forked from TrueCloudLab/s3-tests
python linter; replace assert with assert_equal; add complex query test(sum,count,where); add test-schema ;
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 83 additions and 52 deletions
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ def get_connection():
def create_csv_object_for_datetime(rows,columns):
result = ""
for i in range(rows):
row = "";
for y in range(columns):
row = row + "{}{:02d}{:02d}-{:02d}{:02d}{:02d},".format(random.randint(0,100)+1900,random.randint(1,12),random.randint(1,28),random.randint(0,23),random.randint(0,59),random.randint(0,59),);
for _ in range(rows):
row = ""
for _ in range(columns):
row = row + "{}{:02d}{:02d}-{:02d}{:02d}{:02d},".format(random.randint(0,100)+1900,random.randint(1,12),random.randint(1,28),random.randint(0,23),random.randint(0,59),random.randint(0,59),)
result += row + "\n"
return result
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ def create_random_csv_object(rows,columns,col_delim=",",record_delim="\n",csv_sc
if len(csv_schema)>0 :
result = csv_schema + record_delim
for i in range(rows):
row = "";
for y in range(columns):
row = row + "{}{}".format(random.randint(0,1000),col_delim);
for _ in range(rows):
row = ""
for _ in range(columns):
row = row + "{}{}".format(random.randint(0,1000),col_delim)
result += row + record_delim
return result
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ def upload_csv_object(bucket_name,new_key,obj):
conn.create_bucket( bucket_name )
bucket = conn.get_bucket( bucket_name )
k1 = bucket.new_key( new_key );
k1.set_contents_from_string( obj );
k1 = bucket.new_key( new_key )
k1.set_contents_from_string( obj )
def run_s3select(bucket,key,query,column_delim=",",row_delim="\n",quot_char='"',esc_char='\\',csv_header_info="NONE"):
@ -158,17 +158,17 @@ def remove_xml_tags_from_result(obj):
return result
def create_list_of_int(column_pos,obj):
res = 0
def create_list_of_int(column_pos,obj,field_split=",",row_split="\n"):
list_of_int = []
for rec in obj.split("\n"):
for rec in obj.split(row_split):
col_num = 1
if ( len(rec) == 0):
for col in rec.split(","):
for col in rec.split(field_split):
if (col_num == column_pos):
return list_of_int
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def test_count_operation():
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
assert num_of_rows == int( res )
|||| num_of_rows, int( res ))
def test_column_sum_min_max():
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10)
@ -189,42 +189,57 @@ def test_column_sum_min_max():
bucket_name = "test"
csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10"
bucket_name_2 = "testbuck2"
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj )
res_target = min( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select), int(res_target))
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = min( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select), int(res_target))
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = max( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select), int(res_target))
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj )
res_target = max( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select), int(res_target))
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj )
res_target = sum( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select), int(res_target))
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","")
list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj )
res_target = sum( list_int )
assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target)
|||| int(res_s3select) , int(res_target) )
# the following queries, validates on *random* input an *accurate* relation between condition result,sum operation and count operation.
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name_2,csv_obj_name,"select count(0),sum(int(_1)),sum(int(_2)) from stdin where (int(_1)-int(_2)) == 2;" ) )
count,sum1,sum2,d = res_s3select.split(",")
|||| int(count)*2 , int(sum1)-int(sum2 ) )
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0),sum(int(_1)),sum(int(_2)) from stdin where (int(_1)-int(_2)) == 4;" ) )
count,sum1,sum2,d = res_s3select.split(",")
|||| int(count)*4 , int(sum1)-int(sum2) )
def test_complex_expressions():
# purpose of test: engine is process correctly several projections containing aggregation-functions
@ -236,8 +251,14 @@ def test_complex_expressions():
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin;")).replace("\n","")
min_1 = min ( create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj ) )
max_2 = max ( create_list_of_int( 2 , csv_obj ) )
min_3 = min ( create_list_of_int( 3 , csv_obj ) ) + 1
__res = "{},{},{},".format(min_1,max_2,min_3)
# assert is according to radom-csv function
assert res_s3select == "0,1000,1,"
|||| res_s3select, __res )
# purpose of test that all where conditions create the same group of values, thus same result
res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where substr(_2,1,1) == "1"')).replace("\n","")
@ -246,9 +267,9 @@ def test_complex_expressions():
res_s3select_eq_modolu = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where int(_2)/100 == 1 or int(_2)/10 == 1 or int(_2) == 1')).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_substr == res_s3select_between_numbers
|||| res_s3select_substr, res_s3select_between_numbers)
assert res_s3select_between_numbers == res_s3select_eq_modolu
|||| res_s3select_between_numbers, res_s3select_eq_modolu)
def test_alias():
@ -267,14 +288,15 @@ def test_alias():
res_s3select_no_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1),int(_2),int(_1)+int(_2) from stdin where (int(_1)+int(_2))>100 and (int(_1)+int(_2))<300;") ).replace(",","")
assert res_s3select_alias == res_s3select_no_alias
|||| res_s3select_alias, res_s3select_no_alias)
def test_alias_cyclic_refernce():
# purpose of test is to validate the s3select-engine is able to detect a cyclic reference to alias.
number_of_rows = 10000
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10)
# purpose of test is to validate the s3select-engine is able to detect a cyclic reference to alias.
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(number_of_rows,10)
csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10"
bucket_name = "test"
@ -282,7 +304,7 @@ def test_alias_cyclic_refernce():
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1) as a1,int(_2) as a2, a1+a4 as a3, a5+a1 as a4, int(_3)+a3 as a5 from stdin;") )
find_res = res_s3select_alias.find("number of calls exceed maximum size, probably a cyclic reference to alias");
find_res = res_s3select_alias.find("number of calls exceed maximum size, probably a cyclic reference to alias")
assert int(find_res) >= 0
@ -302,22 +324,22 @@ def test_datetime():
res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where int(substr(_1,1,4))>1950 and int(substr(_1,1,4))<1960;') )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_substr
|||| res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_substr)
res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("month",timestamp(_1),dateadd("month",2,timestamp(_1)) ) == 2;') )
res_s3select_count = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin;') )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_count
|||| res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_count)
res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("year",timestamp(_1),dateadd("day", 366 ,timestamp(_1))) == 1 ;') )
assert res_s3select_date_time == res_s3select_count
|||| res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_count)
# validate that utcnow is integrate correctly with other date-time functions
res_s3select_date_time_utcnow = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("hours",utcnow(),dateadd("day",1,utcnow())) == 24 ;') )
assert res_s3select_date_time_utcnow == res_s3select_count
|||| res_s3select_date_time_utcnow, res_s3select_count)
def test_csv_parser():
@ -332,31 +354,31 @@ def test_csv_parser():
# return value contain comma{,}
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _6 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == 'third="c31,c32,c33",'
|||| res_s3select_alias, 'third="c31,c32,c33",')
# return value contain comma{,}
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _7 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == 'forth="1,2,3,4",'
|||| res_s3select_alias, 'forth="1,2,3,4",')
# return value contain comma{,}{"}, escape-rule{\} by-pass quote{"} , the escape{\} is removed.
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _8 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == 'fifth="my_string="any_value" , my_other_string="aaaa,bbb" ",'
|||| res_s3select_alias, 'fifth="my_string="any_value" , my_other_string="aaaa,bbb" ",')
# return NULL as first token
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _1 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == ','
|||| res_s3select_alias, ',')
# return NULL in the middle of line
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _3 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == ','
|||| res_s3select_alias, ',')
# return NULL in the middle of line (successive)
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _4 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == ','
|||| res_s3select_alias, ',')
# return NULL at the end line
res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _9 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_s3select_alias == ','
|||| res_s3select_alias, ',')
def test_csv_definition():
@ -373,13 +395,23 @@ def test_csv_definition():
# purpose of tests is to parse correctly input with different csv defintions
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0) from stdin;","|","\t") ).replace(",","")
assert number_of_rows == int(res)
|||| number_of_rows, int(res))
# assert is according to radom-csv function
# purpose of test is validate that tokens are processed correctly
res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin;","|","\t") ).replace("\n","")
res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin;","|","\t") ).replace("\n","")
assert res == "0,1000,1,"
min_1 = min ( create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj , "|","\t") )
max_2 = max ( create_list_of_int( 2 , csv_obj , "|","\t") )
min_3 = min ( create_list_of_int( 3 , csv_obj , "|","\t") ) + 1
__res = "{},{},{},".format(min_1,max_2,min_3)
|||| res_s3select, __res )
def test_schema_definition():
number_of_rows = 10000
# purpose of test is to validate functionality using csv header info
csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(number_of_rows,10,csv_schema="c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10")
@ -396,15 +428,14 @@ def test_csv_definition():
res_use = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select c1,c3 from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","")
# result of both queries should be the same
assert res_ignore == res_use
# alias-name is identical to column-name
res_multiple_defintion = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(c1)+int(c2) as c4,c4 from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_multiple_defintion.find("multiple definition of column {c4} as schema-column and alias") > 0
|||| res_ignore, res_use)
# using column-name not exist in schema
res_multiple_defintion = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select c1,c10,int(c11) from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_multiple_defintion.find("alias {c11} or column not exist in schema") > 0
# alias-name is identical to column-name
res_multiple_defintion = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(c1)+int(c2) as c4,c4 from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","")
assert res_multiple_defintion.find("multiple definition of column {c4} as schema-column and alias") > 0
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