forked from TrueCloudLab/s3-tests
Tv looked over the fuzzer and had some idiomatic and design suggestions. Adds several tests and reworks how expansion happens in addition to idiom changes.
281 lines
8.6 KiB
281 lines
8.6 KiB
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from optparse import OptionParser
from boto import UserAgent
from . import common
import traceback
import itertools
import random
import string
import struct
import yaml
import sys
import re
class DecisionGraphError(Exception):
""" Raised when a node in a graph tries to set a header or
key that was previously set by another node
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class RecursionError(Exception):
"""Runaway recursion in string formatting"""
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return '{0.__doc__}: {0.msg!r}'.format(self)
def assemble_decision(decision_graph, prng):
""" Take in a graph describing the possible decision space and a random
number generator and traverse the graph to build a decision
return descend_graph(decision_graph, 'start', prng)
def descend_graph(decision_graph, node_name, prng):
""" Given a graph and a particular node in that graph, set the values in
the node's "set" list, pick a choice from the "choice" list, and
recurse. Finally, return dictionary of values
node = decision_graph[node_name]
choice = make_choice(node['choices'], prng)
if choice == '':
decision = {}
decision = descend_graph(decision_graph, choice, prng)
except IndexError:
decision = {}
for key, choices in node['set'].iteritems():
if key in decision:
raise DecisionGraphError("Node %s tried to set '%s', but that key was already set by a lower node!" %(node_name, key))
decision[key] = make_choice(choices, prng)
if 'headers' in node:
decision.setdefault('headers', [])
for desc in node['headers']:
(repetition_range, header, value) = desc
except ValueError:
(header, value) = desc
repetition_range = '1'
size_min, size_max = repetition_range.split('-', 1)
except ValueError:
size_min = size_max = repetition_range
size_min = int(size_min)
size_max = int(size_max)
num_reps = prng.randint(size_min, size_max)
if header in [h for h, v in decision['headers']]:
raise DecisionGraphError("Node %s tried to add header '%s', but that header already exists!" %(node_name, header))
for _ in xrange(num_reps):
decision['headers'].append([header, value])
return decision
def make_choice(choices, prng):
""" Given a list of (possibly weighted) options or just a single option!,
choose one of the options taking weights into account and return the
if isinstance(choices, str):
return choices
weighted_choices = []
for option in choices:
if option is None:
(weight, value) = option.split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
weight = '1'
value = option
weight = int(weight)
if value == 'null' or value == 'None':
value = ''
for _ in xrange(weight):
return prng.choice(weighted_choices)
def expand_headers(decision):
expanded_headers = []
for header in decision['headers']:
h = expand(decision, header[0])
v = expand(decision, header[1])
expanded_headers.append([h, v])
return expanded_headers
def expand(decision, value):
c = itertools.count()
fmt = RepeatExpandingFormatter()
new = fmt.vformat(value, [], decision)
return new
class RepeatExpandingFormatter(string.Formatter):
def __init__(self, _recursion=0):
super(RepeatExpandingFormatter, self).__init__()
# this class assumes it is always instantiated once per
# formatting; use that to detect runaway recursion
self._recursion = _recursion
def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
val = super(RepeatExpandingFormatter, self).get_value(key, args, kwargs)
if self._recursion > 5:
raise RecursionError(key)
fmt = self.__class__(_recursion=self._recursion+1)
# must use vformat not **kwargs so our SpecialVariables is not
# downgraded to just a dict
n = fmt.vformat(val, args, kwargs)
return n
class SpecialVariables(dict):
charsets = {
'printable': string.printable,
'punctuation': string.punctuation,
'whitespace': string.whitespace,
'digits': string.digits
def __init__(self, orig_dict, prng):
super(SpecialVariables, self).__init__(orig_dict)
self.prng = prng
def __getitem__(self, key):
fields = key.split(None, 1)
fn = getattr(self, 'special_{name}'.format(name=fields[0]), None)
if fn is None:
return super(SpecialVariables, self).__getitem__(key)
if len(fields) == 1:
return fn(fields[1])
def special_random(self, args):
arg_list = args.split()
size_min, size_max = arg_list[0].split('-', 1)
except ValueError:
size_min = size_max = arg_list[0]
except IndexError:
size_min = '0'
size_max = '1000'
size_min = int(size_min)
size_max = int(size_max)
length = self.prng.randint(size_min, size_max)
charset_arg = arg_list[1]
except IndexError:
charset_arg = 'printable'
if charset_arg == 'binary':
num_bytes = length + 8
tmplist = [self.prng.getrandbits(64) for _ in xrange(num_bytes / 8)]
tmpstring = struct.pack((num_bytes / 8) * 'Q', *tmplist)
tmpstring = tmpstring[0:length]
charset = self.charsets[charset_arg]
tmpstring = ''.join([self.prng.choice(charset) for _ in xrange(length)]) # Won't scale nicely
return tmpstring.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
def parse_options():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-O', '--outfile', help='write output to FILE. Defaults to STDOUT', metavar='FILE')
parser.add_option('--seed', dest='seed', type='int', help='initial seed for the random number generator', metavar='SEED')
parser.add_option('--seed-file', dest='seedfile', help='read seeds for specific requests from FILE', metavar='FILE')
parser.add_option('-n', dest='num_requests', type='int', help='issue NUM requests before stopping', metavar='NUM')
parser.add_option('--decision-graph', dest='graph_filename', help='file in which to find the request decision graph', metavar='NUM')
return parser.parse_args()
def randomlist(seed=None):
""" Returns an infinite generator of random numbers
rng = random.Random(seed)
while True:
yield rng.random()
def _main():
""" The main script
(options, args) = parse_options()
random.seed(options.seed if options.seed else None)
s3_connection = common.s3.main
request_seeds = None
if options.seedfile:
FH = open(options.seedfile, 'r')
request_seeds = FH.readlines()
random_list = randomlist(options.seed)
request_seeds = itertools.islice(random_list, options.num_requests)
graph_file = open(options.graph_filename, 'r')
decision_graph = yaml.safe_load(graph_file)
constants = {
'bucket_readable': 'TODO',
'bucket_not_readable': 'TODO',
'bucket_writable' : 'TODO',
'bucket_not_writable' : 'TODO',
'object_readable' : 'TODO',
'object_not_readable' : 'TODO',
'object_writable' : 'TODO',
'object_not_writable' : 'TODO',
for request_seed in request_seeds:
prng = random.Random(request_seed)
decision = assemble_decision(decision_graph, prng)
request = expand_decision(decision, prng)
response = s3_connection.make_request(request['method'], request['path'], data=request['body'], headers=request['headers'], override_num_retries=0)
if response.status == 500 or response.status == 503:
print 'Request generated with seed %d failed:\n%s' % (request_seed, request)
def main():
except Exception as e: