Evgenii Stratonikov 4944490ffb [#1559] local_object_storage: Move shard to the DegradedReadOnly mode
`Degraded` mode can be set by the administrator if needed.
Modifying operations in this mode can lead node into an inconsistent state
because metabase checks such as lock checking are not performed.

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2022-07-21 17:56:06 +03:00

163 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package control;
option go_package = "";
// Signature of some message.
message Signature {
// Public key used for signing.
bytes key = 1 [json_name = "key"];
// Binary signature.
bytes sign = 2 [json_name = "signature"];
// Status of the storage node in the NeoFS network map.
enum NetmapStatus {
// Undefined status, default value.
// Node is online.
// Node is offline.
// Node is maintained by the owner.
// NeoFS node description.
message NodeInfo {
// Public key of the NeoFS node in a binary format.
bytes public_key = 1 [json_name = "publicKey"];
// Ways to connect to a node.
repeated string addresses = 2 [json_name = "addresses"];
// Administrator-defined Attributes of the NeoFS Storage Node.
// `Attribute` is a Key-Value metadata pair. Key name must be a valid UTF-8
// string. Value can't be empty.
// Node's attributes are mostly used during Storage Policy evaluation to
// calculate object's placement and find a set of nodes satisfying policy
// requirements. There are some "well-known" node attributes common to all the
// Storage Nodes in the network and used implicitly with default values if not
// explicitly set:
// * Capacity \
// Total available disk space in Gigabytes.
// * Price \
// Price in GAS tokens for storing one GB of data during one Epoch. In node
// attributes it's a string presenting floating point number with comma or
// point delimiter for decimal part. In the Network Map it will be saved as
// 64-bit unsigned integer representing number of minimal token fractions.
// * Subnet \
// String ID of Node's storage subnet. There can be only one subnet served
// by the Storage Node.
// * Locode \
// Node's geographic location in
// format approximated to the nearest point defined in standard.
// * Country \
// Country code in
// [ISO 3166-1_alpha-2](
// format. Calculated automatically from `Locode` attribute
// * Region \
// Country's administative subdivision where node is located. Calculated
// automatically from `Locode` attribute based on `SubDiv` field. Presented
// in [ISO 3166-2]( format.
// * City \
// City, town, village or rural area name where node is located written
// without diacritics . Calculated automatically from `Locode` attribute.
// For detailed description of each well-known attribute please see the
// corresponding section in NeoFS Technical specification.
message Attribute {
// Key of the node attribute.
string key = 1 [json_name = "key"];
// Value of the node attribute.
string value = 2 [json_name = "value"];
// Parent keys, if any. For example for `City` it could be `Region` and
// `Country`.
repeated string parents = 3 [json_name = "parents"];
// Carries list of the NeoFS node attributes in a key-value form. Key name
// must be a node-unique valid UTF-8 string. Value can't be empty. NodeInfo
// structures with duplicated attribute names or attributes with empty values
// will be considered invalid.
repeated Attribute attributes = 3 [json_name = "attributes"];
// Carries state of the NeoFS node.
NetmapStatus state = 4 [json_name = "state"];
// Network map structure.
message Netmap {
// Network map revision number.
uint64 epoch = 1 [json_name = "epoch"];
// Nodes presented in network.
repeated NodeInfo nodes = 2 [json_name = "nodes"];
// Health status of the storage node application.
enum HealthStatus {
// Undefined status, default value.
// Storage node application is starting.
// Storage node application is started and serves all services.
READY = 2;
// Storage node application is shutting down.
// Shard description.
message ShardInfo {
// ID of the shard.
bytes shard_ID = 1 [json_name = "shardID"];
// Path to shard's metabase.
string metabase_path = 2 [json_name = "metabasePath"];
// Path to shard's blobstor.
string blobstor_path = 3 [json_name = "blobstorPath"];
// Path to shard's write-cache, empty if disabled.
string writecache_path = 4 [json_name = "writecachePath"];
// Work mode of the shard.
ShardMode mode = 5;
// Amount of errors occured.
uint32 errorCount = 6;
// Path to shard's pilorama storage.
string pilorama_path = 7 [json_name = "piloramaPath"];
// Work mode of the shard.
enum ShardMode {
// Undefined mode, default value.
// Read-write.
// Read-only.
// Degraded.
// DegradedReadOnly.