package native import ( "math/big" "sort" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // NEO represents NEO native contract. type NEO struct { nep5TokenNative GAS *GAS } const neoSyscallName = "Neo.Native.Tokens.NEO" // NewNEO returns NEO native contract. func NewNEO() *NEO { nep5 := newNEP5Native(neoSyscallName) = "NEO" nep5.symbol = "neo" nep5.decimals = 0 nep5.factor = 1 n := &NEO{nep5TokenNative: *nep5} desc := newDescriptor("unclaimedGas", smartcontract.IntegerType, manifest.NewParameter("account", smartcontract.Hash160Type), manifest.NewParameter("end", smartcontract.IntegerType)) md := newMethodAndPrice(n.unclaimedGas, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, true) desc = newDescriptor("registerValidator", smartcontract.BoolType, manifest.NewParameter("pubkey", smartcontract.PublicKeyType)) md = newMethodAndPrice(n.registerValidator, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, false) desc = newDescriptor("vote", smartcontract.BoolType, manifest.NewParameter("account", smartcontract.Hash160Type), manifest.NewParameter("pubkeys", smartcontract.ArrayType)) md = newMethodAndPrice(, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, false) desc = newDescriptor("getRegisteredValidators", smartcontract.ArrayType) md = newMethodAndPrice(n.getRegisteredValidators, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, true) desc = newDescriptor("getValidators", smartcontract.ArrayType) md = newMethodAndPrice(n.getValidators, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, true) desc = newDescriptor("getNextBlockValidators", smartcontract.ArrayType) md = newMethodAndPrice(n.getNextBlockValidators, 1, smartcontract.NoneFlag) n.AddMethod(md, desc, true) n.onPersist = chainOnPersist(n.onPersist, n.OnPersist) n.incBalance = n.increaseBalance return n } // Initialize initializes NEO contract. func (n *NEO) Initialize(ic *interop.Context) error { data, err := ic.DAO.GetNativeContractState(n.Hash) if err == nil { return n.initFromStore(data) } else if err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound { return err } if err := n.nep5TokenNative.Initialize(); err != nil { return err } h, vs, err := getStandbyValidatorsHash(ic) if err != nil { return err }, h, big.NewInt(100000000*n.factor)) for i := range vs { if err := n.registerValidatorInternal(ic, vs[i]); err != nil { return err } } return ic.DAO.PutNativeContractState(n.Hash, n.serializeState()) } // initFromStore initializes variable contract parameters from the store. func (n *NEO) initFromStore(data []byte) error { n.totalSupply = *emit.BytesToInt(data) return nil } func (n *NEO) serializeState() []byte { return emit.IntToBytes(&n.totalSupply) } // OnPersist implements Contract interface. func (n *NEO) OnPersist(ic *interop.Context) error { pubs, err := n.GetValidatorsInternal(ic.Chain, ic.DAO) if err != nil { return err } if err := ic.DAO.PutNextBlockValidators(pubs); err != nil { return err } return ic.DAO.PutNativeContractState(n.Hash, n.serializeState()) } func (n *NEO) increaseBalance(ic *interop.Context, acc *state.Account, amount *big.Int) error { if sign := amount.Sign(); sign == 0 { return nil } else if sign == -1 && acc.NEO.Balance.Cmp(new(big.Int).Neg(amount)) == -1 { return errors.New("insufficient funds") } if err := n.distributeGas(ic, acc); err != nil { return err } acc.NEO.Balance.Add(&acc.NEO.Balance, amount) return nil } func (n *NEO) distributeGas(ic *interop.Context, acc *state.Account) error { if ic.Block == nil { return nil } sys, net, err := ic.Chain.CalculateClaimable(util.Fixed8(acc.NEO.Balance.Int64()), acc.NEO.BalanceHeight, ic.Block.Index) if err != nil { return err } acc.NEO.BalanceHeight = ic.Block.Index, acc.ScriptHash, big.NewInt(int64(sys+net))) return nil } func (n *NEO) unclaimedGas(ic *interop.Context, args []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { u := toUint160(args[0]) end := uint32(toBigInt(args[1]).Int64()) bs, err := ic.DAO.GetNEP5Balances(u) if err != nil { panic(err) } tr := bs.Trackers[n.Hash] sys, net, err := ic.Chain.CalculateClaimable(util.Fixed8(tr.Balance), tr.LastUpdatedBlock, end) if err != nil { panic(err) } return vm.NewBigIntegerItem(big.NewInt(int64(sys.Add(net)))) } func (n *NEO) registerValidator(ic *interop.Context, args []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { err := n.registerValidatorInternal(ic, toPublicKey(args[0])) return vm.NewBoolItem(err == nil) } func (n *NEO) registerValidatorInternal(ic *interop.Context, pub *keys.PublicKey) error { _, err := ic.DAO.GetValidatorState(pub) if err == nil { return err } return ic.DAO.PutValidatorState(&state.Validator{PublicKey: pub}) } func (n *NEO) vote(ic *interop.Context, args []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { acc := toUint160(args[0]) arr := args[1].Value().([]vm.StackItem) var pubs keys.PublicKeys for i := range arr { pub := new(keys.PublicKey) bs, err := arr[i].TryBytes() if err != nil { panic(err) } else if err := pub.DecodeBytes(bs); err != nil { panic(err) } pubs = append(pubs, pub) } err := n.VoteInternal(ic, acc, pubs) return vm.NewBoolItem(err == nil) } // VoteInternal votes from account h for validarors specified in pubs. func (n *NEO) VoteInternal(ic *interop.Context, h util.Uint160, pubs keys.PublicKeys) error { ok, err := runtime.CheckHashedWitness(ic, h) if err != nil { return err } else if !ok { return errors.New("invalid signature") } acc, err := ic.DAO.GetAccountState(h) if err != nil { return err } balance := util.Fixed8(acc.NEO.Balance.Int64()) if err := ModifyAccountVotes(acc, ic.DAO, -balance); err != nil { return err } pubs = pubs.Unique() var newPubs keys.PublicKeys for _, pub := range pubs { _, err := ic.DAO.GetValidatorState(pub) if err != nil { if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound { continue } return err } newPubs = append(newPubs, pub) } if lp, lv := len(newPubs), len(acc.Votes); lp != lv { vc, err := ic.DAO.GetValidatorsCount() if err != nil { return err } if lv > 0 { vc[lv-1] -= balance } if len(newPubs) > 0 { vc[lp-1] += balance } if err := ic.DAO.PutValidatorsCount(vc); err != nil { return err } } acc.Votes = newPubs return ModifyAccountVotes(acc, ic.DAO, balance) } // ModifyAccountVotes modifies votes of the specified account by value (can be negative). func ModifyAccountVotes(acc *state.Account, d dao.DAO, value util.Fixed8) error { for _, vote := range acc.Votes { validator, err := d.GetValidatorStateOrNew(vote) if err != nil { return err } validator.Votes += value if validator.UnregisteredAndHasNoVotes() { if err := d.DeleteValidatorState(validator); err != nil { return err } } else { if err := d.PutValidatorState(validator); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } func (n *NEO) getRegisteredValidators(ic *interop.Context, _ []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { vs := ic.DAO.GetValidators() arr := make([]vm.StackItem, len(vs)) for i := range vs { arr[i] = vm.NewStructItem([]vm.StackItem{ vm.NewByteArrayItem(vs[i].PublicKey.Bytes()), vm.NewBigIntegerItem(big.NewInt(int64(vs[i].Votes))), }) } return vm.NewArrayItem(arr) } // GetValidatorsInternal returns a list of current validators. func (n *NEO) GetValidatorsInternal(bc blockchainer.Blockchainer, d dao.DAO) ([]*keys.PublicKey, error) { validatorsCount, err := d.GetValidatorsCount() if err != nil { return nil, err } else if len(validatorsCount) == 0 { sb, err := bc.GetStandByValidators() if err != nil { return nil, err } return sb, nil } validators := d.GetValidators() sort.Slice(validators, func(i, j int) bool { // Unregistered validators go to the end of the list. if validators[i].Registered != validators[j].Registered { return validators[i].Registered } // The most-voted validators should end up in the front of the list. if validators[i].Votes != validators[j].Votes { return validators[i].Votes > validators[j].Votes } // Ties are broken with public keys. return validators[i].PublicKey.Cmp(validators[j].PublicKey) == -1 }) count := validatorsCount.GetWeightedAverage() standByValidators, err := bc.GetStandByValidators() if err != nil { return nil, err } if count < len(standByValidators) { count = len(standByValidators) } uniqueSBValidators := standByValidators.Unique() result := keys.PublicKeys{} for _, validator := range validators { if validator.RegisteredAndHasVotes() || uniqueSBValidators.Contains(validator.PublicKey) { result = append(result, validator.PublicKey) } } if result.Len() >= count { result = result[:count] } else { for i := 0; i < uniqueSBValidators.Len() && result.Len() < count; i++ { if !result.Contains(uniqueSBValidators[i]) { result = append(result, uniqueSBValidators[i]) } } } sort.Sort(result) return result, nil } func (n *NEO) getValidators(ic *interop.Context, _ []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { result, err := n.GetValidatorsInternal(ic.Chain, ic.DAO) if err != nil { panic(err) } return pubsToArray(result) } func (n *NEO) getNextBlockValidators(ic *interop.Context, _ []vm.StackItem) vm.StackItem { result, err := n.GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(ic.Chain, ic.DAO) if err != nil { panic(err) } return pubsToArray(result) } // GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal returns next block validators. func (n *NEO) GetNextBlockValidatorsInternal(bc blockchainer.Blockchainer, d dao.DAO) ([]*keys.PublicKey, error) { result, err := d.GetNextBlockValidators() if err != nil { return nil, err } else if result == nil { return bc.GetStandByValidators() } return result, nil } func pubsToArray(pubs keys.PublicKeys) vm.StackItem { arr := make([]vm.StackItem, len(pubs)) for i := range pubs { arr[i] = vm.NewByteArrayItem(pubs[i].Bytes()) } return vm.NewArrayItem(arr) } func toPublicKey(s vm.StackItem) *keys.PublicKey { buf, err := s.TryBytes() if err != nil { panic(err) } pub := new(keys.PublicKey) if err := pub.DecodeBytes(buf); err != nil { panic(err) } return pub }