// This file is https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/blob/a2b751d1ba71f59175a41f9cae5f159f1044360f/internal/v4a/internal/crypto/ecc.go package crypto import ( "bytes" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/hmac" "encoding/asn1" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "hash" "math" "math/big" ) type ecdsaSignature struct { R, S *big.Int } // ECDSAKey takes the given elliptic curve, and private key (d) byte slice // and returns the private ECDSA key. func ECDSAKey(curve elliptic.Curve, d []byte) *ecdsa.PrivateKey { return ECDSAKeyFromPoint(curve, (&big.Int{}).SetBytes(d)) } // ECDSAKeyFromPoint takes the given elliptic curve and point and returns the // private and public keypair func ECDSAKeyFromPoint(curve elliptic.Curve, d *big.Int) *ecdsa.PrivateKey { pX, pY := curve.ScalarBaseMult(d.Bytes()) privKey := &ecdsa.PrivateKey{ PublicKey: ecdsa.PublicKey{ Curve: curve, X: pX, Y: pY, }, D: d, } return privKey } // ECDSAPublicKey takes the provide curve and (x, y) coordinates and returns // *ecdsa.PublicKey. Returns an error if the given points are not on the curve. func ECDSAPublicKey(curve elliptic.Curve, x, y []byte) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) { xPoint := (&big.Int{}).SetBytes(x) yPoint := (&big.Int{}).SetBytes(y) if !curve.IsOnCurve(xPoint, yPoint) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("point(%v, %v) is not on the given curve", xPoint.String(), yPoint.String()) } return &ecdsa.PublicKey{ Curve: curve, X: xPoint, Y: yPoint, }, nil } // VerifySignature takes the provided public key, hash, and asn1 encoded signature and returns // whether the given signature is valid. func VerifySignature(key *ecdsa.PublicKey, hash []byte, signature []byte) (bool, error) { var ecdsaSignature ecdsaSignature _, err := asn1.Unmarshal(signature, &ecdsaSignature) if err != nil { return false, err } return ecdsa.Verify(key, hash, ecdsaSignature.R, ecdsaSignature.S), nil } // HMACKeyDerivation provides an implementation of a NIST-800-108 of a KDF (Key Derivation Function) in Counter Mode. // For the purposes of this implantation HMAC is used as the PRF (Pseudorandom function), where the value of // `r` is defined as a 4 byte counter. func HMACKeyDerivation(hash func() hash.Hash, bitLen int, key []byte, label, context []byte) ([]byte, error) { // verify that we won't overflow the counter n := int64(math.Ceil((float64(bitLen) / 8) / float64(hash().Size()))) if n > 0x7FFFFFFF { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to derive key of size %d using 32-bit counter", bitLen) } // verify the requested bit length is not larger then the length encoding size if int64(bitLen) > 0x7FFFFFFF { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bitLen is greater than 32-bits") } fixedInput := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fixedInput.Write(label) fixedInput.WriteByte(0x00) fixedInput.Write(context) if err := binary.Write(fixedInput, binary.BigEndian, int32(bitLen)); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write bit length to fixed input string: %v", err) } var output []byte h := hmac.New(hash, key) for i := int64(1); i <= n; i++ { h.Reset() if err := binary.Write(h, binary.BigEndian, int32(i)); err != nil { return nil, err } _, err := h.Write(fixedInput.Bytes()) if err != nil { return nil, err } output = append(output, h.Sum(nil)...) } return output[:bitLen/8], nil }