## All the buckets created will start with this prefix;
## {random} will be filled with random characters to pad
## the prefix to 30 characters long, and avoid collisions
  bucket prefix: YOURNAMEHERE-{random}-

## File generation works by creating N groups of files. Each group of
## files is defined by three elements: number of files, avg(filesize),
## and stddev(filesize) -- in that order.
    - [1, 2, 3]
    - [4, 5, 6]

## Config for the readwrite tool.
## The readwrite tool concurrently reads and writes to files in a
## single bucket for a set duration.
## Note: the readwrite tool does not need the s3.alt connection info.
## only s3.main is used.
## The number of reader and writer worker threads. This sets how many
## files will be read and written concurrently.
  readers: 2
  writers: 2
## The duration to run in seconds. Doesn't count setup/warmup time
  duration: 15

## The number of files to use. This number of files is created during the
## "warmup" phase. After the warmup, readers will randomly pick a file to
## read, and writers will randomly pick a file to overwrite
    num: 3
## The file size to use, in KB
    size: 1024
## The stddev for the file size, in KB
    stddev: 0

## This section contains all the connection information

## This section contains the defaults for all of the other connections
## below. You can also place these variables directly there.

## Replace with e.g. "localhost" to run against local software

## Uncomment the port to use soemthing other than 80
#    port: 8080

## Say "no" to disable TLS.
    is_secure: yes

## The tests assume two accounts are defined, "main" and "alt". You
## may add other connections to be instantianted as well, however
## any additional ones will not be used unless your tests use them.


## The User ID that the S3 provider gives you. For AWS, this is
## typically a 64-char hexstring.
    user_id: AWS_USER_ID

## Display name typically looks more like a unix login, "jdoe" etc
    display_name: AWS_DISPLAY_NAME

## The email for this account.
    email: AWS_EMAIL

## Replace these with your access keys.
    access_key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    secret_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY

## Another user accout, used for ACL-related tests.

    user_id: AWS_USER_ID
    display_name: AWS_DISPLAY_NAME
    email: AWS_EMAIL
    access_key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    secret_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY