forked from TrueCloudLab/s3-tests
Merge remote branch 'newdream/utilities'
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 1036 additions and 0 deletions
@ -9,3 +9,5 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
import boto.s3.connection
import bunch
import itertools
import os
import random
import string
import yaml
s3 = bunch.Bunch()
config = bunch.Bunch()
prefix = ''
bucket_counter = itertools.count(1)
def choose_bucket_prefix(template, max_len=30):
Choose a prefix for our test buckets, so they're easy to identify.
Use template and feed it more and more random filler, until it's
as long as possible but still below max_len.
rand = ''.join(
random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)
for c in range(255)
while rand:
s = template.format(random=rand)
if len(s) <= max_len:
return s
rand = rand[:-1]
raise RuntimeError(
'Bucket prefix template is impossible to fulfill: {template!r}'.format(
def nuke_prefixed_buckets():
for name, conn in s3.items():
print 'Cleaning buckets from connection {name}'.format(name=name)
for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():
print 'Cleaning bucket {bucket}'.format(bucket=bucket)
for key in bucket.list():
print 'Cleaning bucket {bucket} key {key}'.format(
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e:
# TODO workaround for buggy rgw that fails to send
# error_code, remove
if (e.status == 403
and e.error_code is None
and e.body == ''):
e.error_code = 'AccessDenied'
if e.error_code != 'AccessDenied':
print 'GOT UNWANTED ERROR', e.error_code
# seems like we're not the owner of the bucket; ignore
print 'Done with cleanup of test buckets.'
def setup():
global s3, config, prefix
path = os.environ['S3TEST_CONF']
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError(
'To run tests, point environment '
+ 'variable S3TEST_CONF to a config file.',
with file(path) as f:
g = yaml.safe_load_all(f)
for new in g:
# These 3 should always be present.
if not config.has_key('s3'):
raise RuntimeError('Your config file is missing the s3 section!');
if not config.s3.has_key('defaults'):
raise RuntimeError('Your config file is missing the s3.defaults section!');
if not config.has_key('fixtures'):
raise RuntimeError('Your config file is missing the fixtures section!');
if config.fixtures.has_key('bucket prefix'):
template = config.fixtures['bucket prefix']
template = 'test-{random}-'
prefix = choose_bucket_prefix(template=template)
if prefix == '':
raise RuntimeError, "Empty Prefix! Aborting!"
defaults = config.s3.defaults
for section in config.s3.keys():
if section == 'defaults':
section_config = config.s3[section]
kwargs = bunch.Bunch()
conn_args = bunch.Bunch(
port = 'port',
host = 'host',
is_secure = 'is_secure',
access_key = 'aws_access_key_id',
secret_key = 'aws_secret_access_key',
for cfg_key in conn_args.keys():
conn_key = conn_args[cfg_key]
if section_config.has_key(cfg_key):
kwargs[conn_key] = section_config[cfg_key]
elif defaults.has_key(cfg_key):
kwargs[conn_key] = defaults[cfg_key]
conn = boto.s3.connection.S3Connection(
# TODO support & test all variations
s3[section] = conn
# WARNING! we actively delete all buckets we see with the prefix
# we've chosen! Choose your prefix with care, and don't reuse
# credentials!
# We also assume nobody else is going to use buckets with that
# prefix. This is racy but given enough randomness, should not
# really fail.
def get_new_bucket(connection=None):
Get a bucket that exists and is empty.
Always recreates a bucket from scratch. This is useful to also
reset ACLs and such.
if connection is None:
connection = s3.main
name = '{prefix}{num}'.format(
# the only way for this to fail with a pre-existing bucket is if
# someone raced us between setup nuke_prefixed_buckets and here;
# ignore that as astronomically unlikely
bucket = connection.create_bucket(name)
return bucket
def teardown():
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
## All the buckets created will start with this prefix;
## {random} will be filled with random characters to pad
## the prefix to 30 characters long, and avoid collisions
bucket prefix: YOURNAMEHERE-{random}-
## File generation works by creating N groups of files. Each group of
## files is defined by three elements: number of files, avg(filesize),
## and stddev(filesize) -- in that order.
- [1, 2, 3]
- [4, 5, 6]
## This section contains all the connection information
## This section contains the defaults for all of the other connections
## below. You can also place these variables directly there.
## Replace with e.g. "localhost" to run against local software
## Uncomment the port to use soemthing other than 80
# port: 8080
## Say "no" to disable TLS.
is_secure: yes
## The tests assume two accounts are defined, "main" and "alt". You
## may add other connections to be instantianted as well, however
## any additional ones will not be used unless your tests use them.
## The User ID that the S3 provider gives you. For AWS, this is
## typically a 64-char hexstring.
user_id: AWS_USER_ID
## Display name typically looks more like a unix login, "jdoe" etc
display_name: AWS_DISPLAY_NAME
## The email for this account.
email: AWS_EMAIL
## Replace these with your access keys.
access_key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
secret_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY
## Another user accout, used for ACL-related tests.
user_id: AWS_USER_ID
display_name: AWS_DISPLAY_NAME
email: AWS_EMAIL
access_key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
secret_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- [10, 2000, 200]
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
from optparse import OptionParser
from realistic import RandomContentFile
import realistic
import traceback
import random
import common
import yaml
import boto
import sys
def parse_opts():
parser = OptionParser();
parser.add_option('-O' , '--outfile', help='write output to FILE. Defaults to STDOUT', metavar='FILE')
parser.add_option('-b' , '--bucket', dest='bucket', help='push objects to BUCKET', metavar='BUCKET')
parser.add_option('--seed', dest='seed', help='optional seed for the random number generator')
return parser.parse_args()
def get_random_files(quantity, mean, stddev, seed):
"""Create file-like objects with pseudorandom contents.
number of files to create
mean file size in bytes
standard deviation from mean file size
seed for PRNG
list of file handles
file_generator = realistic.files(mean, stddev, seed)
return [ for _ in xrange(quantity)]
def upload_objects(bucket, files, seed):
"""Upload a bunch of files to an S3 bucket
boto S3 bucket object
list of file handles to upload
seed for PRNG
list of boto S3 key objects
keys = []
name_generator = realistic.names(15, 4,seed=seed)
for fp in files:
print >> sys.stderr, 'sending file with size %dB' % fp.size
key = Key(bucket)
key.key =
return keys
def main():
'''To run the static content load test, make sure you've bootstrapped your
test environment and set up your config.yml file, then run the following:
S3TEST_CONF=config.yml virtualenv/bin/python -O urls.txt --seed 1234
This creates a bucket with your S3 credentials (from config.yml) and
fills it with garbage objects as described in generate_objects.conf.
It writes a list of URLS to those objects to ./urls.txt.
Once you have objcts in your bucket, run the siege benchmarking program:
siege -rc ./siege.conf -r 5
This tells siege to read the ./siege.conf config file which tells it to
use the urls in ./urls.txt and log to ./siege.log. It hits each url in
urls.txt 5 times (-r flag).
Results are printed to the terminal and written in CSV format to
(options, args) = parse_opts();
random.seed(options.seed if options.seed else None)
conn = common.s3.main
if options.outfile:
OUTFILE = open(options.outfile, 'w')
elif common.config.file_generation.url_file:
OUTFILE = open(common.config.file_generation.url_file, 'w')
OUTFILE = sys.stdout
if options.bucket:
bucket = conn.create_bucket(options.bucket)
bucket = common.get_new_bucket()
keys = []
print >> OUTFILE, 'bucket: %s' %
print >> sys.stderr, 'setup complete, generating files'
for profile in common.config.file_generation.groups:
seed = random.random()
files = get_random_files(profile[0], profile[1], profile[2], seed)
keys += upload_objects(bucket, files, seed)
print >> sys.stderr, 'finished sending files. generating urls'
for key in keys:
print >> OUTFILE, key.generate_url(30758400) #valid for 1 year
print >> sys.stderr, 'done'
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as e:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import gevent
import gevent.queue
import gevent.monkey; gevent.monkey.patch_all()
import optparse
import time
import random
import generate_objects
import realistic
import common
class Result:
def __init__(self, name, type=TYPE_NONE, time=0, success=True, size=0, details=''):
|||| = name
self.type = type
self.time = time
self.success = success
self.size = size
self.details = details
def __repr__(self):
type_dict = {Result.TYPE_NONE : 'None', Result.TYPE_READER : 'Reader', Result.TYPE_WRITER : 'Writer'}
type_s = type_dict[self.type]
if self.success:
status = 'Success'
status = 'FAILURE'
return "<Result: [{success}] {type}{name} -- {size} KB in {time}s = {mbps} MB/s {details}>".format(
def reader(seconds, bucket, name=None, queue=None):
with gevent.Timeout(seconds, False):
while (1):
count = 0
for key in bucket.list():
fp = realistic.FileVerifier()
start = time.clock()
end = time.clock()
elapsed = end - start
if queue:
count += 1
if count == 0:
def writer(seconds, bucket, name=None, queue=None, quantity=1, file_size=1, file_stddev=0, file_name_seed=None):
with gevent.Timeout(seconds, False):
while (1):
r = random.randint(0, 65535)
r2 = r
if file_name_seed != None:
r2 = file_name_seed
files = generate_objects.get_random_files(quantity, 1024*file_size, 1024*file_stddev, r)
start = time.clock()
keys = generate_objects.upload_objects(bucket, files, r2)
end = time.clock()
elapsed = end - start
if queue:
size=sum([(file.size/1024) for file in files]),
def parse_options():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-t", "--time", dest="duration", type="float",
help="duration to run tests (seconds)", default=5, metavar="SECS")
parser.add_option("-r", "--read", dest="num_readers", type="int",
help="number of reader threads", default=0, metavar="NUM")
parser.add_option("-w", "--write", dest="num_writers", type="int",
help="number of writer threads", default=2, metavar="NUM")
parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="file_size", type="float",
help="file size to use, in kb", default=1024, metavar="KB")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quantity", dest="quantity", type="int",
help="number of files per batch", default=1, metavar="NUM")
parser.add_option("-d", "--stddev", dest="stddev", type="float",
help="stddev of file size", default=0, metavar="KB")
parser.add_option("-W", "--rewrite", dest="rewrite", action="store_true",
help="rewrite the same files (total=quantity)")
parser.add_option("--no-cleanup", dest="cleanup", action="store_false",
help="skip cleaning up all created buckets", default=True)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
# parse options
(options, args) = parse_options()
# setup
bucket = common.get_new_bucket()
print "Created bucket: {name}".format(
r = None
if (options.rewrite):
r = random.randint(0, 65535)
q = gevent.queue.Queue()
# main work
print "Using file size: {size} +- {stddev}".format(size=options.file_size, stddev=options.stddev)
print "Spawning {r} readers and {w} writers...".format(r=options.num_readers, w=options.num_writers)
greenlets = []
greenlets += [gevent.spawn(writer, options.duration, bucket,
) for x in xrange(options.num_writers)]
greenlets += [gevent.spawn(reader, options.duration, bucket,
) for x in xrange(options.num_readers)]
gevent.spawn_later(options.duration, lambda: q.put(StopIteration))
total_read = 0
total_write = 0
read_success = 0
read_failure = 0
write_success = 0
write_failure = 0
for item in q:
print item
if item.type == Result.TYPE_READER:
if item.success:
read_success += 1
total_read += item.size
read_failure += 1
elif item.type == Result.TYPE_WRITER:
if item.success:
write_success += 1
total_write += item.size
write_failure += 1
# overall stats
print "--- Stats ---"
print "Total Read: {read} MB ({mbps} MB/s)".format(
print "Total Write: {write} MB ({mbps} MB/s)".format(
print "Read filures: {num} ({percent}%)".format(
percent=(100.0*read_failure/max(read_failure+read_success, 1))
print "Write failures: {num} ({percent}%)".format(
percent=(100.0*write_failure/max(write_failure+write_success, 1))
gevent.joinall(greenlets, timeout=1)
except Exception as e:
print e
# cleanup
if options.cleanup:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import hashlib
import random
import string
class RandomContentFile(object):
def __init__(self, size, seed):
self.seed = seed
self.random = random.Random(self.seed)
self.offset = 0
self.size = size
self.hash = hashlib.md5()
self.digest_size = self.hash.digest_size
self.digest = None
def seek(self, offset):
assert offset == 0
self.offset = offset
def tell(self):
return self.offset
def read(self, size=-1):
if size < 0:
size = self.size - self.offset
r = []
random_count = min(size, self.size - self.offset - self.digest_size)
if random_count > 0:
self.offset += random_count
size -= random_count
data = ''.join(chr(self.random.getrandbits(8)) for _ in xrange(random_count))
if self.hash is not None:
digest_count = min(size, self.size - self.offset)
if digest_count > 0:
if self.digest is None:
self.digest = self.hash.digest()
self.hash = None
self.offset += digest_count
size -= digest_count
data = self.digest[:digest_count]
return ''.join(r)
class FileVerifier(object):
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.hash = hashlib.md5()
self.buf = ''
def write(self, data):
self.size += len(data)
self.buf += data
digsz = -1*self.hash.digest_size
new_data, self.buf = self.buf[0:digsz], self.buf[digsz:]
def valid(self):
Returns True if this file looks valid. The file is valid if the end
of the file has the md5 digest for the first part of the file.
return self.buf == self.hash.digest()
def files(mean, stddev, seed=None):
Yields file-like objects with effectively random contents, where
the size of each file follows the normal distribution with `mean`
and `stddev`.
Beware, the file-likeness is very shallow. You can use boto's
`key.set_contents_from_file` to send these to S3, but they are not
full file objects.
The last 128 bits are the MD5 digest of the previous bytes, for
verifying round-trip data integrity. For example, if you
re-download the object and place the contents into a file called
``foo``, the following should print two identical lines:
python -c 'import sys, hashlib;; print hashlib.md5(data[:-16]).hexdigest(); print "".join("%02x" % ord(c) for c in data[-16:])' <foo
Except for objects shorter than 16 bytes, where the second line
will be proportionally shorter.
rand = random.Random(seed)
while True:
while True:
size = int(rand.normalvariate(mean, stddev))
if size >= 0:
yield RandomContentFile(size=size, seed=rand.getrandbits(32))
def names(mean, stddev, charset=None, seed=None):
Yields strings that are somewhat plausible as file names, where
the lenght of each filename follows the normal distribution with
`mean` and `stddev`.
if charset is None:
charset = string.ascii_lowercase
rand = random.Random(seed)
while True:
while True:
length = int(rand.normalvariate(mean, stddev))
if length >= 0:
name = ''.join(rand.choice(charset) for _ in xrange(length))
yield name
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
nose >=1.0.0
boto >=2.0b4
bunch >=1.0.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
# Updated by Siege 2.69, May-24-2010
# Copyright 2000-2007 by Jeffrey Fulmer, et al.
# Siege configuration file -- edit as necessary
# For more information about configuring and running
# this program, visit:
# Variable declarations. You can set variables here
# for use in the directives below. Example:
# Reference variables inside ${} or $(), example:
# proxy-host = ${PROXY}
# You can also reference ENVIRONMENT variables without
# actually declaring them, example:
# logfile = $(HOME)/var/siege.log
# Signify verbose mode, true turns on verbose output
# ex: verbose = true|false
verbose = true
# CSV Verbose format: with this option, you can choose
# to format verbose output in traditional siege format
# or comma separated format. The latter will allow you
# to redirect output to a file for import into a spread
# sheet, i.e., siege > file.csv
# ex: csv = true|false (default false)
csv = true
# Full URL verbose format: By default siege displays
# the URL path and not the full URL. With this option,
# you # can instruct siege to show the complete URL.
# ex: fullurl = true|false (default false)
# fullurl = true
# Display id: in verbose mode, display the siege user
# id associated with the HTTP transaction information
# ex: display-id = true|false
# display-id =
# Show logfile location. By default, siege displays the
# logfile location at the end of every run when logging
# You can turn this message off with this directive.
# ex: show-logfile = false
show-logfile = true
# Default logging status, true turns logging on.
# ex: logging = true|false
logging = true
# Logfile, the default siege logfile is $PREFIX/var/siege.log
# This directive allows you to choose an alternative log file.
# Environment variables may be used as shown in the examples:
# ex: logfile = /home/jeff/var/log/siege.log
# logfile = ${HOME}/var/log/siege.log
# logfile = ${LOGFILE}
logfile = ./siege.log
# HTTP protocol. Options HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0.
# Some webservers have broken implementation of the
# 1.1 protocol which skews throughput evaluations.
# If you notice some siege clients hanging for
# extended periods of time, change this to HTTP/1.0
# ex: protocol = HTTP/1.1
# protocol = HTTP/1.0
protocol = HTTP/1.1
# Chunked encoding is required by HTTP/1.1 protocol
# but siege allows you to turn it off as desired.
# ex: chunked = true
chunked = true
# Cache revalidation.
# Siege supports cache revalidation for both ETag and
# Last-modified headers. If a copy is still fresh, the
# server responds with 304.
# HTTP/1.1 200 0.00 secs: 2326 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# HTTP/1.1 304 0.00 secs: 0 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# HTTP/1.1 304 0.00 secs: 0 bytes ==> /apache_pb.gif
# ex: cache = true
cache = false
# Connection directive. Options "close" and "keep-alive"
# Starting with release 2.57b3, siege implements persistent
# connections in accordance to RFC 2068 using both chunked
# encoding and content-length directives to determine the
# page size. To run siege with persistent connections set
# the connection directive to keep-alive. (Default close)
# CAUTION: use the keep-alive directive with care.
# DOUBLE CAUTION: this directive does not work well on HPUX
# TRIPLE CAUTION: don't use keep-alives until further notice
# ex: connection = close
# connection = keep-alive
connection = close
# Default number of simulated concurrent users
# ex: concurrent = 25
concurrent = 15
# Default duration of the siege. The right hand argument has
# a modifier which specifies the time units, H=hours, M=minutes,
# and S=seconds. If a modifier is not specified, then minutes
# are assumed.
# ex: time = 50M
# time =
# Repetitions. The length of siege may be specified in client
# reps rather then a time duration. Instead of specifying a time
# span, you can tell each siege instance to hit the server X number
# of times. So if you chose 'reps = 20' and you've selected 10
# concurrent users, then siege will hit the server 200 times.
# ex: reps = 20
# reps =
# Default URLs file, set at configuration time, the default
# file is PREFIX/etc/urls.txt. So if you configured siege
# with --prefix=/usr/local then the urls.txt file is installed
# int /usr/local/etc/urls.txt. Use the "file = " directive to
# configure an alternative URLs file. You may use environment
# variables as shown in the examples below:
# ex: file = /export/home/jdfulmer/MYURLS.txt
# file = $HOME/etc/urls.txt
# file = $URLSFILE
file = ./urls.txt
# Default URL, this is a single URL that you want to test. This
# is usually set at the command line with the -u option. When
# used, this option overrides the urls.txt (-f FILE/--file=FILE)
# option. You will HAVE to comment this out for in order to use
# the urls.txt file option.
# ex: url =
# url =
# Default delay value, see the siege(1) man page.
# This value is used for load testing, it is not used
# for benchmarking.
# ex: delay = 3
delay = 1
# Connection timeout value. Set the value in seconds for
# socket connection timeouts. The default value is 30 seconds.
# ex: timeout = 30
# timeout =
# Session expiration: This directive allows you to delete all
# cookies after you pass through the URLs. This means siege will
# grab a new session with each run through its URLs. The default
# value is false.
# ex: expire-session = true
# expire-session =
# Failures: This is the number of total connection failures allowed
# before siege aborts. Connection failures (timeouts, socket failures,
# etc.) are combined with 400 and 500 level errors in the final stats,
# but those errors do not count against the abort total. If you set
# this total to 10, then siege will abort after ten socket timeouts,
# but it will NOT abort after ten 404s. This is designed to prevent
# a run-away mess on an unattended siege. The default value is 1024
# ex: failures = 50
# failures =
# Internet simulation. If true, siege clients will hit
# the URLs in the urls.txt file randomly, thereby simulating
# internet usage. If false, siege will run through the
# urls.txt file in order from first to last and back again.
# ex: internet = true
internet = false
# Default benchmarking value, If true, there is NO delay
# between server requests, siege runs as fast as the web
# server and the network will let it. Set this to false
# for load testing.
# ex: benchmark = true
benchmark = false
# Set the siege User-Agent to identify yourself at the
# host, the default is: JoeDog/1.00 [en] (X11; I; Siege #.##)
# But that wreaks of corporate techno speak. Feel free
# to make it more interesting :-) Since Limey is recovering
# from minor surgery as I write this, I'll dedicate the
# example to him...
# ex: user-agent = Limey The Bulldog
# user-agent =
# Accept-encoding. This option allows you to specify
# acceptable encodings returned by the server. Use this
# directive to turn on compression. By default we accept
# gzip compression.
# ex: accept-encoding = *
# accept-encoding = gzip
# accept-encoding = compress;q=0.5;gzip;q=1
accept-encoding = gzip
# Siege spawns a thread and runs a spinner to entertain you
# as it collects and computes its stats. If you don't like
# this feature, you may turn it off here.
# ex: spinner = false
spinner = true
# WWW-Authenticate login. When siege hits a webpage
# that requires basic authentication, it will search its
# logins for authentication which matches the specific realm
# requested by the server. If it finds a match, it will send
# that login information. If it fails to match the realm, it
# will send the default login information. (Default is "all").
# You may configure siege with several logins as long as no
# two realms match. The format for logins is:
# username:password[:realm] where "realm" is optional.
# If you do not supply a realm, then it will default to "all"
# ex: login = jdfulmer:topsecret:Admin
# login = jeff:supersecret
# login =
# WWW-Authenticate username and password. When siege
# hits a webpage that requires authentication, it will
# send this user name and password to the server. Note
# this is NOT form based authentication. You will have
# to construct URLs for that.
# ex: username = jdfulmer
# password = whoohoo
# username =
# password =
# ssl-cert
# This optional feature allows you to specify a path to a client
# certificate. It is not neccessary to specify a certificate in
# order to use https. If you don't know why you would want one,
# then you probably don't need this feature. Use openssl to
# generate a certificate and key with the following command:
# $ openssl req -nodes -new -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 \
# -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
# Specify a path to cert.pem as follows:
# ex: ssl-cert = /home/jeff/.certs/cert.pem
# ssl-cert =
# ssl-key
# Use this option to specify the key you generated with the command
# above. ex: ssl-key = /home/jeff/.certs/key.pem
# You may actually skip this option and combine both your cert and
# your key in a single file:
# $ cat key.pem > client.pem
# $ cat cert.pem >> client.pem
# Now set the path for ssl-cert:
# ex: ssl-cert = /home/jeff/.certs/client.pem
# (in this scenario, you comment out ssl-key)
# ssl-key =
# ssl-timeout
# This option sets a connection timeout for the ssl library
# ex: ssl-timeout = 30
# ssl-timeout =
# ssl-ciphers
# You can use this feature to select a specific ssl cipher
# for HTTPs. To view the ones available with your library run
# the following command: openssl ciphers
# ex: ssl-ciphers = EXP-RC4-MD5
# ssl-ciphers =
# Login URL. This is the first URL to be hit by every siege
# client. This feature was designed to allow you to login to
# a server and establish a session. It will only be hit once
# so if you need to hit this URL more then once, make sure it
# also appears in your urls.txt file.
# ex: login-url = POST name=jeff&pass=foo
# login-url =
# Proxy protocol. This option allows you to select a proxy
# server stress testing. The proxy will request the URL(s)
# specified by -u"" OR from the urls.txt file.
# ex: proxy-host =
# proxy-port = 8080
# proxy-host =
# proxy-port =
# Proxy-Authenticate. When scout hits a proxy server which
# requires username and password authentication, it will this
# username and password to the server. The format is username,
# password and optional realm each separated by a colon. You
# may enter more than one proxy-login as long as each one has
# a different realm. If you do not enter a realm, then scout
# will send that login information to all proxy challenges. If
# you have more than one proxy-login, then scout will attempt
# to match the login to the realm.
# ex: proxy-login: jeff:secret:corporate
# proxy-login: jeff:whoohoo
# proxy-login =
# Redirection support. This option allows to to control
# whether a Location: hint will be followed. Most users
# will want to follow redirection information, but sometimes
# it's desired to just get the Location information.
# ex: follow-location = false
# follow-location =
# Zero-length data. siege can be configured to disregard
# results in which zero bytes are read after the headers.
# Alternatively, such results can be counted in the final
# tally of outcomes.
# ex: zero-data-ok = false
# zero-data-ok =
# end of siegerc
@ -62,11 +62,13 @@ def nuke_prefixed_buckets(prefix):
print 'Cleaning bucket {bucket}'.format(bucket=bucket)
for key in bucket.list():
print 'Cleaning bucket {bucket} key {key}'.format(
except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e:
Add table
Reference in a new issue