#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import yaml import optparse NANOSECONDS = int(1e9) # Output stats in a format similar to siege # see http://www.joedog.org/index/siege-home OUTPUT_FORMAT = """Stats for type: [{type}] Transactions: {trans:>11} hits Availability: {avail:>11.2f} % Elapsed time: {elapsed:>11.2f} secs Data transferred: {data:>11.2f} MB Response time: {resp_time:>11.2f} secs Transaction rate: {trans_rate:>11.2f} trans/sec Throughput: {data_rate:>11.2f} MB/sec Concurrency: {conc:>11.2f} Successful transactions: {trans_success:>11} Failed transactions: {trans_fail:>11} Longest transaction: {trans_long:>11.2f} Shortest transaction: {trans_short:>11.2f} """ def parse_options(): usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-f", "--file", dest="input", metavar="FILE", help="Name of input YAML file. Default uses sys.stdin") parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose output") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.input and os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): parser.error("option -f required if no data is provided " "in stdin") return (options, args) def main(): (options, args) = parse_options() total = {} durations = {} min_time = {} max_time = {} errors = {} success = {} calculate_stats(options, total, durations, min_time, max_time, errors, success) print_results(total, durations, min_time, max_time, errors, success) def calculate_stats(options, total, durations, min_time, max_time, errors, success): print('Calculating statistics...') f = sys.stdin if options.input: f = file(options.input, 'r') for item in yaml.safe_load_all(f): type_ = item.get('type') if type_ not in ('r', 'w'): continue # ignore any invalid items if 'error' in item: errors[type_] = errors.get(type_, 0) + 1 continue # skip rest of analysis for this item else: success[type_] = success.get(type_, 0) + 1 # parse the item data_size = item['chunks'][-1][0] duration = item['duration'] start = item['start'] end = start + duration / float(NANOSECONDS) if options.verbose: print("[{type}] POSIX time: {start:>18.2f} - {end:<18.2f} " \ "{data:>11.2f} KB".format( type=type_, start=start, end=end, data=data_size / 1024.0, # convert to KB )) # update time boundaries prev = min_time.setdefault(type_, start) if start < prev: min_time[type_] = start prev = max_time.setdefault(type_, end) if end > prev: max_time[type_] = end # save the duration if type_ not in durations: durations[type_] = [] durations[type_].append(duration) # add to running totals total[type_] = total.get(type_, 0) + data_size def print_results(total, durations, min_time, max_time, errors, success): for type_ in list(total.keys()): trans_success = success.get(type_, 0) trans_fail = errors.get(type_, 0) trans = trans_success + trans_fail avail = trans_success * 100.0 / trans elapsed = max_time[type_] - min_time[type_] data = total[type_] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 # convert to MB resp_time = sum(durations[type_]) / float(NANOSECONDS) / \ len(durations[type_]) trans_rate = trans / elapsed data_rate = data / elapsed conc = trans_rate * resp_time trans_long = max(durations[type_]) / float(NANOSECONDS) trans_short = min(durations[type_]) / float(NANOSECONDS) print(OUTPUT_FORMAT.format( type=type_, trans_success=trans_success, trans_fail=trans_fail, trans=trans, avail=avail, elapsed=elapsed, data=data, resp_time=resp_time, trans_rate=trans_rate, data_rate=data_rate, conc=conc, trans_long=trans_long, trans_short=trans_short, )) if __name__ == '__main__': main()