7. Setup pre-commit hooks to run code formatters on staged files before you run a `git commit` command:
$ pre-commit install
Optionally you might want to integrate code formatters with your code editor to apply formatters to code files as you go:
* isort is supported by [PyCharm](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/15434-isortconnect), [VS Code](https://cereblanco.medium.com/setup-black-and-isort-in-vscode-514804590bf9). Plugins exist for other IDEs/editors as well.
* black can be integrated with multiple editors, please, instructions are available [here](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/editors.html).
If you opted to install Allure CLI, you can generate a report using the command `allure generate`. The web representation of the report will be under `allure-report` directory:
Then, you can check the allure report in your browser [by this link](http://localhost:5050/allure-docker-service/projects/default/reports/latest/index.html?redirect=false)
NOTE: feel free to select a different location for `allure-reports` directory, there is no requirement to have it inside `neofs-testcases`. For example, you can place it under `/tmp` path.
## Code style
The names of Python variables, functions and classes must comply with [PEP8](https://peps.python.org/pep-0008) rules, in particular:
* Name of a variable/function must be in snake_case (lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability).
* Name of a global variable must be in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, the underscore (`_`) symbol must be used as a separator between words.
* Name of a class must be in PascalCase (the first letter of each compound word in a variable name is capitalized).
* Names of other variables should not be ended with the underscore symbol.
Line length limit is set as 100 characters.
Imports should be ordered in accordance with [isort default rules](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/).