import boto3 import botocore.session from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.exceptions import ParamValidationError from import eq_ as eq from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest import isodate import email.utils import datetime import threading import re import pytz from collections import OrderedDict import requests import json import base64 import hmac import hashlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import time import operator import nose import os import string import random import socket import ssl from email.header import decode_header from .utils import assert_raises from .utils import generate_random from .utils import _get_status_and_error_code from .utils import _get_status from .policy import Policy, Statement, make_json_policy from . import ( get_client, get_prefix, get_unauthenticated_client, get_bad_auth_client, get_v2_client, get_new_bucket, get_new_bucket_name, get_new_bucket_resource, get_config_is_secure, get_config_host, get_config_port, get_config_endpoint, get_main_aws_access_key, get_main_aws_secret_key, get_main_display_name, get_main_user_id, get_main_email, get_main_api_name, get_alt_aws_access_key, get_alt_aws_secret_key, get_alt_display_name, get_alt_user_id, get_alt_email, get_alt_client, get_tenant_client, get_tenant_iam_client, get_tenant_user_id, get_buckets_list, get_objects_list, get_main_kms_keyid, get_secondary_kms_keyid, nuke_prefixed_buckets, ) import boto import boto.s3.connection import sys import random from botocore.client import Config region_name = '' def get_connection(): conn = boto.connect_s3( aws_access_key_id = get_main_aws_access_key(), aws_secret_access_key = get_main_aws_secret_key(), host = get_config_host(), port = get_config_port(), is_secure=False, # uncomment if you are not using ssl calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(), ) return conn def create_csv_object_for_datetime(rows,columns): result = "" for _ in range(rows): row = "" for _ in range(columns): row = row + "{}{:02d}{:02d}-{:02d}{:02d}{:02d},".format(random.randint(0,100)+1900,random.randint(1,12),random.randint(1,28),random.randint(0,23),random.randint(0,59),random.randint(0,59),) result += row + "\n" return result def create_random_csv_object(rows,columns,col_delim=",",record_delim="\n",csv_schema=""): result = "" if len(csv_schema)>0 : result = csv_schema + record_delim for _ in range(rows): row = "" for _ in range(columns): row = row + "{}{}".format(random.randint(0,1000),col_delim) result += row + record_delim return result def upload_csv_object(bucket_name,new_key,obj): conn = get_connection() conn.create_bucket( bucket_name ) bucket = conn.get_bucket( bucket_name ) k1 = bucket.new_key( new_key ) k1.set_contents_from_string( obj ) def run_s3select(bucket,key,query,column_delim=",",row_delim="\n",quot_char='"',esc_char='\\',csv_header_info="NONE"): s3 = boto3.client('s3',#'sns', endpoint_url=get_config_endpoint(), aws_access_key_id=get_main_aws_access_key(), region_name=region_name, aws_secret_access_key=get_main_aws_secret_key()) #config=Config(signature_version='v2')) r = s3.select_object_content( Bucket=bucket, Key=key, ExpressionType='SQL', InputSerialization = {"CSV": {"RecordDelimiter" : row_delim, "FieldDelimiter" : column_delim,"QuoteEscapeCharacter": esc_char, "QuoteCharacter": quot_char, "FileHeaderInfo": csv_header_info}, "CompressionType": "NONE"}, OutputSerialization = {"CSV": {}}, Expression=query,) result = "" for event in r['Payload']: if 'Records' in event: records = event['Records']['Payload'].decode('utf-8') result += records return result def remove_xml_tags_from_result(obj): result = "" for rec in obj.split("\n"): if(rec.find("Payload")>0 or rec.find("Records")>0): continue result += rec + "\n" # remove by split return result def create_list_of_int(column_pos,obj,field_split=",",row_split="\n"): list_of_int = [] for rec in obj.split(row_split): col_num = 1 if ( len(rec) == 0): continue for col in rec.split(field_split): if (col_num == column_pos): list_of_int.append(int(col)) col_num+=1 return list_of_int def test_count_operation(): csv_obj_name = "csv_star_oper" bucket_name = "test" num_of_rows = 10 obj_to_load = create_random_csv_object(num_of_rows,10) upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,obj_to_load) res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") num_of_rows, int( res )) def test_column_sum_min_max(): csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name_2 = "testbuck2" upload_csv_object(bucket_name_2,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj ) res_target = min( list_int ) int(res_s3select), int(res_target)) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = min( list_int ) int(res_s3select), int(res_target)) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = max( list_int ) int(res_s3select), int(res_target)) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj ) res_target = max( list_int ) int(res_s3select), int(res_target)) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = sum( list_int ) int(res_s3select), int(res_target)) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj ) res_target = sum( list_int ) int(res_s3select) , int(res_target) ) # the following queries, validates on *random* input an *accurate* relation between condition result,sum operation and count operation. res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name_2,csv_obj_name,"select count(0),sum(int(_1)),sum(int(_2)) from stdin where (int(_1)-int(_2)) == 2;" ) ) count,sum1,sum2,d = res_s3select.split(",") int(count)*2 , int(sum1)-int(sum2 ) ) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0),sum(int(_1)),sum(int(_2)) from stdin where (int(_1)-int(_2)) == 4;" ) ) count,sum1,sum2,d = res_s3select.split(",") int(count)*4 , int(sum1)-int(sum2) ) def test_complex_expressions(): # purpose of test: engine is process correctly several projections containing aggregation-functions csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_100000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin;")).replace("\n","") min_1 = min ( create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj ) ) max_2 = max ( create_list_of_int( 2 , csv_obj ) ) min_3 = min ( create_list_of_int( 3 , csv_obj ) ) + 1 __res = "{},{},{},".format(min_1,max_2,min_3) # assert is according to radom-csv function res_s3select, __res ) # purpose of test that all where conditions create the same group of values, thus same result res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where substr(_2,1,1) == "1"')).replace("\n","") res_s3select_between_numbers = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where int(_2)>=100 and int(_2)<200')).replace("\n","") res_s3select_eq_modolu = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select min(int(_2)),max(int(_2)) from stdin where int(_2)/100 == 1 or int(_2)/10 == 1 or int(_2) == 1')).replace("\n","") res_s3select_substr, res_s3select_between_numbers) res_s3select_between_numbers, res_s3select_eq_modolu) def test_alias(): # purpose: test is comparing result of exactly the same queries , one with alias the other without. # this test is setting alias on 3 projections, the third projection is using other projection alias, also the where clause is using aliases # the test validate that where-clause and projections are executing aliases correctly, bare in mind that each alias has its own cache, # and that cache need to be invalidate per new row. csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1) as a1, int(_2) as a2 , (a1+a2) as a3 from stdin where a3>100 and a3<300;") ).replace(",","") res_s3select_no_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1),int(_2),int(_1)+int(_2) from stdin where (int(_1)+int(_2))>100 and (int(_1)+int(_2))<300;") ).replace(",","") res_s3select_alias, res_s3select_no_alias) def test_alias_cyclic_refernce(): number_of_rows = 10000 # purpose of test is to validate the s3select-engine is able to detect a cyclic reference to alias. csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(number_of_rows,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1) as a1,int(_2) as a2, a1+a4 as a3, a5+a1 as a4, int(_3)+a3 as a5 from stdin;") ) find_res = res_s3select_alias.find("number of calls exceed maximum size, probably a cyclic reference to alias") assert int(find_res) >= 0 def test_datetime(): # purpose of test is to validate date-time functionality is correct, # by creating same groups with different functions (nested-calls) ,which later produce the same result csv_obj = create_csv_object_for_datetime(10000,1) csv_obj_name = "csv_datetime_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where extract("year",timestamp(_1)) > 1950 and extract("year",timestamp(_1)) < 1960;') ) res_s3select_substr = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where int(substr(_1,1,4))>1950 and int(substr(_1,1,4))<1960;') ) res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_substr) res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("month",timestamp(_1),dateadd("month",2,timestamp(_1)) ) == 2;') ) res_s3select_count = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin;') ) res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_count) res_s3select_date_time = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("year",timestamp(_1),dateadd("day", 366 ,timestamp(_1))) == 1 ;') ) res_s3select_date_time, res_s3select_count) # validate that utcnow is integrate correctly with other date-time functions res_s3select_date_time_utcnow = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,'select count(0) from stdin where datediff("hours",utcnow(),dateadd("day",1,utcnow())) == 24 ;') ) res_s3select_date_time_utcnow, res_s3select_count) def test_csv_parser(): # purpuse: test default csv values(, \n " \ ), return value may contain meta-char # NOTE: should note that default meta-char for s3select are also for python, thus for one example double \ is mandatory csv_obj = ',first,,,second,third="c31,c32,c33",forth="1,2,3,4",fifth="my_string=\\"any_value\\" , my_other_string=\\"aaaa,bbb\\" ",' + "\n" csv_obj_name = "csv_one_line" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) # return value contain comma{,} res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _6 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, 'third="c31,c32,c33",') # return value contain comma{,} res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _7 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, 'forth="1,2,3,4",') # return value contain comma{,}{"}, escape-rule{\} by-pass quote{"} , the escape{\} is removed. res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _8 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, 'fifth="my_string="any_value" , my_other_string="aaaa,bbb" ",') # return NULL as first token res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _1 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, ',') # return NULL in the middle of line res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _3 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, ',') # return NULL in the middle of line (successive) res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _4 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, ',') # return NULL at the end line res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _9 from stdin;") ).replace("\n","") res_s3select_alias, ',') def test_csv_definition(): number_of_rows = 10000 #create object with pipe-sign as field separator and tab as row delimiter. csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(number_of_rows,10,"|","\t") csv_obj_name = "csv_pipeSign_tab_eol" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) # purpose of tests is to parse correctly input with different csv defintions res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0) from stdin;","|","\t") ).replace(",","") number_of_rows, int(res)) # assert is according to radom-csv function # purpose of test is validate that tokens are processed correctly res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)),max(int(_2)),min(int(_3))+1 from stdin;","|","\t") ).replace("\n","") min_1 = min ( create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj , "|","\t") ) max_2 = max ( create_list_of_int( 2 , csv_obj , "|","\t") ) min_3 = min ( create_list_of_int( 3 , csv_obj , "|","\t") ) + 1 __res = "{},{},{},".format(min_1,max_2,min_3) res_s3select, __res ) def test_schema_definition(): number_of_rows = 10000 # purpose of test is to validate functionality using csv header info csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(number_of_rows,10,csv_schema="c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10") csv_obj_name = "csv_with_header_info" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) # ignoring the schema on first line and retrieve using generic column number res_ignore = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select _1,_3 from stdin;",csv_header_info="IGNORE") ).replace("\n","") # using the scheme on first line, query is using the attach schema res_use = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select c1,c3 from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","") # result of both queries should be the same res_ignore, res_use) # using column-name not exist in schema res_multiple_defintion = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select c1,c10,int(c11) from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","") assert res_multiple_defintion.find("alias {c11} or column not exist in schema") > 0 # alias-name is identical to column-name res_multiple_defintion = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(c1)+int(c2) as c4,c4 from stdin;",csv_header_info="USE") ).replace("\n","") assert res_multiple_defintion.find("multiple definition of column {c4} as schema-column and alias") > 0