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package blobovniczatree
import (
oid ""
// Iterate iterates over all objects in b.
func (b *Blobovniczas) Iterate(ctx context.Context, prm common.IteratePrm) (common.IterateRes, error) {
var (
startedAt = time.Now()
err error
defer func() {
b.metrics.Iterate(time.Since(startedAt), err == nil)
ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "Blobovniczas.Iterate",
attribute.String("path", b.rootPath),
attribute.Bool("ignore_errors", prm.IgnoreErrors),
defer span.End()
err = b.iterateBlobovniczas(ctx, prm.IgnoreErrors, func(p string, blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza) error {
var subPrm blobovnicza.IteratePrm
subPrm.SetHandler(func(elem blobovnicza.IterationElement) error {
data, err := b.compression.Decompress(elem.ObjectData())
if err != nil {
if prm.IgnoreErrors {
zap.Stringer("address", elem.Address()),
zap.String("err", err.Error()),
zap.String("storage_id", p),
zap.String("root_path", b.rootPath))
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("could not decompress object data: %w", err)
if prm.Handler != nil {
return prm.Handler(common.IterationElement{
Address: elem.Address(),
ObjectData: data,
StorageID: []byte(strings.TrimSuffix(p, dbExtension)),
return nil
_, err := blz.Iterate(ctx, subPrm)
return err
return common.IterateRes{}, err
// iterator over all Blobovniczas in unsorted order. Break on f's error return.
func (b *Blobovniczas) iterateBlobovniczas(ctx context.Context, ignoreErrors bool, f func(string, *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza) error) error {
return b.iterateLeaves(ctx, func(p string) (bool, error) {
shBlz := b.getBlobovnicza(p)
blz, err := shBlz.Open()
if err != nil {
if ignoreErrors {
zap.String("err", err.Error()),
zap.String("storage_id", p),
zap.String("root_path", b.rootPath))
return false, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not open blobovnicza %s: %w", p, err)
defer shBlz.Close()
err = f(p, blz)
return err != nil, err
// iterator over the paths of Blobovniczas sorted by weight.
func (b *Blobovniczas) iterateSortedLeaves(ctx context.Context, addr *oid.Address, f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
_, err := b.iterateSorted(
make([]string, 0, b.blzShallowDepth),
func(p []string) (bool, error) { return f(filepath.Join(p...)) },
return err
// iterator over directories with Blobovniczas sorted by weight.
func (b *Blobovniczas) iterateDeepest(ctx context.Context, addr oid.Address, f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
depth := b.blzShallowDepth
if depth > 0 {
_, err := b.iterateSorted(
make([]string, 0, depth),
func(p []string) (bool, error) { return f(filepath.Join(p...)) },
return err
// iterator over particular level of directories.
func (b *Blobovniczas) iterateSorted(ctx context.Context, addr *oid.Address, curPath []string, execDepth uint64, f func([]string) (bool, error)) (bool, error) {
isLeafLevel := uint64(len(curPath)) == b.blzShallowDepth
levelWidth := b.blzShallowWidth
if isLeafLevel {
levelWidth = b.blzLeafWidth
indices := indexSlice(levelWidth)
hrw.SortSliceByValue(indices, addressHash(addr, filepath.Join(curPath...)))
exec := uint64(len(curPath)) == execDepth
for i := range indices {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
lastPart := u64ToHexString(indices[i])
if isLeafLevel {
lastPart = u64ToHexStringExt(indices[i])
if i == 0 {
curPath = append(curPath, lastPart)
} else {
curPath[len(curPath)-1] = lastPart
if exec {
if stop, err := f(curPath); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if stop {
return true, nil
} else if stop, err := b.iterateSorted(ctx, addr, curPath, execDepth, f); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if stop {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// iterator over the paths of Blobovniczas in random order.
func (b *Blobovniczas) iterateLeaves(ctx context.Context, f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
return b.iterateSortedLeaves(ctx, nil, f)
// makes slice of uint64 values from 0 to number-1.
func indexSlice(number uint64) []uint64 {
s := make([]uint64, number)
for i := range s {
s[i] = uint64(i)
return s