package policer

import (

	objectcore ""
	netmapSDK ""
	objectSDK ""
	oid ""

// KeySpaceIterator is the interface that allows iterating over the key space
// of local storage.
// Note that the underlying implementation might be circular: i.e. it can restart
// when the end of the key space is reached.
type KeySpaceIterator interface {
	Next(context.Context, uint32) ([]objectcore.Info, error)

// RedundantCopyCallback is a callback to pass
// the redundant local copy of the object.
type RedundantCopyCallback func(context.Context, oid.Address)

// BuryFunc is the function to bury (i.e. inhume) an object.
type BuryFunc func(context.Context, oid.Address) error

// Replicator is the interface to a consumer of replication tasks.
type Replicator interface {
	HandleReplicationTask(ctx context.Context, task replicator.Task, res replicator.TaskResult)
	HandlePullTask(ctx context.Context, task replicator.Task)
	HandleLocalPutTask(ctx context.Context, task replicator.Task)

// RemoteObjectHeaderFunc is the function to obtain HEAD info from a specific remote node.
type RemoteObjectHeaderFunc func(context.Context, netmapSDK.NodeInfo, oid.Address, bool) (*objectSDK.Object, error)

// LocalObjectHeaderFunc is the function to obtain HEAD info from the current node.
type LocalObjectHeaderFunc func(context.Context, oid.Address) (*objectSDK.Object, error)

type RemoteObjectGetFunc func(context.Context, netmapSDK.NodeInfo, oid.Address) (*objectSDK.Object, error)

type LocalObjectGetFunc func(context.Context, oid.Address) (*objectSDK.Object, error)

type cfg struct {
	headTimeout time.Duration

	log *logger.Logger

	keySpaceIterator KeySpaceIterator

	buryFn BuryFunc

	cnrSrc container.Source

	placementBuilder placement.Builder

	remoteHeader RemoteObjectHeaderFunc

	localHeader LocalObjectHeaderFunc

	netmapKeys netmap.AnnouncedKeys

	replicator Replicator

	cbRedundantCopy RedundantCopyCallback

	taskPool *ants.Pool

	batchSize, cacheSize uint32

	evictDuration, sleepDuration time.Duration

	metrics MetricsRegister

	remoteObject RemoteObjectGetFunc

	localObject LocalObjectGetFunc

	keyStorage *util.KeyStorage

func defaultCfg() *cfg {
	return &cfg{
		log:           &logger.Logger{Logger: zap.L()},
		batchSize:     10,
		cacheSize:     1024, // 1024 * address size = 1024 * 64 = 64 MiB
		sleepDuration: 1 * time.Second,
		evictDuration: 30 * time.Second,
		metrics:       noopMetrics{},

// Option is an option for Policer constructor.
type Option func(*cfg)

// WithHeadTimeout returns option to set Head timeout of Policer.
func WithHeadTimeout(v time.Duration) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.headTimeout = v

// WithLogger returns option to set Logger of Policer.
func WithLogger(v *logger.Logger) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.log = v

func WithKeySpaceIterator(it KeySpaceIterator) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.keySpaceIterator = it

func WithBuryFunc(f BuryFunc) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.buryFn = f

// WithContainerSource returns option to set container source of Policer.
func WithContainerSource(v container.Source) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.cnrSrc = v

// WithPlacementBuilder returns option to set object placement builder of Policer.
func WithPlacementBuilder(v placement.Builder) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.placementBuilder = v

// WithRemoteObjectHeader returns option to set remote object header receiver of Policer.
func WithRemoteObjectHeaderFunc(v RemoteObjectHeaderFunc) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.remoteHeader = v

// WithLocalObjectHeaderFunc returns option to set local object header receiver of Policer.
func WithLocalObjectHeaderFunc(v LocalObjectHeaderFunc) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.localHeader = v

func WithRemoteObjectGetFunc(v RemoteObjectGetFunc) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.remoteObject = v

func WithLocalObjectGetFunc(v LocalObjectGetFunc) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.localObject = v

// WithNetmapKeys returns option to set tool to work with announced public keys.
func WithNetmapKeys(v netmap.AnnouncedKeys) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.netmapKeys = v

// WithReplicator returns option to set object replicator of Policer.
func WithReplicator(v Replicator) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.replicator = v

// WithRedundantCopyCallback returns option to set
// callback to pass redundant local object copies
// detected by Policer.
func WithRedundantCopyCallback(cb RedundantCopyCallback) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.cbRedundantCopy = cb

// WithPool returns option to set pool for
// policy and replication operations.
func WithPool(p *ants.Pool) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.taskPool = p

// WithMetrics returns option to set metrics.
func WithMetrics(m MetricsRegister) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.metrics = m

func WithKeyStorage(ks *util.KeyStorage) Option {
	return func(c *cfg) {
		c.keyStorage = ks