Roman Khimov 9d2ef775cf storage: simplify (*MemCachedStore).Put/Delete interface
They never return errors, so their interface should reflect that. This allows
to remove quite a lot of useless and never tested code.

Notice that Get still does return an error. It can be made not to do that, but
usually we need to differentiate between successful/unsuccessful accesses
anyway, so this doesn't help much.
2022-02-16 18:24:20 +03:00

345 lines
11 KiB

package mpt
import (
var (
// ErrRestoreFailed is returned when replacing HashNode by its "unhashed"
// candidate fails.
ErrRestoreFailed = errors.New("failed to restore MPT node")
errStop = errors.New("stop condition is met")
// Billet is a part of MPT trie with missing hash nodes that need to be restored.
// Billet is based on the following assumptions:
// 1. Refcount can only be incremented (we don't change MPT structure during restore,
// thus don't need to decrease refcount).
// 2. Each time the part of Billet is completely restored, it is collapsed into
// HashNode.
// 3. Pair (node, path) must be restored only once. It's a duty of MPT pool to manage
// MPT paths in order to provide this assumption.
type Billet struct {
TempStoragePrefix storage.KeyPrefix
Store *storage.MemCachedStore
root Node
mode TrieMode
// NewBillet returns new billet for MPT trie restoring. It accepts a MemCachedStore
// to decouple storage errors from logic errors so that all storage errors are
// processed during `store.Persist()` at the caller. This also has the benefit,
// that every `Put` can be considered an atomic operation.
func NewBillet(rootHash util.Uint256, mode TrieMode, prefix storage.KeyPrefix, store *storage.MemCachedStore) *Billet {
return &Billet{
TempStoragePrefix: prefix,
Store: store,
root: NewHashNode(rootHash),
mode: mode,
// RestoreHashNode replaces HashNode located at the provided path by the specified Node
// and stores it. It also maintains MPT as small as possible by collapsing those parts
// of MPT that have been completely restored.
func (b *Billet) RestoreHashNode(path []byte, node Node) error {
if _, ok := node.(*HashNode); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to restore node into HashNode", ErrRestoreFailed)
if _, ok := node.(EmptyNode); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to restore node into EmptyNode", ErrRestoreFailed)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(b.root, path, node)
if err != nil {
return err
b.root = r
// If it's a leaf, then put into temporary contract storage.
if leaf, ok := node.(*LeafNode); ok {
if b.TempStoragePrefix == 0 {
panic("invalid storage prefix")
k := append([]byte{byte(b.TempStoragePrefix)}, fromNibbles(path)...)
b.Store.Put(k, leaf.value)
return nil
// putIntoNode puts val with provided path inside curr and returns updated node.
// Reference counters are updated for both curr and returned value.
func (b *Billet) putIntoNode(curr Node, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
switch n := curr.(type) {
case *LeafNode:
return b.putIntoLeaf(n, path, val)
case *BranchNode:
return b.putIntoBranch(n, path, val)
case *ExtensionNode:
return b.putIntoExtension(n, path, val)
case *HashNode:
return b.putIntoHash(n, path, val)
case EmptyNode:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify EmptyNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
panic("invalid MPT node type")
func (b *Billet) putIntoLeaf(curr *LeafNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify LeafNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
if curr.Hash() != val.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: bad Leaf node hash: expected %s, got %s", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
// Once Leaf node is restored, it will be collapsed into HashNode forever, so
// there shouldn't be such situation when we try to restore Leaf node.
panic("bug: can't restore LeafNode")
func (b *Billet) putIntoBranch(curr *BranchNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) == 0 && curr.Hash().Equals(val.Hash()) {
// This node has already been restored, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of BranchNode twice")
i, path := splitPath(path)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(curr.Children[i], path, val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curr.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(curr), nil
func (b *Billet) putIntoExtension(curr *ExtensionNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
if len(path) == 0 {
if curr.Hash() != val.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: bad Extension node hash: expected %s, got %s", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
// This node has already been restored, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of ExtensionNode twice")
if !bytes.HasPrefix(path, curr.key) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't modify ExtensionNode during restore", ErrRestoreFailed)
r, err := b.putIntoNode(, path[len(curr.key):], val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = r
return b.tryCollapseExtension(curr), nil
func (b *Billet) putIntoHash(curr *HashNode, path []byte, val Node) (Node, error) {
// Once a part of MPT Billet is completely restored, it will be collapsed forever, so
// it's an MPT pool duty to avoid duplicating restore requests.
if len(path) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: node has already been collapsed", ErrRestoreFailed)
// `curr` hash node can be either of
// 1) saved in storage (i.g. if we've already restored node with the same hash from the
// other part of MPT), so just add it to local in-memory MPT.
// 2) missing from the storage. It's OK because we're syncing MPT state, and the purpose
// is to store missing hash nodes.
// both cases are OK, but we still need to validate `val` against `curr`.
if val.Hash() != curr.Hash() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't restore HashNode: expected and actual hashes mismatch (%s vs %s)", ErrRestoreFailed, curr.Hash().StringBE(), val.Hash().StringBE())
if curr.Collapsed {
// This node has already been restored and collapsed, so it's an MPT pool duty to avoid
// duplicating restore requests.
panic("bug: can't perform restoring of collapsed node")
// We also need to increment refcount in both cases. That's the only place where refcount
// is changed during restore process. Also flush right now, because sync process can be
// interrupted at any time.
b.incrementRefAndStore(val.Hash(), val.Bytes())
if val.Type() == LeafT {
return b.tryCollapseLeaf(val.(*LeafNode)), nil
return val, nil
func (b *Billet) incrementRefAndStore(h util.Uint256, bs []byte) {
key := makeStorageKey(h)
if b.mode.RC() {
var (
err error
data []byte
cnt int32
// An item may already be in store.
data, err = b.Store.Get(key)
if err == nil {
cnt = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[len(data)-4:]))
if len(data) == 0 {
data = append(bs, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[len(data)-4:], uint32(cnt))
b.Store.Put(key, data)
} else {
b.Store.Put(key, bs)
// Traverse traverses MPT nodes (pre-order) starting from the billet root down
// to its children calling `process` for each serialised node until true is
// returned from `process` function. It also replaces all HashNodes to their
// "unhashed" counterparts until the stop condition is satisfied.
func (b *Billet) Traverse(process func(pathToNode []byte, node Node, nodeBytes []byte) bool, ignoreStorageErr bool) error {
r, err := b.traverse(b.root, []byte{}, []byte{}, process, ignoreStorageErr)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return err
b.root = r
return nil
func (b *Billet) traverse(curr Node, path, from []byte, process func(pathToNode []byte, node Node, nodeBytes []byte) bool, ignoreStorageErr bool) (Node, error) {
if _, ok := curr.(EmptyNode); ok {
// We're not interested in EmptyNodes, and they do not affect the
// traversal process, thus remain them untouched.
return curr, nil
if hn, ok := curr.(*HashNode); ok {
r, err := b.GetFromStore(hn.Hash())
if err != nil {
if ignoreStorageErr && errors.Is(err, storage.ErrKeyNotFound) {
return hn, nil
return nil, err
return b.traverse(r, path, from, process, ignoreStorageErr)
if len(from) == 0 {
bytes := slice.Copy(curr.Bytes())
if process(fromNibbles(path), curr, bytes) {
return curr, errStop
switch n := curr.(type) {
case *LeafNode:
return b.tryCollapseLeaf(n), nil
case *BranchNode:
var (
startIndex byte
endIndex byte = childrenCount
if len(from) != 0 {
endIndex = lastChild
startIndex, from = splitPath(from)
for i := startIndex; i < endIndex; i++ {
var newPath []byte
if i == lastChild {
newPath = path
} else {
newPath = append(path, i)
if i != startIndex {
from = []byte{}
r, err := b.traverse(n.Children[i], newPath, from, process, ignoreStorageErr)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return nil, err
n.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(n), err
n.Children[i] = r
return b.tryCollapseBranch(n), nil
case *ExtensionNode:
if len(from) != 0 && bytes.HasPrefix(from, n.key) {
from = from[len(n.key):]
} else if len(from) == 0 || bytes.Compare(n.key, from) > 0 {
from = []byte{}
} else {
return b.tryCollapseExtension(n), nil
r, err := b.traverse(, append(path, n.key...), from, process, ignoreStorageErr)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errStop) {
return nil, err
} = r
return b.tryCollapseExtension(n), err
return nil, ErrNotFound
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseLeaf(curr *LeafNode) Node {
// Leaf can always be collapsed.
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseExtension(curr *ExtensionNode) Node {
if !( == HashT &&*HashNode).Collapsed) {
return curr
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
func (b *Billet) tryCollapseBranch(curr *BranchNode) Node {
canCollapse := true
for i := 0; i < childrenCount; i++ {
if curr.Children[i].Type() == EmptyT {
if curr.Children[i].Type() == HashT && curr.Children[i].(*HashNode).Collapsed {
canCollapse = false
if !canCollapse {
return curr
res := NewHashNode(curr.Hash())
res.Collapsed = true
return res
// GetFromStore returns MPT node from the storage.
func (b *Billet) GetFromStore(h util.Uint256) (Node, error) {
data, err := b.Store.Get(makeStorageKey(h))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var n NodeObject
r := io.NewBinReaderFromBuf(data)
if r.Err != nil {
return nil, r.Err
if b.mode.RC() {
data = data[:len(data)-5]
n.Node.(flushedNode).setCache(data, h)
return n.Node, nil