import sys import itertools import nose import random import string import yaml from s3tests.fuzz_headers import * from import eq_ as eq from import assert_true from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from .utils import assert_raises _decision_graph = {} def check_access_denied(fn, *args, **kwargs): e = assert_raises(boto.exception.S3ResponseError, fn, *args, **kwargs) eq(e.status, 403) eq(e.reason, 'Forbidden') eq(e.error_code, 'AccessDenied') def build_graph(): graph = {} graph['start'] = { 'set': {}, 'choices': ['node2'] } graph['leaf'] = { 'set': { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' }, 'headers': [ ['1-2', 'random-header-{random 5-10 printable}', '{random 20-30 punctuation}'] ], 'choices': [] } graph['node1'] = { 'set': { 'key3': 'value3', 'header_val': [ '3 h1', '2 h2', 'h3' ] }, 'headers': [ ['1-1', 'my-header', '{header_val}'], ], 'choices': ['leaf'] } graph['node2'] = { 'set': { 'randkey': 'value-{random 10-15 printable}', 'path': '/{bucket_readable}', 'indirect_key1': '{key1}' }, 'choices': ['leaf'] } graph['bad_node'] = { 'set': { 'key1': 'value1' }, 'choices': ['leaf'] } graph['nonexistant_child_node'] = { 'set': {}, 'choices': ['leafy_greens'] } graph['weighted_node'] = { 'set': { 'k1': [ 'foo', '2 bar', '1 baz' ] }, 'choices': [ 'foo', '2 bar', '1 baz' ] } graph['null_choice_node'] = { 'set': {}, 'choices': [None] } graph['repeated_headers_node'] = { 'set': {}, 'headers': [ ['1-2', 'random-header-{random 5-10 printable}', '{random 20-30 punctuation}'] ], 'choices': ['leaf'] } graph['weighted_null_choice_node'] = { 'set': {}, 'choices': ['3 null'] } return graph def test_load_graph(): graph_file = open('request_decision_graph.yml', 'r') graph = yaml.safe_load(graph_file) graph['start'] def test_descend_leaf_node(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = descend_graph(graph, 'leaf', prng) eq(decision['key1'], 'value1') eq(decision['key2'], 'value2') e = assert_raises(KeyError, lambda x: decision[x], 'key3') def test_descend_node(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = descend_graph(graph, 'node1', prng) eq(decision['key1'], 'value1') eq(decision['key2'], 'value2') eq(decision['key3'], 'value3') def test_descend_bad_node(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) assert_raises(DecisionGraphError, descend_graph, graph, 'bad_node', prng) def test_descend_nonexistant_child(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) assert_raises(KeyError, descend_graph, graph, 'nonexistant_child_node', prng) def test_expand_random_printable(): prng = random.Random(1) got = expand({}, '{random 10-15 printable}', prng) eq(got, '[/pNI$;92@') def test_expand_random_binary(): prng = random.Random(1) got = expand({}, '{random 10-15 binary}', prng) eq(got, '\xdfj\xf1\xd80>a\xcd\xc4\xbb') def test_expand_random_no_args(): prng = random.Random(1) for _ in xrange(1000): got = expand({}, '{random}', prng) assert_true(0 <= len(got) <= 1000) assert_true(reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, [x in string.printable for x in got])) def test_expand_random_no_charset(): prng = random.Random(1) for _ in xrange(1000): got = expand({}, '{random 10-30}', prng) assert_true(10 <= len(got) <= 30) assert_true(reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, [x in string.printable for x in got])) def test_expand_random_exact_length(): prng = random.Random(1) for _ in xrange(1000): got = expand({}, '{random 10 digits}', prng) assert_true(len(got) == 10) assert_true(reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, [x in string.digits for x in got])) def test_expand_random_bad_charset(): prng = random.Random(1) assert_raises(KeyError, expand, {}, '{random 10-30 foo}', prng) def test_expand_random_missing_length(): prng = random.Random(1) assert_raises(ValueError, expand, {}, '{random printable}', prng) def test_assemble_decision(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = assemble_decision(graph, prng) eq(decision['key1'], 'value1') eq(decision['key2'], 'value2') eq(decision['randkey'], 'value-{random 10-15 printable}') eq(decision['indirect_key1'], '{key1}') eq(decision['path'], '/{bucket_readable}') assert_raises(KeyError, lambda x: decision[x], 'key3') def test_expand_escape(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='{{bar}}', ) got = expand(decision, '{foo}', prng) eq(got, '{bar}') def test_expand_indirect(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='{bar}', bar='quux', ) got = expand(decision, '{foo}', prng) eq(got, 'quux') def test_expand_indirect_double(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='{bar}', bar='{quux}', quux='thud', ) got = expand(decision, '{foo}', prng) eq(got, 'thud') def test_expand_recursive(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='{foo}', ) e = assert_raises(RecursionError, expand, decision, '{foo}', prng) eq(str(e), "Runaway recursion in string formatting: 'foo'") def test_expand_recursive_mutual(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='{bar}', bar='{foo}', ) e = assert_raises(RecursionError, expand, decision, '{foo}', prng) eq(str(e), "Runaway recursion in string formatting: 'foo'") def test_expand_recursive_not_too_eager(): prng = random.Random(1) decision = dict( foo='bar', ) got = expand(decision, 100*'{foo}', prng) eq(got, 100*'bar') def test_weighted_choices(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) choices_made = {} for _ in xrange(1000): choice = make_choice(graph['weighted_node']['choices'], prng) if choices_made.has_key(choice): choices_made[choice] += 1 else: choices_made[choice] = 1 foo_percentage = choices_made['foo'] / 1000.0 bar_percentage = choices_made['bar'] / 1000.0 baz_percentage = choices_made['baz'] / 1000.0, 0.25, 1), 0.50, 1), 0.25, 1) def test_null_choices(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) choice = make_choice(graph['null_choice_node']['choices'], prng) eq(choice, '') def test_weighted_null_choices(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) choice = make_choice(graph['weighted_null_choice_node']['choices'], prng) eq(choice, '') def test_null_child(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = descend_graph(graph, 'null_choice_node', prng) eq(decision, {}) def test_weighted_set(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) choices_made = {} for _ in xrange(1000): choice = make_choice(graph['weighted_node']['set']['k1'], prng) if choices_made.has_key(choice): choices_made[choice] += 1 else: choices_made[choice] = 1 foo_percentage = choices_made['foo'] / 1000.0 bar_percentage = choices_made['bar'] / 1000.0 baz_percentage = choices_made['baz'] / 1000.0, 0.25, 1), 0.50, 1), 0.25, 1) def test_header_presence(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = descend_graph(graph, 'node1', prng) c1 = itertools.count() c2 = itertools.count() for header, value in decision['headers']: if header == 'my-header': eq(value, '{header_val}') assert_true(next(c1) < 1) elif header == 'random-header-{random 5-10 printable}': eq(value, '{random 20-30 punctuation}') assert_true(next(c2) < 2) else: raise KeyError('unexpected header found: %s' % header) assert_true(next(c1)) assert_true(next(c2)) def test_duplicate_header(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) assert_raises(DecisionGraphError, descend_graph, graph, 'repeated_headers_node', prng) def test_expand_headers(): graph = build_graph() prng = random.Random(1) decision = descend_graph(graph, 'node1', prng) expanded_headers = expand_headers(decision, prng) for header, value in expanded_headers: if header == 'my-header': assert_true(value in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3']) elif header.startswith('random-header-'): assert_true(20 <= len(value) <= 30) assert_true(string.strip(value, RepeatExpandingFormatter.charsets['punctuation']) is '') else: raise DecisionGraphError('unexpected header found: "%s"' % header)