package native

import (


const (
	policyContractID = -7

	defaultExecFeeFactor      = interop.DefaultBaseExecFee
	defaultFeePerByte         = 1000
	defaultMaxVerificationGas = 1_50000000
	// DefaultStoragePrice is the price to pay for 1 byte of storage.
	DefaultStoragePrice = 100000

	// maxExecFeeFactor is the maximum allowed execution fee factor.
	maxExecFeeFactor = 100
	// maxFeePerByte is the maximum allowed fee per byte value.
	maxFeePerByte = 100_000_000
	// maxStoragePrice is the maximum allowed price for a byte of storage.
	maxStoragePrice = 10000000

	// blockedAccountPrefix is a prefix used to store blocked account.
	blockedAccountPrefix = 15

var (
	// execFeeFactorKey is a key used to store execution fee factor.
	execFeeFactorKey = []byte{18}
	// feePerByteKey is a key used to store the minimum fee per byte for
	// transaction.
	feePerByteKey = []byte{10}
	// storagePriceKey is a key used to store storage price.
	storagePriceKey = []byte{19}

// Policy represents Policy native contract.
type Policy struct {

type PolicyCache struct {
	execFeeFactor      uint32
	feePerByte         int64
	maxVerificationGas int64
	storagePrice       uint32
	blockedAccounts    []util.Uint160

var (
	_ interop.Contract        = (*Policy)(nil)
	_ dao.NativeContractCache = (*PolicyCache)(nil)

// Copy implements NativeContractCache interface.
func (c *PolicyCache) Copy() dao.NativeContractCache {
	cp := &PolicyCache{}
	copyPolicyCache(c, cp)
	return cp

func copyPolicyCache(src, dst *PolicyCache) {
	*dst = *src
	dst.blockedAccounts = make([]util.Uint160, len(src.blockedAccounts))
	copy(dst.blockedAccounts, src.blockedAccounts)

// newPolicy returns Policy native contract.
func newPolicy() *Policy {
	p := &Policy{ContractMD: *interop.NewContractMD(nativenames.Policy, policyContractID)}
	defer p.UpdateHash()

	desc := newDescriptor("getFeePerByte", smartcontract.IntegerType)
	md := newMethodAndPrice(p.getFeePerByte, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("isBlocked", smartcontract.BoolType,
		manifest.NewParameter("account", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.isBlocked, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("getExecFeeFactor", smartcontract.IntegerType)
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.getExecFeeFactor, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("setExecFeeFactor", smartcontract.VoidType,
		manifest.NewParameter("value", smartcontract.IntegerType))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.setExecFeeFactor, 1<<15, callflag.States)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("getStoragePrice", smartcontract.IntegerType)
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.getStoragePrice, 1<<15, callflag.ReadStates)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("setStoragePrice", smartcontract.VoidType,
		manifest.NewParameter("value", smartcontract.IntegerType))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.setStoragePrice, 1<<15, callflag.States)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("setFeePerByte", smartcontract.VoidType,
		manifest.NewParameter("value", smartcontract.IntegerType))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.setFeePerByte, 1<<15, callflag.States)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("blockAccount", smartcontract.BoolType,
		manifest.NewParameter("account", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.blockAccount, 1<<15, callflag.States)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	desc = newDescriptor("unblockAccount", smartcontract.BoolType,
		manifest.NewParameter("account", smartcontract.Hash160Type))
	md = newMethodAndPrice(p.unblockAccount, 1<<15, callflag.States)
	p.AddMethod(md, desc)

	return p

// Metadata implements the Contract interface.
func (p *Policy) Metadata() *interop.ContractMD {
	return &p.ContractMD

// Initialize initializes Policy native contract and implements the Contract interface.
func (p *Policy) Initialize(ic *interop.Context) error {
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, feePerByteKey, defaultFeePerByte)
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, execFeeFactorKey, defaultExecFeeFactor)
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, storagePriceKey, DefaultStoragePrice)

	cache := &PolicyCache{
		execFeeFactor:      defaultExecFeeFactor,
		feePerByte:         defaultFeePerByte,
		maxVerificationGas: defaultMaxVerificationGas,
		storagePrice:       DefaultStoragePrice,
		blockedAccounts:    make([]util.Uint160, 0),
	ic.DAO.SetCache(p.ID, cache)

	return nil

func (p *Policy) InitializeCache(d *dao.Simple) error {
	cache := &PolicyCache{}
	err := p.fillCacheFromDAO(cache, d)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	d.SetCache(p.ID, cache)
	return nil

func (p *Policy) fillCacheFromDAO(cache *PolicyCache, d *dao.Simple) error {
	cache.execFeeFactor = uint32(getIntWithKey(p.ID, d, execFeeFactorKey))
	cache.feePerByte = getIntWithKey(p.ID, d, feePerByteKey)
	cache.maxVerificationGas = defaultMaxVerificationGas
	cache.storagePrice = uint32(getIntWithKey(p.ID, d, storagePriceKey))

	cache.blockedAccounts = make([]util.Uint160, 0)
	var fErr error
	d.Seek(p.ID, storage.SeekRange{Prefix: []byte{blockedAccountPrefix}}, func(k, _ []byte) bool {
		hash, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(k)
		if err != nil {
			fErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to decode blocked account hash: %w", err)
			return false
		cache.blockedAccounts = append(cache.blockedAccounts, hash)
		return true
	if fErr != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize blocked accounts: %w", fErr)
	return nil

// OnPersist implements Contract interface.
func (p *Policy) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
	return nil

// PostPersist implements Contract interface.
func (p *Policy) PostPersist(ic *interop.Context) error {
	return nil

// getFeePerByte is a Policy contract method that returns the required transaction's fee
// per byte.
func (p *Policy) getFeePerByte(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(p.GetFeePerByteInternal(ic.DAO)))

// GetFeePerByteInternal returns required transaction's fee per byte.
func (p *Policy) GetFeePerByteInternal(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
	cache := dao.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	return cache.feePerByte

// GetMaxVerificationGas returns the maximum gas allowed to be burned during verification.
func (p *Policy) GetMaxVerificationGas(dao *dao.Simple) int64 {
	cache := dao.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	return cache.maxVerificationGas

func (p *Policy) getExecFeeFactor(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(p.GetExecFeeFactorInternal(ic.DAO))))

// GetExecFeeFactorInternal returns current execution fee factor.
func (p *Policy) GetExecFeeFactorInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
	cache := d.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	return int64(cache.execFeeFactor)

func (p *Policy) setExecFeeFactor(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	value := toUint32(args[0])
	if value <= 0 || maxExecFeeFactor < value {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("ExecFeeFactor must be between 0 and %d", maxExecFeeFactor))
	if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
		panic("invalid committee signature")
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, execFeeFactorKey, int64(value))
	cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	cache.execFeeFactor = value
	return stackitem.Null{}

// isBlocked is Policy contract method that checks whether provided account is blocked.
func (p *Policy) isBlocked(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	hash := toUint160(args[0])
	_, blocked := p.isBlockedInternal(ic.DAO, hash)
	return stackitem.NewBool(blocked)

// IsBlocked checks whether provided account is blocked.
func (p *Policy) IsBlocked(dao *dao.Simple, hash util.Uint160) bool {
	_, isBlocked := p.isBlockedInternal(dao, hash)
	return isBlocked

// isBlockedInternal checks whether provided account is blocked. It returns position
// of the blocked account in the blocked accounts list (or the position it should be
// put at).
func (p *Policy) isBlockedInternal(dao *dao.Simple, hash util.Uint160) (int, bool) {
	cache := dao.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	length := len(cache.blockedAccounts)
	i := sort.Search(length, func(i int) bool {
		return !cache.blockedAccounts[i].Less(hash)
	if length != 0 && i != length && cache.blockedAccounts[i].Equals(hash) {
		return i, true
	return i, false

func (p *Policy) getStoragePrice(ic *interop.Context, _ []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	return stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(p.GetStoragePriceInternal(ic.DAO)))

// GetStoragePriceInternal returns current execution fee factor.
func (p *Policy) GetStoragePriceInternal(d *dao.Simple) int64 {
	cache := d.GetROCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	return int64(cache.storagePrice)

func (p *Policy) setStoragePrice(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	value := toUint32(args[0])
	if value <= 0 || maxStoragePrice < value {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("StoragePrice must be between 0 and %d", maxStoragePrice))
	if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
		panic("invalid committee signature")
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, storagePriceKey, int64(value))
	cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	cache.storagePrice = value
	return stackitem.Null{}

// setFeePerByte is a Policy contract method that sets transaction's fee per byte.
func (p *Policy) setFeePerByte(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	value := toBigInt(args[0]).Int64()
	if value < 0 || value > maxFeePerByte {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("FeePerByte shouldn't be negative or greater than %d", maxFeePerByte))
	if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
		panic("invalid committee signature")
	setIntWithKey(p.ID, ic.DAO, feePerByteKey, value)
	cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	cache.feePerByte = value
	return stackitem.Null{}

// blockAccount is a Policy contract method that adds the given account hash to the list
// of blocked accounts.
func (p *Policy) blockAccount(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
		panic("invalid committee signature")
	hash := toUint160(args[0])
	for i := range ic.Natives {
		if ic.Natives[i].Metadata().Hash == hash {
			panic("cannot block native contract")
	return stackitem.NewBool(p.blockAccountInternal(ic.DAO, hash))
func (p *Policy) blockAccountInternal(d *dao.Simple, hash util.Uint160) bool {
	i, blocked := p.isBlockedInternal(d, hash)
	if blocked {
		return false
	key := append([]byte{blockedAccountPrefix}, hash.BytesBE()...)
	d.PutStorageItem(p.ID, key, state.StorageItem{})
	cache := d.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	if len(cache.blockedAccounts) == i {
		cache.blockedAccounts = append(cache.blockedAccounts, hash)
	} else {
		cache.blockedAccounts = append(cache.blockedAccounts[:i+1], cache.blockedAccounts[i:]...)
		cache.blockedAccounts[i] = hash
	return true

// unblockAccount is a Policy contract method that removes the given account hash from
// the list of blocked accounts.
func (p *Policy) unblockAccount(ic *interop.Context, args []stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
	if !p.NEO.checkCommittee(ic) {
		panic("invalid committee signature")
	hash := toUint160(args[0])
	i, blocked := p.isBlockedInternal(ic.DAO, hash)
	if !blocked {
		return stackitem.NewBool(false)
	key := append([]byte{blockedAccountPrefix}, hash.BytesBE()...)
	ic.DAO.DeleteStorageItem(p.ID, key)
	cache := ic.DAO.GetRWCache(p.ID).(*PolicyCache)
	cache.blockedAccounts = append(cache.blockedAccounts[:i], cache.blockedAccounts[i+1:]...)
	return stackitem.NewBool(true)

// CheckPolicy checks whether a transaction conforms to the current policy restrictions,
// like not being signed by a blocked account or not exceeding the block-level system
// fee limit.
func (p *Policy) CheckPolicy(d *dao.Simple, tx *transaction.Transaction) error {
	for _, signer := range tx.Signers {
		if _, isBlocked := p.isBlockedInternal(d, signer.Account); isBlocked {
			return fmt.Errorf("account %s is blocked", signer.Account.StringLE())
	return nil