syntax = "proto3"; package tree; import "pkg/services/tree/types.proto"; option go_package = ""; // `TreeService` provides an interface for working with distributed tree. service TreeService { /* Client API */ // Add adds new node to the tree. Invoked by a client. rpc Add (AddRequest) returns (AddResponse); // AddByPath adds new node to the tree by path. Invoked by a client. rpc AddByPath (AddByPathRequest) returns (AddByPathResponse); // Remove removes node from the tree. Invoked by a client. rpc Remove (RemoveRequest) returns (RemoveResponse); // Move moves node from one parent to another. Invoked by a client. rpc Move (MoveRequest) returns (MoveResponse); // GetNodeByPath returns list of IDs corresponding to a specific filepath. rpc GetNodeByPath (GetNodeByPathRequest) returns (GetNodeByPathResponse); // GetSubTree returns tree corresponding to a specific node. rpc GetSubTree (GetSubTreeRequest) returns (stream GetSubTreeResponse); /* Synchronization API */ // Apply pushes log operation from another node to the current. // The request must be signed by a container node. rpc Apply (ApplyRequest) returns (ApplyResponse); } message AddRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; uint64 parent_id = 3; repeated KeyValue meta = 4; bytes bearer_token = 5; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message AddResponse { message Body { uint64 node_id = 1; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message AddByPathRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; string path_attribute = 3; repeated string path = 4; repeated KeyValue meta = 5; bytes bearer_token = 6; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message AddByPathResponse { message Body { repeated uint64 nodes = 1; uint64 parent_id = 2; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message RemoveRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; uint64 node_id = 3; bytes bearer_token = 4; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message RemoveResponse { message Body { } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message MoveRequest { message Body { // TODO import neo.fs.v2.refs.ContainerID directly. bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; uint64 parent_id = 3; uint64 node_id = 4; repeated KeyValue meta = 5; bytes bearer_token = 6; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message MoveResponse { message Body { } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message GetNodeByPathRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; string path_attribute = 3; repeated string path = 4; repeated string attributes = 5; bool latest_only = 6; bool all_attributes = 7; bytes bearer_token = 8; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message GetNodeByPathResponse { message Info { uint64 node_id = 1; uint64 timestamp = 2; repeated KeyValue meta = 3; } message Body { repeated Info nodes = 1; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message GetSubTreeRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; uint64 root_id = 3; // Optional depth of the traversal. Zero means return only root. // Maximum depth is 10. uint32 depth = 4; bytes bearer_token = 5; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message GetSubTreeResponse { message Body { uint64 node_id = 1; uint64 parent_id = 2; uint64 timestamp = 3; repeated KeyValue meta = 4; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; }; message ApplyRequest { message Body { bytes container_id = 1; string tree_id = 2; LogMove operation = 3; } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; } message ApplyResponse { message Body { } Body body = 1; Signature signature = 2; };