Roman Khimov db027ad9c5 vm: zero GAS means no GAS, use fee data to properly limit execution
We were accepting transactions with zero system fee, but we shouldn't do
that. Also, transaction's verification execution has to be limited by network
2020-07-14 08:37:29 +03:00

1650 lines
40 KiB

package vm
import (
type errorAtInstruct struct {
ip int
op opcode.Opcode
err interface{}
func (e *errorAtInstruct) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("error encountered at instruction %d (%s): %s", e.ip, e.op, e.err)
func newError(ip int, op opcode.Opcode, err interface{}) *errorAtInstruct {
return &errorAtInstruct{ip: ip, op: op, err: err}
// StateMessage is a vm state message which could be used as additional info for example by cli.
type StateMessage string
// ScriptHashGetter defines an interface for getting calling, entry and current script hashes.
type ScriptHashGetter interface {
GetCallingScriptHash() util.Uint160
GetEntryScriptHash() util.Uint160
GetCurrentScriptHash() util.Uint160
const (
// MaxInvocationStackSize is the maximum size of an invocation stack.
MaxInvocationStackSize = 1024
// MaxStackSize is the maximum number of items allowed to be
// on all stacks at once.
MaxStackSize = 2 * 1024
maxSHLArg = stackitem.MaxBigIntegerSizeBits
// VM represents the virtual machine.
type VM struct {
state State
// callbacks to get interops.
getInterop []InteropGetterFunc
// callback to get interop price
getPrice func(*VM, opcode.Opcode, []byte) int64
istack *Stack // invocation stack.
estack *Stack // execution stack.
astack *Stack // alt stack.
refs *refCounter
gasConsumed int64
GasLimit int64
trigger trigger.Type
// Public keys cache.
keys map[string]*keys.PublicKey
// New returns a new VM object ready to load AVM bytecode scripts.
func New() *VM {
return NewWithTrigger(trigger.System)
// NewWithTrigger returns a new VM for executions triggered by t.
func NewWithTrigger(t trigger.Type) *VM {
vm := &VM{
getInterop: make([]InteropGetterFunc, 0, 3), // 3 functions is typical for our default usage.
state: haltState,
istack: NewStack("invocation"),
refs: newRefCounter(),
keys: make(map[string]*keys.PublicKey),
trigger: t,
vm.estack = vm.newItemStack("evaluation")
vm.astack = vm.newItemStack("alt")
return vm
func (v *VM) newItemStack(n string) *Stack {
s := NewStack(n)
s.refs = v.refs
return s
// RegisterInteropGetter registers the given InteropGetterFunc into VM. There
// can be many interop getters and they're probed in LIFO order wrt their
// registration time.
func (v *VM) RegisterInteropGetter(f InteropGetterFunc) {
v.getInterop = append(v.getInterop, f)
// SetPriceGetter registers the given PriceGetterFunc in v.
// f accepts vm's Context, current instruction and instruction parameter.
func (v *VM) SetPriceGetter(f func(*VM, opcode.Opcode, []byte) int64) {
v.getPrice = f
// GasConsumed returns the amount of GAS consumed during execution.
func (v *VM) GasConsumed() int64 {
return v.gasConsumed
// AddGas consumes specified amount of gas. It returns true iff gas limit wasn't exceeded.
func (v *VM) AddGas(gas int64) bool {
v.gasConsumed += gas
return v.GasLimit < 0 || v.gasConsumed <= v.GasLimit
// Estack returns the evaluation stack so interop hooks can utilize this.
func (v *VM) Estack() *Stack {
return v.estack
// Astack returns the alt stack so interop hooks can utilize this.
func (v *VM) Astack() *Stack {
return v.astack
// Istack returns the invocation stack so interop hooks can utilize this.
func (v *VM) Istack() *Stack {
return v.istack
// SetPublicKeys sets internal key cache to the specified value (note
// that it doesn't copy them).
func (v *VM) SetPublicKeys(keys map[string]*keys.PublicKey) {
v.keys = keys
// GetPublicKeys returns internal key cache (note that it doesn't copy it).
func (v *VM) GetPublicKeys() map[string]*keys.PublicKey {
return v.keys
// LoadArgs loads in the arguments used in the Mian entry point.
func (v *VM) LoadArgs(method []byte, args []stackitem.Item) {
if len(args) > 0 {
if method != nil {
// PrintOps prints the opcodes of the current loaded program to stdout.
func (v *VM) PrintOps() {
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 4, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintln(w, "INDEX\tOPCODE\tPARAMETER\t")
realctx := v.Context()
ctx := realctx.Copy()
ctx.ip = 0
ctx.nextip = 0
for {
cursor := ""
instr, parameter, err := ctx.Next()
if ctx.ip == realctx.ip {
cursor = "<<"
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d\t%s\tERROR: %s\t%s\n", ctx.ip, instr, err, cursor)
var desc = ""
if parameter != nil {
switch instr {
case opcode.JMP, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode.CALL,
opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPNE,
opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLT,
opcode.JMPL, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOTL, opcode.CALLL,
opcode.JMPEQL, opcode.JMPNEL,
opcode.JMPGTL, opcode.JMPGEL, opcode.JMPLEL, opcode.JMPLTL:
offset, rOffset, err := v.calcJumpOffset(ctx, parameter)
if err != nil {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %v", err)
} else {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%d (%d/%x)", offset, rOffset, parameter)
case opcode.PUSHA:
offset := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(parameter))
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%d (%x)", offset, parameter)
case opcode.INITSSLOT:
desc = fmt.Sprint(parameter[0])
case opcode.INITSLOT:
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%d local, %d arg", parameter[0], parameter[1])
case opcode.SYSCALL:
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%q", parameter)
if utf8.Valid(parameter) {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%x (%q)", parameter, parameter)
} else {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%x", parameter)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", ctx.ip, instr, desc, cursor)
if ctx.nextip >= len(ctx.prog) {
// AddBreakPoint adds a breakpoint to the current context.
func (v *VM) AddBreakPoint(n int) {
ctx := v.Context()
ctx.breakPoints = append(ctx.breakPoints, n)
// AddBreakPointRel adds a breakpoint relative to the current
// instruction pointer.
func (v *VM) AddBreakPointRel(n int) {
ctx := v.Context()
v.AddBreakPoint(ctx.ip + n)
// LoadFile loads a program in NEF format from the given path, ready to execute it.
func (v *VM) LoadFile(path string) error {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := nef.FileFromBytes(b)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Load initializes the VM with the program given.
func (v *VM) Load(prog []byte) {
// Clear all stacks and state, it could be a reload.
v.state = noneState
v.gasConsumed = 0
// LoadScript loads a script from the internal script table. It
// will immediately push a new context created from this script to
// the invocation stack and starts executing it.
func (v *VM) LoadScript(b []byte) {
v.LoadScriptWithFlags(b, smartcontract.NoneFlag)
// LoadScriptWithFlags loads script and sets call flag to f.
func (v *VM) LoadScriptWithFlags(b []byte, f smartcontract.CallFlag) {
ctx := NewContext(b)
ctx.estack = v.estack
ctx.astack = v.astack
ctx.callFlag = f
// LoadScriptWithHash if similar to the LoadScriptWithFlags method, but it also loads
// given script hash directly into the Context to avoid its recalculations. It's
// up to user of this function to make sure the script and hash match each other.
func (v *VM) LoadScriptWithHash(b []byte, hash util.Uint160, f smartcontract.CallFlag) {
shash := v.GetCurrentScriptHash()
v.LoadScriptWithFlags(b, f)
ctx := v.Context()
ctx.scriptHash = hash
ctx.callingScriptHash = shash
// Context returns the current executed context. Nil if there is no context,
// which implies no program is loaded.
func (v *VM) Context() *Context {
if v.istack.Len() == 0 {
return nil
return v.istack.Peek(0).Value().(*Context)
// PopResult is used to pop the first item of the evaluation stack. This allows
// us to test compiler and vm in a bi-directional way.
func (v *VM) PopResult() interface{} {
e := v.estack.Pop()
if e != nil {
return e.Value()
return nil
// Stack returns json formatted representation of the given stack.
func (v *VM) Stack(n string) string {
var s *Stack
if n == "astack" {
s = v.astack
if n == "istack" {
s = v.istack
if n == "estack" {
s = v.estack
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(s.ToContractParameters(), "", " ")
return string(b)
// State returns string representation of the state for the VM.
func (v *VM) State() string {
return v.state.String()
// Ready returns true if the VM ready to execute the loaded program.
// Will return false if no program is loaded.
func (v *VM) Ready() bool {
return v.istack.Len() > 0
// Run starts the execution of the loaded program.
func (v *VM) Run() error {
if !v.Ready() {
v.state = faultState
return errors.New("no program loaded")
if v.state.HasFlag(faultState) {
// VM already ran something and failed, in general its state is
// undefined in this case so we can't run anything.
return errors.New("VM has failed")
// haltState (the default) or breakState are safe to continue.
v.state = noneState
for {
// check for breakpoint before executing the next instruction
ctx := v.Context()
if ctx != nil && ctx.atBreakPoint() {
v.state = breakState
switch {
case v.state.HasFlag(faultState):
// Should be caught and reported already by the v.Step(),
// but we're checking here anyway just in case.
return errors.New("VM has failed")
case v.state.HasFlag(haltState), v.state.HasFlag(breakState):
// Normal exit from this loop.
return nil
case v.state == noneState:
if err := v.Step(); err != nil {
return err
v.state = faultState
return errors.New("unknown state")
// Step 1 instruction in the program.
func (v *VM) Step() error {
ctx := v.Context()
op, param, err := ctx.Next()
if err != nil {
v.state = faultState
return newError(ctx.ip, op, err)
return v.execute(ctx, op, param)
// StepInto behaves the same as “step over” in case if the line does not contain a function. Otherwise
// the debugger will enter the called function and continue line-by-line debugging there.
func (v *VM) StepInto() error {
ctx := v.Context()
if ctx == nil {
v.state = haltState
if v.HasStopped() {
return nil
if ctx != nil && ctx.prog != nil {
op, param, err := ctx.Next()
if err != nil {
v.state = faultState
return newError(ctx.ip, op, err)
vErr := v.execute(ctx, op, param)
if vErr != nil {
return vErr
cctx := v.Context()
if cctx != nil && cctx.atBreakPoint() {
v.state = breakState
return nil
// StepOut takes the debugger to the line where the current function was called.
func (v *VM) StepOut() error {
var err error
if v.state == breakState {
v.state = noneState
} else {
v.state = breakState
expSize := v.istack.len
for v.state == noneState && v.istack.len >= expSize {
err = v.StepInto()
return err
// StepOver takes the debugger to the line that will step over a given line.
// If the line contains a function the function will be executed and the result returned without debugging each line.
func (v *VM) StepOver() error {
var err error
if v.HasStopped() {
return err
if v.state == breakState {
v.state = noneState
} else {
v.state = breakState
expSize := v.istack.len
for {
err = v.StepInto()
if !(v.state == noneState && v.istack.len > expSize) {
if v.state == noneState {
v.state = breakState
return err
// HasFailed returns whether VM is in the failed state now. Usually used to
// check status after Run.
func (v *VM) HasFailed() bool {
return v.state.HasFlag(faultState)
// HasStopped returns whether VM is in Halt or Failed state.
func (v *VM) HasStopped() bool {
return v.state.HasFlag(haltState) || v.state.HasFlag(faultState)
// HasHalted returns whether VM is in Halt state.
func (v *VM) HasHalted() bool {
return v.state.HasFlag(haltState)
// AtBreakpoint returns whether VM is at breakpoint.
func (v *VM) AtBreakpoint() bool {
return v.state.HasFlag(breakState)
// GetInteropID converts instruction parameter to an interop ID.
func GetInteropID(parameter []byte) uint32 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(parameter)
// GetInteropByID returns interop function together with price.
// Registered callbacks are checked in LIFO order.
func (v *VM) GetInteropByID(id uint32) *InteropFuncPrice {
for i := len(v.getInterop) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if ifunc := v.getInterop[i](id); ifunc != nil {
return ifunc
return nil
// execute performs an instruction cycle in the VM. Acting on the instruction (opcode).
func (v *VM) execute(ctx *Context, op opcode.Opcode, parameter []byte) (err error) {
// Instead of polluting the whole VM logic with error handling, we will recover
// each panic at a central point, putting the VM in a fault state and setting error.
defer func() {
if errRecover := recover(); errRecover != nil {
v.state = faultState
err = newError(ctx.ip, op, errRecover)
} else if v.refs.size > MaxStackSize {
v.state = faultState
err = newError(ctx.ip, op, "stack is too big")
if v.getPrice != nil && ctx.ip < len(ctx.prog) {
v.gasConsumed += v.getPrice(v, op, parameter)
if v.GasLimit >= 0 && v.gasConsumed > v.GasLimit {
panic("gas limit is exceeded")
if op <= opcode.PUSHINT256 {
switch op {
case opcode.PUSHM1, opcode.PUSH0, opcode.PUSH1, opcode.PUSH2, opcode.PUSH3,
opcode.PUSH4, opcode.PUSH5, opcode.PUSH6, opcode.PUSH7,
opcode.PUSH8, opcode.PUSH9, opcode.PUSH10, opcode.PUSH11,
opcode.PUSH12, opcode.PUSH13, opcode.PUSH14, opcode.PUSH15,
val := int(op) - int(opcode.PUSH0)
case opcode.PUSHDATA1, opcode.PUSHDATA2, opcode.PUSHDATA4:
case opcode.PUSHA:
n := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(parameter))
if n < 0 || int(n) > len(ctx.prog) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid pointer offset (%d)", n))
ptr := stackitem.NewPointer(int(n), ctx.prog)
case opcode.PUSHNULL:
case opcode.ISNULL:
res := v.estack.Pop().value.Equals(stackitem.Null{})
case opcode.ISTYPE:
res := v.estack.Pop().Item()
v.estack.PushVal(res.Type() == stackitem.Type(parameter[0]))
case opcode.CONVERT:
typ := stackitem.Type(parameter[0])
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
result, err := item.Convert(typ)
if err != nil {
case opcode.INITSSLOT:
if ctx.static != nil {
panic("already initialized")
if parameter[0] == 0 {
panic("zero argument")
ctx.static = v.newSlot(int(parameter[0]))
case opcode.INITSLOT:
if ctx.local != nil || ctx.arguments != nil {
panic("already initialized")
if parameter[0] == 0 && parameter[1] == 0 {
panic("zero argument")
if parameter[0] > 0 {
ctx.local = v.newSlot(int(parameter[0]))
if parameter[1] > 0 {
sz := int(parameter[1])
ctx.arguments = v.newSlot(sz)
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
ctx.arguments.Set(i, v.estack.Pop().Item())
case opcode.LDSFLD0, opcode.LDSFLD1, opcode.LDSFLD2, opcode.LDSFLD3, opcode.LDSFLD4, opcode.LDSFLD5, opcode.LDSFLD6:
item := ctx.static.Get(int(op - opcode.LDSFLD0))
case opcode.LDSFLD:
item := ctx.static.Get(int(parameter[0]))
case opcode.STSFLD0, opcode.STSFLD1, opcode.STSFLD2, opcode.STSFLD3, opcode.STSFLD4, opcode.STSFLD5, opcode.STSFLD6:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.static.Set(int(op-opcode.STSFLD0), item)
case opcode.STSFLD:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.static.Set(int(parameter[0]), item)
case opcode.LDLOC0, opcode.LDLOC1, opcode.LDLOC2, opcode.LDLOC3, opcode.LDLOC4, opcode.LDLOC5, opcode.LDLOC6:
item := ctx.local.Get(int(op - opcode.LDLOC0))
case opcode.LDLOC:
item := ctx.local.Get(int(parameter[0]))
case opcode.STLOC0, opcode.STLOC1, opcode.STLOC2, opcode.STLOC3, opcode.STLOC4, opcode.STLOC5, opcode.STLOC6:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.local.Set(int(op-opcode.STLOC0), item)
case opcode.STLOC:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.local.Set(int(parameter[0]), item)
case opcode.LDARG0, opcode.LDARG1, opcode.LDARG2, opcode.LDARG3, opcode.LDARG4, opcode.LDARG5, opcode.LDARG6:
item := ctx.arguments.Get(int(op - opcode.LDARG0))
case opcode.LDARG:
item := ctx.arguments.Get(int(parameter[0]))
case opcode.STARG0, opcode.STARG1, opcode.STARG2, opcode.STARG3, opcode.STARG4, opcode.STARG5, opcode.STARG6:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.arguments.Set(int(op-opcode.STARG0), item)
case opcode.STARG:
item := v.estack.Pop().Item()
ctx.arguments.Set(int(parameter[0]), item)
case opcode.NEWBUFFER:
n := toInt(v.estack.Pop().BigInt())
if n < 0 || n > stackitem.MaxSize {
panic("invalid size")
v.estack.PushVal(stackitem.NewBuffer(make([]byte, n)))
case opcode.MEMCPY:
n := toInt(v.estack.Pop().BigInt())
if n < 0 {
panic("invalid size")
si := toInt(v.estack.Pop().BigInt())
if si < 0 {
panic("invalid source index")
src := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
if sum := si + n; sum < 0 || sum > len(src) {
panic("size is too big")
di := toInt(v.estack.Pop().BigInt())
if di < 0 {
panic("invalid destination index")
dst := v.estack.Pop().value.(*stackitem.Buffer).Value().([]byte)
if sum := si + n; sum < 0 || sum > len(dst) {
panic("size is too big")
copy(dst[di:], src[si:si+n])
case opcode.CAT:
b := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
a := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
if l := len(a) + len(b); l > stackitem.MaxSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("too big item: %d", l))
ab := append(a, b...)
case opcode.SUBSTR:
l := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if l < 0 {
panic("negative length")
o := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if o < 0 {
panic("negative index")
s := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
last := l + o
if last > len(s) {
panic("invalid offset")
case opcode.LEFT:
l := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if l < 0 {
panic("negative length")
s := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
if t := len(s); l > t {
panic("size is too big")
case opcode.RIGHT:
l := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if l < 0 {
panic("negative length")
s := v.estack.Pop().Bytes()
case opcode.DEPTH:
case opcode.DROP:
if v.estack.Len() < 1 {
panic("stack is too small")
case opcode.NIP:
elem := v.estack.RemoveAt(1)
if elem == nil {
panic("no second element found")
case opcode.XDROP:
n := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if n < 0 {
panic("invalid length")
e := v.estack.RemoveAt(n)
if e == nil {
panic("bad index")
case opcode.CLEAR:
case opcode.DUP:
case opcode.OVER:
a := v.estack.Dup(1)
if a == nil {
panic("no second element found")
case opcode.PICK:
n := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if n < 0 {
panic("negative stack item returned")
a := v.estack.Dup(n)
if a == nil {
panic("no nth element found")
case opcode.TUCK:
a := v.estack.Dup(0)
if a == nil {
panic("no top-level element found")
if v.estack.Len() < 2 {
panic("can't TUCK with a one-element stack")
v.estack.InsertAt(a, 2)
case opcode.SWAP:
err := v.estack.Swap(1, 0)
if err != nil {
case opcode.ROT:
err := v.estack.Roll(2)
if err != nil {
case opcode.ROLL:
n := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
err := v.estack.Roll(n)
if err != nil {
case opcode.REVERSE3, opcode.REVERSE4, opcode.REVERSEN:
n := 3
switch op {
case opcode.REVERSE4:
n = 4
case opcode.REVERSEN:
n = int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if err := v.estack.ReverseTop(n); err != nil {
// Bit operations.
case opcode.INVERT:
// inplace
e := v.estack.Peek(0)
i := e.BigInt()
e.value = stackitem.Make(i.Not(i))
case opcode.AND:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(new(big.Int).And(b, a))
case opcode.OR:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(new(big.Int).Or(b, a))
case opcode.XOR:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(new(big.Int).Xor(b, a))
case opcode.EQUAL, opcode.NOTEQUAL:
b := v.estack.Pop()
if b == nil {
panic("no top-level element found")
a := v.estack.Pop()
if a == nil {
panic("no second-to-the-top element found")
v.estack.PushVal(a.value.Equals(b.value) == (op == opcode.EQUAL))
// Numeric operations.
case opcode.SIGN:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
case opcode.ABS:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
case opcode.NEGATE:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
case opcode.INC:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := new(big.Int).Add(x, big.NewInt(1))
case opcode.DEC:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := new(big.Int).Sub(x, big.NewInt(1))
case opcode.ADD:
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
c := new(big.Int).Add(a, b)
case opcode.SUB:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
c := new(big.Int).Sub(a, b)
case opcode.MUL:
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
c := new(big.Int).Mul(a, b)
case opcode.DIV:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(new(big.Int).Quo(a, b))
case opcode.MOD:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(new(big.Int).Rem(a, b))
case opcode.SHL, opcode.SHR:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64()
if b == 0 {
} else if b < 0 || b > maxSHLArg {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("operand must be between %d and %d", 0, maxSHLArg))
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
var item big.Int
if op == opcode.SHL {
item.Lsh(a, uint(b))
} else {
item.Rsh(a, uint(b))
case opcode.NOT:
x := v.estack.Pop().Bool()
case opcode.BOOLAND:
b := v.estack.Pop().Bool()
a := v.estack.Pop().Bool()
v.estack.PushVal(a && b)
case opcode.BOOLOR:
b := v.estack.Pop().Bool()
a := v.estack.Pop().Bool()
v.estack.PushVal(a || b)
case opcode.NZ:
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(x.Sign() != 0)
case opcode.NUMEQUAL:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) == 0)
case opcode.NUMNOTEQUAL:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) != 0)
case opcode.LT:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) == -1)
case opcode.LTE:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) <= 0)
case opcode.GT:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) == 1)
case opcode.GTE:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(b) >= 0)
case opcode.MIN:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
val := a
if a.Cmp(b) == 1 {
val = b
case opcode.MAX:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
val := a
if a.Cmp(b) == -1 {
val = b
case opcode.WITHIN:
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
x := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
v.estack.PushVal(a.Cmp(x) <= 0 && x.Cmp(b) == -1)
// Object operations
case opcode.NEWARRAY0:
case opcode.NEWARRAY, opcode.NEWARRAYT:
item := v.estack.Pop()
n := item.BigInt().Int64()
if n > stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("too long array")
typ := stackitem.AnyT
if op == opcode.NEWARRAYT {
typ = stackitem.Type(parameter[0])
items := makeArrayOfType(int(n), typ)
case opcode.NEWSTRUCT0:
case opcode.NEWSTRUCT:
item := v.estack.Pop()
n := item.BigInt().Int64()
if n > stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("too long struct")
items := makeArrayOfType(int(n), stackitem.AnyT)
case opcode.APPEND:
itemElem := v.estack.Pop()
arrElem := v.estack.Pop()
val := cloneIfStruct(itemElem.value)
switch t := arrElem.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array:
if t.Len() >= stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("too long array")
case *stackitem.Struct:
if t.Len() >= stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("too long struct")
panic("APPEND: not of underlying type Array")
case opcode.PACK:
n := int(v.estack.Pop().BigInt().Int64())
if n < 0 || n > v.estack.Len() || n > stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("OPACK: invalid length")
items := make([]stackitem.Item, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
items[i] = v.estack.Pop().value
case opcode.UNPACK:
a := v.estack.Pop().Array()
l := len(a)
for i := l - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
case opcode.PICKITEM:
key := v.estack.Pop()
obj := v.estack.Pop()
index := int(key.BigInt().Int64())
switch t := obj.value.(type) {
// Struct and Array items have their underlying value as []Item.
case *stackitem.Array, *stackitem.Struct:
arr := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if index < 0 || index >= len(arr) {
panic("PICKITEM: invalid index")
item := arr[index].Dup()
case *stackitem.Map:
index := t.Index(key.Item())
if index < 0 {
panic("invalid key")
v.estack.Push(&Element{value: t.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement)[index].Value.Dup()})
arr := obj.Bytes()
if index < 0 || index >= len(arr) {
panic("PICKITEM: invalid index")
item := arr[index]
case opcode.SETITEM:
item := v.estack.Pop().value
key := v.estack.Pop()
obj := v.estack.Pop()
switch t := obj.value.(type) {
// Struct and Array items have their underlying value as []Item.
case *stackitem.Array, *stackitem.Struct:
arr := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
index := int(key.BigInt().Int64())
if index < 0 || index >= len(arr) {
panic("SETITEM: invalid index")
arr[index] = item
case *stackitem.Map:
if i := t.Index(key.value); i >= 0 {
} else if t.Len() >= stackitem.MaxArraySize {
panic("too big map")
t.Add(key.value, item)
case *stackitem.Buffer:
index := toInt(key.BigInt())
if index < 0 || index >= t.Len() {
panic("invalid index")
bi, err := item.TryInteger()
b := toInt(bi)
if err != nil || b < math.MinInt8 || b > math.MaxUint8 {
panic("invalid value")
t.Value().([]byte)[index] = byte(b)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("SETITEM: invalid item type %s", t))
case opcode.REVERSEITEMS:
item := v.estack.Pop()
switch t := item.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array, *stackitem.Struct:
a := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
for i, j := 0, len(a)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
case *stackitem.Buffer:
for i, j := 0, t.Len()-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
t.Value().([]byte)[i], t.Value().([]byte)[j] = t.Value().([]byte)[j], t.Value().([]byte)[i]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid item type %s", t))
case opcode.REMOVE:
key := v.estack.Pop()
elem := v.estack.Pop()
switch t := elem.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array:
a := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
k := int(key.BigInt().Int64())
if k < 0 || k >= len(a) {
panic("REMOVE: invalid index")
case *stackitem.Struct:
a := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
k := int(key.BigInt().Int64())
if k < 0 || k >= len(a) {
panic("REMOVE: invalid index")
case *stackitem.Map:
index := t.Index(key.Item())
// NEO 2.0 doesn't error on missing key.
if index >= 0 {
panic("REMOVE: invalid type")
case opcode.CLEARITEMS:
elem := v.estack.Pop()
switch t := elem.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array:
for _, item := range t.Value().([]stackitem.Item) {
case *stackitem.Struct:
for _, item := range t.Value().([]stackitem.Item) {
case *stackitem.Map:
for i := range t.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement) {
panic("CLEARITEMS: invalid type")
case opcode.SIZE:
elem := v.estack.Pop()
// Cause there is no native (byte) item type here, hence we need to check
// the type of the item for array size operations.
switch t := elem.Value().(type) {
case []stackitem.Item:
case []stackitem.MapElement:
case opcode.JMP, opcode.JMPL, opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode.JMPIFNOTL,
opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPEQL, opcode.JMPNE, opcode.JMPNEL,
opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGTL, opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPGEL,
opcode.JMPLT, opcode.JMPLTL, opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLEL:
offset := v.getJumpOffset(ctx, parameter)
cond := true
switch op {
case opcode.JMP, opcode.JMPL:
case opcode.JMPIF, opcode.JMPIFL, opcode.JMPIFNOT, opcode.JMPIFNOTL:
cond = v.estack.Pop().Bool() == (op == opcode.JMPIF || op == opcode.JMPIFL)
b := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
a := v.estack.Pop().BigInt()
cond = getJumpCondition(op, a, b)
v.jumpIf(ctx, offset, cond)
case opcode.CALL, opcode.CALLL:
newCtx := ctx.Copy()
newCtx.local = nil
newCtx.arguments = nil
newCtx.rvcount = -1
offset := v.getJumpOffset(newCtx, parameter)
v.jumpIf(newCtx, offset, true)
case opcode.CALLA:
ptr := v.estack.Pop().Item().(*stackitem.Pointer)
if ptr.ScriptHash() != ctx.ScriptHash() {
panic("invalid script in pointer")
newCtx := ctx.Copy()
newCtx.local = nil
newCtx.arguments = nil
newCtx.rvcount = -1
v.jumpIf(newCtx, ptr.Position(), true)
case opcode.SYSCALL:
interopID := GetInteropID(parameter)
ifunc := v.GetInteropByID(interopID)
if ifunc.AllowedTriggers != 0 && ifunc.AllowedTriggers&v.trigger == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("trigger not allowed: %s", v.trigger))
if !v.Context().callFlag.Has(ifunc.RequiredFlags) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing call flags: %05b vs %05b", v.Context().callFlag, ifunc.RequiredFlags))
if ifunc == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("interop hook (%q/0x%x) not registered", parameter, interopID))
if err := ifunc.Func(v); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to invoke syscall: %s", err))
case opcode.RET:
oldCtx := v.istack.Pop().Value().(*Context)
rvcount := oldCtx.rvcount
oldEstack := v.estack
if rvcount > 0 && oldEstack.Len() < rvcount {
panic("missing some return elements")
if v.istack.Len() == 0 {
v.state = haltState
newEstack := v.Context().estack
if oldEstack != newEstack {
if rvcount < 0 {
rvcount = oldEstack.Len()
for i := rvcount; i > 0; i-- {
elem := oldEstack.RemoveAt(i - 1)
v.estack = newEstack
v.astack = v.Context().astack
case opcode.NEWMAP:
v.estack.Push(&Element{value: stackitem.NewMap()})
case opcode.KEYS:
item := v.estack.Pop()
if item == nil {
panic("no argument")
m, ok := item.value.(*stackitem.Map)
if !ok {
panic("not a Map")
arr := make([]stackitem.Item, 0, m.Len())
for k := range m.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement) {
arr = append(arr, m.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement)[k].Key.Dup())
case opcode.VALUES:
item := v.estack.Pop()
if item == nil {
panic("no argument")
var arr []stackitem.Item
switch t := item.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array, *stackitem.Struct:
src := t.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
arr = make([]stackitem.Item, len(src))
for i := range src {
arr[i] = cloneIfStruct(src[i])
case *stackitem.Map:
arr = make([]stackitem.Item, 0, t.Len())
for k := range t.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement) {
arr = append(arr, cloneIfStruct(t.Value().([]stackitem.MapElement)[k].Value))
panic("not a Map, Array or Struct")
case opcode.HASKEY:
key := v.estack.Pop()
c := v.estack.Pop()
if c == nil {
panic("no value found")
switch t := c.value.(type) {
case *stackitem.Array, *stackitem.Struct:
index := key.BigInt().Int64()
if index < 0 {
panic("negative index")
v.estack.PushVal(index < int64(len(c.Array())))
case *stackitem.Map:
case *stackitem.Buffer:
index := key.BigInt().Int64()
if index < 0 {
panic("negative index")
v.estack.PushVal(index < int64(t.Len()))
panic("wrong collection type")
case opcode.NOP:
// unlucky ^^
case opcode.THROW:
case opcode.ABORT:
case opcode.ASSERT:
if !v.estack.Pop().Bool() {
panic("ASSERT failed")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown opcode %s", op.String()))
// getJumpCondition performs opcode specific comparison of a and b
func getJumpCondition(op opcode.Opcode, a, b *big.Int) bool {
cmp := a.Cmp(b)
switch op {
case opcode.JMPEQ, opcode.JMPEQL:
return cmp == 0
case opcode.JMPNE, opcode.JMPNEL:
return cmp != 0
case opcode.JMPGT, opcode.JMPGTL:
return cmp > 0
case opcode.JMPGE, opcode.JMPGEL:
return cmp >= 0
case opcode.JMPLT, opcode.JMPLTL:
return cmp < 0
case opcode.JMPLE, opcode.JMPLEL:
return cmp <= 0
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid JMP* opcode: %s", op))
// jumpIf performs jump to offset if cond is true.
func (v *VM) jumpIf(ctx *Context, offset int, cond bool) {
if cond {
ctx.nextip = offset
// getJumpOffset returns instruction number in a current context
// to a which JMP should be performed.
// parameter should have length either 1 or 4 and
// is interpreted as little-endian.
func (v *VM) getJumpOffset(ctx *Context, parameter []byte) int {
offset, _, err := v.calcJumpOffset(ctx, parameter)
if err != nil {
return offset
func (v *VM) calcJumpOffset(ctx *Context, parameter []byte) (int, int, error) {
var rOffset int32
switch l := len(parameter); l {
case 1:
rOffset = int32(int8(parameter[0]))
case 4:
rOffset = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(parameter))
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid JMP* parameter length: %d", l)
offset := ctx.ip + int(rOffset)
if offset < 0 || offset > len(ctx.prog) {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid offset %d ip at %d", offset, ctx.ip)
return offset, int(rOffset), nil
// CheckMultisigPar checks if sigs contains sufficient valid signatures.
func CheckMultisigPar(v *VM, h []byte, pkeys [][]byte, sigs [][]byte) bool {
if len(sigs) == 1 {
return checkMultisig1(v, h, pkeys, sigs[0])
k1, k2 := 0, len(pkeys)-1
s1, s2 := 0, len(sigs)-1
type task struct {
pub *keys.PublicKey
signum int
type verify struct {
ok bool
signum int
worker := func(ch <-chan task, result chan verify) {
for {
t, ok := <-ch
if !ok {
result <- verify{
signum: t.signum,
ok:[t.signum], h),
const workerCount = 3
tasks := make(chan task, 2)
results := make(chan verify, len(sigs))
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
go worker(tasks, results)
tasks <- task{pub: v.bytesToPublicKey(pkeys[k1]), signum: s1}
tasks <- task{pub: v.bytesToPublicKey(pkeys[k2]), signum: s2}
sigok := true
taskCount := 2
for r := range results {
goingForward := true
if r.signum == s2 {
goingForward = false
if k1+1 == k2 {
sigok = r.ok && s1+1 == s2
if taskCount != 0 && sigok {
break loop
} else if r.ok {
if s1+1 == s2 {
if taskCount != 0 && sigok {
break loop
if goingForward {
} else {
var nextSig, nextKey int
if goingForward {
nextSig = s1
nextKey = k1
} else {
nextSig = s2
nextKey = k2
tasks <- task{pub: v.bytesToPublicKey(pkeys[nextKey]), signum: nextSig}
return sigok
func checkMultisig1(v *VM, h []byte, pkeys [][]byte, sig []byte) bool {
for i := range pkeys {
pkey := v.bytesToPublicKey(pkeys[i])
if pkey.Verify(sig, h) {
return true
return false
func cloneIfStruct(item stackitem.Item) stackitem.Item {
switch it := item.(type) {
case *stackitem.Struct:
return it.Clone()
return it
func makeArrayOfType(n int, typ stackitem.Type) []stackitem.Item {
if !typ.IsValid() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid stack item type: %d", typ))
items := make([]stackitem.Item, n)
for i := range items {
switch typ {
case stackitem.BooleanT:
items[i] = stackitem.NewBool(false)
case stackitem.IntegerT:
items[i] = stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(0))
case stackitem.ByteArrayT:
items[i] = stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte{})
items[i] = stackitem.Null{}
return items
func validateMapKey(key *Element) {
if key == nil {
panic("no key found")
if !stackitem.IsValidMapKey(key.Item()) {
panic("key can't be a collection")
func (v *VM) checkInvocationStackSize() {
if v.istack.len >= MaxInvocationStackSize {
panic("invocation stack is too big")
// bytesToPublicKey is a helper deserializing keys using cache and panicing on
// error.
func (v *VM) bytesToPublicKey(b []byte) *keys.PublicKey {
var pkey *keys.PublicKey
s := string(b)
if v.keys[s] != nil {
pkey = v.keys[s]
} else {
var err error
pkey, err = keys.NewPublicKeyFromBytes(b)
if err != nil {
v.keys[s] = pkey
return pkey
// GetCallingScriptHash implements ScriptHashGetter interface
func (v *VM) GetCallingScriptHash() util.Uint160 {
return v.Context().callingScriptHash
// GetEntryScriptHash implements ScriptHashGetter interface
func (v *VM) GetEntryScriptHash() util.Uint160 {
return v.getContextScriptHash(v.Istack().Len() - 1)
// GetCurrentScriptHash implements ScriptHashGetter interface
func (v *VM) GetCurrentScriptHash() util.Uint160 {
return v.getContextScriptHash(0)
// toInt converts an item to a 32-bit int.
func toInt(i *big.Int) int {
if !i.IsInt64() {
panic("not an int32")
n := i.Int64()
if n < math.MinInt32 || n > math.MaxInt32 {
panic("not an int32")
return int(n)