import boto3 import botocore.session from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.exceptions import ParamValidationError from import eq_ as eq from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest import isodate import email.utils import datetime import threading import re import pytz from collections import OrderedDict import requests import json import base64 import hmac import hashlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import time import operator import nose import os import string import random import socket import ssl from email.header import decode_header from .utils import assert_raises from .utils import generate_random from .utils import _get_status_and_error_code from .utils import _get_status from .policy import Policy, Statement, make_json_policy from . import ( get_client, get_prefix, get_unauthenticated_client, get_bad_auth_client, get_v2_client, get_new_bucket, get_new_bucket_name, get_new_bucket_resource, get_config_is_secure, get_config_host, get_config_port, get_config_endpoint, get_main_aws_access_key, get_main_aws_secret_key, get_main_display_name, get_main_user_id, get_main_email, get_main_api_name, get_alt_aws_access_key, get_alt_aws_secret_key, get_alt_display_name, get_alt_user_id, get_alt_email, get_alt_client, get_tenant_client, get_tenant_iam_client, get_tenant_user_id, get_buckets_list, get_objects_list, get_main_kms_keyid, get_secondary_kms_keyid, nuke_prefixed_buckets, ) import boto import boto.s3.connection import sys #import urlparse import random from botocore.client import Config endpoint = 'http://localhost:8000' access_key = 'b2345678901234567890' secret_key = 'b234567890123456789012345678901234567890' region_name = '' def get_connection(): conn = boto.connect_s3( aws_access_key_id = access_key, aws_secret_access_key = secret_key, host = 'localhost', port = 8000 , is_secure=False, # uncomment if you are not using ssl calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(), ) return conn def create_random_csv_object(rows,columns): result = "" for i in range(rows): row = ""; for y in range(columns): row = row + "{},".format(random.randint(0,1000)); result += row + "\n" return result def upload_csv_object(bucket_name,new_key,obj): conn = get_connection() conn.create_bucket( bucket_name ) bucket = conn.get_bucket( bucket_name ) k1 = bucket.new_key( new_key ); k1.set_contents_from_string( obj ); def run_s3select(bucket,key,query): s3 = boto3.client('s3',#'sns', endpoint_url=endpoint, aws_access_key_id=access_key, region_name=region_name, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) #config=Config(signature_version='v2')) r = s3.select_object_content( Bucket=bucket, Key=key, ExpressionType='SQL', InputSerialization = {"CSV": {}, "CompressionType": "NONE"}, OutputSerialization = {"CSV": {}}, Expression=query,) result = "" for event in r['Payload']: if 'Records' in event: records = event['Records']['Payload'].decode('utf-8') result += records return result def remove_xml_tags_from_result(obj): result = "" for rec in obj.split("\n"): if(rec.find("Payload")>0 or rec.find("Records")>0): continue result += rec + "\n" # remove by split return result def create_list_of_int(column_pos,obj): res = 0 list_of_int = [] for rec in obj.split("\n"): col_num = 1 if ( len(rec) == 0): continue; for col in rec.split(","): if (col_num == column_pos): list_of_int.append(int(col)); col_num+=1; return list_of_int def test_count_operation(): csv_obj_name = "csv_star_oper" bucket_name = "test" num_of_rows = 10 obj_to_load = create_random_csv_object(num_of_rows,10) upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,obj_to_load) res = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select count(0) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") assert num_of_rows == int( res ) def test_column_sum_min_max(): csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_1)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 1 , csv_obj ) res_target = min( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select min(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = min( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = max( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select max(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj ) res_target = max( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_4)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 4 , csv_obj ) res_target = sum( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) res_s3select = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select sum(int(_7)) from stdin;") ).replace(",","") list_int = create_list_of_int( 7 , csv_obj ) res_target = sum( list_int ) assert int(res_s3select) == int(res_target) def test_alias(): # purpose: test is comparing result of exact queries , one with alias the other without. # this test is settign alias on 3 projections, the third projection is using other projection alias, also the where clause is using aliases # the test validate that where-cluase and projections are executing aliases correctlly, bare in mind that each alias has its own cache, # and that cache need to invalidate time. csv_obj = create_random_csv_object(10000,10) csv_obj_name = "csv_10000x10" bucket_name = "test" upload_csv_object(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,csv_obj) res_s3select_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1) as a1, int(_2) as a2 , (a1+a2) as a3 from stdin where a3>100 and a3<300;") ).replace(",","") res_s3select_no_alias = remove_xml_tags_from_result( run_s3select(bucket_name,csv_obj_name,"select int(_1),int(_2),int(_1)+int(_2) from stdin where (int(_1)+int(_2))>100 and (int(_1)+int(_2))<300;") ).replace(",","") assert res_s3select_alias == res_s3select_no_alias