entry, fields) || c.shouldSkip(entry, c.extra) {
return nil
return c.core.Write(entry, fields)
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) shouldSkip(entry zapcore.Entry, fields []zap.Field) bool {
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Key == logs.TagFieldName && field.Type == zapcore.StringType {
if !c.settings.LevelEnabled(field.String, entry.Level) {
return true
return false
func (c *zapCoreTagFilterWrapper) Sync() error {
return c.core.Sync()
func applyZapCoreMiddlewares(core zapcore.Core, v *viper.Viper, appSettings LoggerAppSettings, tagSettings TagFilterSettings) zapcore.Core {
core = &zapCoreTagFilterWrapper{
core: core,
settings: tagSettings,
if v.GetBool(cfgLoggerSamplingEnabled) {
core = zapcore.NewSamplerWithOptions(core,
zapcore.SamplerHook(func(_ zapcore.Entry, dec zapcore.SamplingDecision) {
if dec&zapcore.LogDropped > 0 {
return core
func newZapLogConfig(v *viper.Viper) zap.Config {
lvl, err := getLogLevel(v)
if err != nil {
c := zap.Config{
Level: zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(lvl),
EncoderConfig: zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig(),
OutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
c.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
return c
func getLogLevel(v *viper.Viper) (zapcore.Level, error) {
var lvl zapcore.Level
lvlStr := v.GetString(cfgLoggerLevel)
err := lvl.UnmarshalText([]byte(lvlStr))
if err != nil {
return lvl, fmt.Errorf("incorrect logger level configuration %s (%v), "+
"value should be one of %v", lvlStr, err, [...]zapcore.Level{
return lvl, nil