decentralisedkev 30e5aa8f48
Add Chain saving functionality to Database (#206)
* [database]

- Add Prefix method to interface
- Convert leveldb error to `database error`
- Be explicit with prefixedKey in `Table` as slices can be pointers

* [protocol]
- Add stringer method to protocol

* [Chaindb]

- Added saveBlock() which will allow us to save a block into the
database. The block is broken up into transactions and Headers. The
headers are saved as is. The transactions are saved as is, then the
utxos in the transactions are collected to make the utxo db.

- Verification for blocks and transactions will reside in the same
package. Note that the save methods are all unexported, while the Get
methods are exported. Making it so that any can call a get method, but
only code in this package may save to the database. The other code which
will reside in this package will be code verification logic.

* [chaindb]

- Added saveHeader function which saveHeaders  uses

- Update the latest header, each time we save a header instead of after a batch. This is so that we can call saveHeader without saveHeaders. This functionality can be rolled back if the performance of updating the header after a batch is significant

- small refactor in test code
2019-03-23 16:57:05 +00:00

453 lines
12 KiB

// This impl uses channels to simulate the queue handler with the actor model.
// A suitable number k ,should be set for channel size, because if #numOfMsg > k,
// we lose determinism. k chosen should be large enough that when filled, it shall indicate that
// the peer has stopped responding, since we do not have a pingMSG, we will need another way to shut down
// peers
package peer
import (
const (
maxOutboundConnections = 100
protocolVer = protocol.DefaultVersion
handshakeTimeout = 30 * time.Second
idleTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // If no message received after idleTimeout, then peer disconnects
// nodes will have `responseTime` seconds to reply with a response
responseTime = 120 * time.Second
// the stall detector will check every `tickerInterval` to see if messages
// are overdue. Should be less than `responseTime`
tickerInterval = 30 * time.Second
// The input buffer size is the amount of mesages that
// can be buffered into the channel to receive at once before
// blocking, and before determinism is broken
inputBufferSize = 100
// The output buffer size is the amount of messages that
// can be buffered into the channel to send at once before
// blocking, and before determinism is broken.
outputBufferSize = 100
// pingInterval = 20 * time.Second //Not implemented in neo clients
var (
errHandShakeTimeout = errors.New("Handshake timed out, peers have " + string(handshakeTimeout) + " Seconds to Complete the handshake")
// Peer represents a peer on the neo network
type Peer struct {
config LocalConfig
conn net.Conn
// atomic vals
disconnected int32
//unchangeable state: concurrent safe
addr string
protoVer protocol.Version
port uint16
inbound bool
userAgent string
services protocol.ServiceFlag
createdAt time.Time
relay bool
statemutex sync.Mutex
verackReceived bool
versionKnown bool
inch chan func() // will handle all incoming connections from peer
outch chan func() // will handle all outcoming connections from peer
quitch chan struct{}
// NewPeer returns a new NEO peer
func NewPeer(con net.Conn, inbound bool, cfg LocalConfig) *Peer {
p := Peer{}
p.inch = make(chan func(), inputBufferSize)
p.outch = make(chan func(), outputBufferSize)
p.quitch = make(chan struct{}, 1)
p.inbound = inbound
p.config = cfg
p.conn = con
p.createdAt = time.Now()
p.addr = p.conn.RemoteAddr().String()
p.Detector = stall.NewDetector(responseTime, tickerInterval)
// TODO: set the unchangeable states
return &p
// Write to a peer
func (p *Peer) Write(msg wire.Messager) error {
return wire.WriteMessage(p.conn, p.config.Net, msg)
// Read to a peer
func (p *Peer) Read() (wire.Messager, error) {
return wire.ReadMessage(p.conn, p.config.Net)
// Disconnect disconnects a peer and closes the connection
func (p *Peer) Disconnect() {
// return if already disconnected
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) != 0 {
atomic.AddInt32(&p.disconnected, 1)
fmt.Println("Disconnected Peer with address", p.RemoteAddr().String())
// Port returns the peers port
func (p *Peer) Port() uint16 {
return p.port
// CreatedAt returns the time at which the connection was made
func (p *Peer) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return p.createdAt
// CanRelay returns true, if the peer can relay information
func (p *Peer) CanRelay() bool {
return p.relay
// LocalAddr returns this node's local address
func (p *Peer) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return p.conn.LocalAddr()
// RemoteAddr returns the remote address of the connected peer
func (p *Peer) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return p.conn.RemoteAddr()
// Services returns the services offered by the peer
func (p *Peer) Services() protocol.ServiceFlag {
return p.config.Services
//Inbound returns true whether this peer is an inbound peer
func (p *Peer) Inbound() bool {
return p.inbound
// UserAgent returns this nodes, useragent
func (p *Peer) UserAgent() string {
return p.config.UserAgent
// IsVerackReceived returns true, if this node has
// received a verack from this peer
func (p *Peer) IsVerackReceived() bool {
return p.verackReceived
//NotifyDisconnect returns once the peer has disconnected
// Blocking
func (p *Peer) NotifyDisconnect() bool {
fmt.Println("Peer has not disconnected yet")
fmt.Println("Peer has just disconnected")
return true
//End of Exposed API functions//
// PingLoop not impl. in neo yet, adding it now
// will cause this client to disconnect from all other implementations
func (p *Peer) PingLoop() { /*not implemented in other neo clients*/ }
// Run is used to start communicating with the peer
// completes the handshake and starts observing
// for messages coming in
func (p *Peer) Run() error {
err := p.Handshake()
if err != nil {
return err
go p.StartProtocol()
go p.ReadLoop()
go p.WriteLoop()
//go p.PingLoop() // since it is not implemented. It will disconnect all other impls.
return nil
// StartProtocol run as a go-routine, will act as our queue for messages
// should be ran after handshake
func (p *Peer) StartProtocol() {
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
select {
case f := <-p.inch:
case <-p.quitch:
break loop
case <-p.Detector.Quitch:
fmt.Println("Peer stalled, disconnecting")
break loop
// ReadLoop Will block on the read until a message is read
// Should only be called after handshake is complete
// on a seperate go-routine.
func (p *Peer) ReadLoop() {
idleTimer := time.AfterFunc(idleTimeout, func() {
fmt.Println("Timing out peer")
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
idleTimer.Reset(idleTimeout) // reset timer on each loop
readmsg, err := p.Read()
// Message read; stop Timer
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Err on read", err) // This will also happen if Peer is disconnected
break loop
// Remove message as pending from the stall detector
switch msg := readmsg.(type) {
case *payload.VersionMessage:
fmt.Println("Already received a Version, disconnecting. " + p.RemoteAddr().String())
break loop // We have already done the handshake, break loop and disconnect
case *payload.VerackMessage:
if p.verackReceived {
fmt.Println("Already received a Verack, disconnecting. " + p.RemoteAddr().String())
break loop
p.statemutex.Lock() // This should not happen, however if it does, then we should set it.
p.verackReceived = true
case *payload.AddrMessage:
case *payload.GetAddrMessage:
case *payload.GetBlocksMessage:
case *payload.BlockMessage:
case *payload.HeadersMessage:
case *payload.GetHeadersMessage:
case *payload.InvMessage:
case *payload.GetDataMessage:
case *payload.TXMessage:
fmt.Println("Cannot recognise message", msg.Command()) //Do not disconnect peer, just Log Message
// WriteLoop will Queue all messages to be written to the peer.
func (p *Peer) WriteLoop() {
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
select {
case f := <-p.outch:
case <-p.Detector.Quitch: // if the detector quits, disconnect peer
// OnGetData is called when a GetData message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetData(msg *payload.GetDataMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnInv != nil {
fmt.Println("That was an getdata Message please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
//OnTX is callwed when a TX message is received
func (p *Peer) OnTX(msg *payload.TXMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
getdata, err := payload.NewGetDataMessage(payload.InvTypeTx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Eor", err)
id, err := msg.Tx.ID()
// OnInv is called when a Inv message is received
func (p *Peer) OnInv(msg *payload.InvMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnInv != nil {
p.config.OnInv(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was an inv Message please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetHeaders is called when a GetHeaders message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetHeaders(msg *payload.GetHeadersMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetHeaders != nil {
fmt.Println("That was a getheaders message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnAddr is called when a Addr message is received
func (p *Peer) OnAddr(msg *payload.AddrMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnAddr != nil {
p.config.OnAddr(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was a addr message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetAddr is called when a GetAddr message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetAddr(msg *payload.GetAddrMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetAddr != nil {
p.config.OnGetAddr(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was a getaddr message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetBlocks is called when a GetBlocks message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetBlocks(msg *payload.GetBlocksMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetBlocks != nil {
fmt.Println("That was a getblocks message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnBlocks is called when a Blocks message is received
func (p *Peer) OnBlocks(msg *payload.BlockMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnBlock != nil {
p.config.OnBlock(p, msg)
// OnVersion Listener will be called
// during the handshake, any error checking should be done here for the versionMessage.
// This should only ever be called during the handshake. Any other place and the peer will disconnect.
func (p *Peer) OnVersion(msg *payload.VersionMessage) error {
if msg.Nonce == p.config.Nonce {
return errors.New("Self connection, disconnecting Peer")
p.versionKnown = true
p.port = msg.Port = msg.Services
p.userAgent = string(msg.UserAgent)
p.createdAt = time.Now()
p.relay = msg.Relay
return nil
// OnHeaders is called when a Headers message is received
func (p *Peer) OnHeaders(msg *payload.HeadersMessage) {
fmt.Println("We have received the headers")
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnHeader != nil {
p.config.OnHeader(p, msg)
// RequestHeaders will write a getheaders to this peer
func (p *Peer) RequestHeaders(hash util.Uint256) error {
c := make(chan error, 0)
p.outch <- func() {
getHeaders, err := payload.NewGetHeadersMessage([]util.Uint256{hash}, util.Uint256{})
err = p.Write(getHeaders)
c <- err
return <-c
// RequestBlocks will ask this peer for a set of blocks
func (p *Peer) RequestBlocks(hashes []util.Uint256) error {
c := make(chan error, 0)
p.outch <- func() {
getdata, err := payload.NewGetDataMessage(payload.InvTypeBlock)
err = getdata.AddHashes(hashes)
if err != nil {
c <- err
err = p.Write(getdata)
c <- err
return <-c