package stateroot

import (


type (
	// Ledger is an interface to Blockchain sufficient for Service.
	Ledger interface {
		GetConfig() config.ProtocolConfiguration
		HeaderHeight() uint32
		SubscribeForBlocks(ch chan<- *block.Block)
		UnsubscribeFromBlocks(ch chan<- *block.Block)

	// Service represents a state root service.
	Service interface {
		Name() string
		OnPayload(p *payload.Extensible) error
		AddSignature(height uint32, validatorIndex int32, sig []byte) error
		GetConfig() config.StateRoot
		// Start runs service instance in a separate goroutine.
		// The service only starts once, subsequent calls to Start are no-op.
		// Shutdown stops the service. It can only be called once, subsequent calls
		// to Shutdown on the same instance are no-op. The instance that was stopped can
		// not be started again by calling Start (use a new instance if needed).

	service struct {
		chain Ledger

		MainCfg config.StateRoot
		Network netmode.Magic

		log       *zap.Logger
		started   *atomic.Bool
		accMtx    sync.RWMutex
		accHeight uint32
		myIndex   byte
		wallet    *wallet.Wallet
		acc       *wallet.Account

		srMtx           sync.Mutex
		incompleteRoots map[uint32]*incompleteRoot

		timePerBlock    time.Duration
		maxRetries      int
		relayExtensible RelayCallback
		blockCh         chan *block.Block
		stopCh          chan struct{}
		done            chan struct{}

const (
	// Category is a message category for extensible payloads.
	Category = "StateService"

// New returns a new state root service instance using the underlying module.
func New(cfg config.StateRoot, sm *stateroot.Module, log *zap.Logger, bc Ledger, cb RelayCallback) (Service, error) {
	bcConf := bc.GetConfig()
	s := &service{
		Module:          sm,
		Network:         bcConf.Magic,
		started:         atomic.NewBool(false),
		chain:           bc,
		log:             log,
		incompleteRoots: make(map[uint32]*incompleteRoot),
		blockCh:         make(chan *block.Block),
		stopCh:          make(chan struct{}),
		done:            make(chan struct{}),
		timePerBlock:    time.Duration(bcConf.SecondsPerBlock) * time.Second,
		maxRetries:      voteValidEndInc,
		relayExtensible: cb,

	s.MainCfg = cfg
	if cfg.Enabled {
		if bcConf.StateRootInHeader {
			return nil, errors.New("`StateRootInHeader` should be disabled when state service is enabled")
		var err error
		w := cfg.UnlockWallet
		if s.wallet, err = wallet.NewWalletFromFile(w.Path); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		haveAccount := false
		for _, acc := range s.wallet.Accounts {
			if err := acc.Decrypt(w.Password, s.wallet.Scrypt); err == nil {
				haveAccount = true
		if !haveAccount {
			return nil, errors.New("no wallet account could be unlocked")

	return s, nil

// OnPayload implements Service interface.
func (s *service) OnPayload(ep *payload.Extensible) error {
	m := &Message{}
	r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(ep.Data)
	if r.Err != nil {
		return r.Err
	switch m.Type {
	case RootT:
		sr := m.Payload.(*state.MPTRoot)
		if sr.Index == 0 {
			return nil
		err := s.AddStateRoot(sr)
		if errors.Is(err, stateroot.ErrStateMismatch) {
			s.log.Error("can't add SV-signed state root", zap.Error(err))
			return nil
		ir, ok := s.incompleteRoots[sr.Index]
		if ok {
			ir.isSent = true
		return err
	case VoteT:
		v := m.Payload.(*Vote)
		return s.AddSignature(v.Height, v.ValidatorIndex, v.Signature)
	return nil

func (s *service) updateValidators(height uint32, pubs keys.PublicKeys) {
	defer s.accMtx.Unlock()

	s.acc = nil
	for i := range pubs {
		if acc := s.wallet.GetAccount(pubs[i].GetScriptHash()); acc != nil {
			err := acc.Decrypt(s.MainCfg.UnlockWallet.Password, s.wallet.Scrypt)
			if err == nil {
				s.acc = acc
				s.accHeight = height
				s.myIndex = byte(i)