Pavel Karpy 08bf8a68f1 [] engine: Do not use pointers as the results
Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
2022-06-06 18:03:12 +03:00

146 lines
3.6 KiB

package engine
import (
cid ""
// ContainerSizePrm groups parameters of ContainerSize operation.
type ContainerSizePrm struct {
cnr cid.ID
// ContainerSizeRes resulting values of ContainerSize operation.
type ContainerSizeRes struct {
size uint64
// ListContainersPrm groups parameters of ListContainers operation.
type ListContainersPrm struct{}
// ListContainersRes groups the resulting values of ListContainers operation.
type ListContainersRes struct {
containers []cid.ID
// SetContainerID sets the identifier of the container to estimate the size.
func (p *ContainerSizePrm) SetContainerID(cnr cid.ID) {
p.cnr = cnr
// Size returns calculated estimation of the container size.
func (r ContainerSizeRes) Size() uint64 {
return r.size
// Containers returns a list of identifiers of the containers in which local objects are stored.
func (r ListContainersRes) Containers() []cid.ID {
return r.containers
// ContainerSize returns the sum of estimation container sizes among all shards.
// Returns an error if executions are blocked (see BlockExecution).
func (e *StorageEngine) ContainerSize(prm ContainerSizePrm) (res ContainerSizeRes, err error) {
err = e.execIfNotBlocked(func() error {
res, err = e.containerSize(prm)
return err
// ContainerSize calls ContainerSize method on engine to calculate sum of estimation container sizes among all shards.
func ContainerSize(e *StorageEngine, id cid.ID) (uint64, error) {
var prm ContainerSizePrm
res, err := e.ContainerSize(prm)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return res.Size(), nil
func (e *StorageEngine) containerSize(prm ContainerSizePrm) (res ContainerSizeRes, err error) {
if e.metrics != nil {
defer elapsed(e.metrics.AddEstimateContainerSizeDuration)()
e.iterateOverUnsortedShards(func(sh hashedShard) (stop bool) {
size, err := shard.ContainerSize(sh.Shard, prm.cnr)
if err != nil {
e.reportShardError(sh, "can't get container size", err,
zap.Stringer("container_id", prm.cnr),
return false
res.size += size
return false
// ListContainers returns a unique container IDs presented in the engine objects.
// Returns an error if executions are blocked (see BlockExecution).
func (e *StorageEngine) ListContainers(_ ListContainersPrm) (res ListContainersRes, err error) {
err = e.execIfNotBlocked(func() error {
res, err = e.listContainers()
return err
// ListContainers calls ListContainers method on engine to get a unique container IDs presented in the engine objects.
func ListContainers(e *StorageEngine) ([]cid.ID, error) {
var prm ListContainersPrm
res, err := e.ListContainers(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Containers(), nil
func (e *StorageEngine) listContainers() (ListContainersRes, error) {
if e.metrics != nil {
defer elapsed(e.metrics.AddListContainersDuration)()
uniqueIDs := make(map[string]cid.ID)
e.iterateOverUnsortedShards(func(sh hashedShard) (stop bool) {
cnrs, err := shard.ListContainers(sh.Shard)
if err != nil {
e.reportShardError(sh, "can't get list of containers", err)
return false
for i := range cnrs {
id := cnrs[i].EncodeToString()
if _, ok := uniqueIDs[id]; !ok {
uniqueIDs[id] = cnrs[i]
return false
result := make([]cid.ID, 0, len(uniqueIDs))
for _, v := range uniqueIDs {
result = append(result, v)
return ListContainersRes{
containers: result,
}, nil