[] morph/client: Define notary client

Signed-off-by: Alex Vanin <alexey@nspcc.ru>
This commit is contained in:
Alex Vanin 2021-02-20 13:22:59 +03:00 committed by Alex Vanin
parent 948823c392
commit 779a495625
2 changed files with 414 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ type Client struct {
acc *wallet.Account // neo account
gas util.Uint160 // native gas script-hash
notary *notary
// ErrNilClient is returned by functions that expect

pkg/morph/client/notary.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
package client
import (
sc "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/smartcontract"
type (
notary struct {
// extra fee to check witness of proxy contract
// neo-go does not have an option to calculate it exactly right now
extraVerifyFee int64
txValidTime uint32 // minimum amount of blocks when mainTx will be valid
roundTime uint32 // extra amount of blocks to synchronize sidechain height diff of inner ring nodes
fallbackTime uint32 // amount of blocks before fallbackTx will be sent
notary util.Uint160
proxy util.Uint160
netmap util.Uint160
notaryCfg struct {
extraVerifyFee int64
txValidTime, roundTime, fallbackTime uint32
NotaryOption func(*notaryCfg)
const (
defaultNotaryExtraFee = 1000_0000
defaultNotaryValidTime = 50
defaultNotaryRoundTime = 100
defaultNotaryFallbackTime = 40
innerRingListMethod = "innerRingList"
var (
errNotaryNotEnabled = errors.New("notary support was not enabled on this client")
errInvalidIR = errors.New("invalid inner ring list from netmap contract")
func defaultNotaryConfig() *notaryCfg {
return &notaryCfg{
extraVerifyFee: defaultNotaryExtraFee,
txValidTime: defaultNotaryValidTime,
roundTime: defaultNotaryRoundTime,
fallbackTime: defaultNotaryFallbackTime,
// EnableNotarySupport creates notary structure in client that provides
// ability for client to get inner ring list from netmap contract and
// use proxy contract script hash to create tx for notary contract.
func (c *Client) EnableNotarySupport(proxy, netmap util.Uint160, opts ...NotaryOption) error {
cfg := defaultNotaryConfig()
for _, opt := range opts {
notaryContract, err := c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Notary)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "can't get notary contract script hash")
c.notary = &notary{
notary: notaryContract,
proxy: proxy,
netmap: netmap,
extraVerifyFee: cfg.extraVerifyFee,
txValidTime: cfg.txValidTime,
roundTime: cfg.roundTime,
fallbackTime: cfg.fallbackTime,
return nil
// Invoke invokes contract method by sending tx to notary contract in
// blockchain. Fallback tx is a `RET`. Notary support should be enabled
// in client to use this function.
// Supported args types: int64, string, util.Uint160, []byte and bool.
func (c *Client) NotaryInvoke(contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
if c.notary == nil {
return errNotaryNotEnabled
// prepare arguments for test invocation
irList, err := c.notaryInnerRingList()
if err != nil {
return err
_, n := mn(irList)
u8n := uint8(n)
cosigners, err := c.notaryCosigners(irList)
if err != nil {
return err
params, err := invocationParams(args...)
if err != nil {
return err
// make test invocation of the method
test, err := c.client.InvokeFunction(contract, method, params, cosigners)
if err != nil {
return err
// if test invocation failed, then return error
if len(test.Script) == 0 {
return errEmptyInvocationScript
// after test invocation we build main multisig transaction
multiaddrAccount, err := c.notaryMultisigAccount(irList)
if err != nil {
return err
until, err := c.notaryTxValidationLimit()
if err != nil {
return err
// prepare main tx
mainTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Nonce: 1,
SystemFee: test.GasConsumed,
ValidUntilBlock: until,
Script: test.Script,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{
Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT,
Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: u8n},
Signers: cosigners,
Network: c.client.GetNetwork(),
// calculate notary fee
notaryFee, err := c.client.CalculateNotaryFee(u8n)
if err != nil {
return err
// add network fee for cosigners
err = c.client.AddNetworkFee(
if err != nil {
return err
// define witnesses
mainTx.Scripts = c.notaryWitnesses(multiaddrAccount, mainTx)
resp, err := c.client.SignAndPushP2PNotaryRequest(mainTx,
if err != nil {
return err
c.logger.Debug("notary request invoked",
zap.String("method", method),
zap.Stringer("tx_hash", resp.Hash().Reverse()))
return nil
func (c *Client) notaryCosigners(ir []*keys.PublicKey) ([]transaction.Signer, error) {
s := make([]transaction.Signer, 0, 3)
// first we have proxy contract signature, as it will pay for the execution
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: c.notary.proxy,
Scopes: transaction.None,
// then we have inner ring multiaddress signature
m, _ := mn(ir)
multisigScript, err := sc.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(m, ir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't create ir multisig redeem script")
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: hash.Hash160(multisigScript),
Scopes: transaction.Global,
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract signature
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: c.notary.notary,
Scopes: transaction.None,
return s, nil
func (c *Client) notaryAccounts(multiaddr *wallet.Account) []*wallet.Account {
if multiaddr == nil {
return nil
a := make([]*wallet.Account, 0, 3)
// first we have proxy account, as it will pay for the execution
a = append(a, &wallet.Account{
Contract: &wallet.Contract{
Deployed: true,
// then we have inner ring multiaddress account
a = append(a, multiaddr)
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract account
a = append(a, &wallet.Account{
Contract: &wallet.Contract{},
return a
func (c *Client) notaryWitnesses(multiaddr *wallet.Account, tx *transaction.Transaction) []transaction.Witness {
if multiaddr == nil || tx == nil {
return nil
w := make([]transaction.Witness, 0, 3)
// first we have empty proxy witness, because notary will execute `Verify`
// method on the proxy contract to check witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: []byte{},
VerificationScript: []byte{},
// then we have inner ring multiaddress witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: append(
[]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 64},
VerificationScript: multiaddr.GetVerificationScript(),
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: append(
[]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 64},
make([]byte, 64)...,
VerificationScript: []byte{},
return w
func (c *Client) notaryInnerRingList() ([]*keys.PublicKey, error) {
data, err := c.TestInvoke(c.notary.netmap, innerRingListMethod)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "test invoke error")
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Wrap(errInvalidIR, "test invoke returned empty stack")
prms, err := ArrayFromStackItem(data[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "test invoke returned non array element")
res := make([]*keys.PublicKey, 0, len(prms))
for i := range prms {
nodePrms, err := ArrayFromStackItem(prms[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "inner ring node structure is not an array")
if len(nodePrms) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Wrap(errInvalidIR, "inner ring node structure is empty array")
rawKey, err := BytesFromStackItem(nodePrms[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "inner ring public key is not slice of bytes")
key, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromBytes(rawKey, elliptic.P256())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't parse inner ring public key bytes")
res = append(res, key)
return res, nil
func (c *Client) notaryMultisigAccount(ir []*keys.PublicKey) (*wallet.Account, error) {
m, _ := mn(ir)
multisigAccount := wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(c.acc.PrivateKey())
err := multisigAccount.ConvertMultisig(m, ir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't make inner ring multisig wallet")
return multisigAccount, nil
func (c *Client) notaryTxValidationLimit() (uint32, error) {
bc, err := c.client.GetBlockCount()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "can't get current blockchain height")
min := bc + c.notary.txValidTime
rounded := (min/c.notary.roundTime + 1) * c.notary.roundTime
return rounded, nil
func invocationParams(args ...interface{}) ([]sc.Parameter, error) {
params := make([]sc.Parameter, 0, len(args))
for i := range args {
param, err := toStackParameter(args[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params = append(params, param)
return params, nil
// mn returns M and N multi signature numbers. For NeoFS N is a length of
// inner ring list, and M is a 2/3+1 of it (like in dBFT).
func mn(ir []*keys.PublicKey) (m int, n int) {
n = len(ir)
m = n*2/3 + 1
// WithExtraVerifyFee returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies extra fee to check witness of proxy contract.
func WithExtraVerifyFee(fee int64) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.extraVerifyFee = fee
// WithTxValidTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies minimum amount of blocks when mainTx will be valid.
func WithTxValidTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.txValidTime = t
// WithRoundTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies extra blocks to synchronize side chain
// height diff of inner ring nodes.
func WithRoundTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.roundTime = t
// WithFallbackTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies amount of blocks before fallbackTx will be sent.
// Should be less than TxValidTime.
func WithFallbackTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.fallbackTime = t