
321 lines
9.2 KiB

package storage
import (
func testMemCachedStorePersist(t *testing.T, ps Store) {
// cached Store
ts := NewMemCachedStore(ps)
// persisting nothing should do nothing
c, err := ts.Persist()
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, c)
// persisting one key should result in one key in ps and nothing in ts
assert.NoError(t, ts.Put([]byte("key"), []byte("value")))
checkBatch(t, ts, []KeyValueExists{{KeyValue: KeyValue{Key: []byte("key"), Value: []byte("value")}}}, nil)
c, err = ts.Persist()
checkBatch(t, ts, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, c)
v, err := ps.Get([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte("value"), v)
v, err = ts.MemoryStore.Get([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, ErrKeyNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), v)
// now we overwrite the previous `key` contents and also add `key2`,
assert.NoError(t, ts.Put([]byte("key"), []byte("newvalue")))
assert.NoError(t, ts.Put([]byte("key2"), []byte("value2")))
// this is to check that now key is written into the ps before we do
// persist
v, err = ps.Get([]byte("key2"))
assert.Equal(t, ErrKeyNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), v)
checkBatch(t, ts, []KeyValueExists{
{KeyValue: KeyValue{Key: []byte("key"), Value: []byte("newvalue")}, Exists: true},
{KeyValue: KeyValue{Key: []byte("key2"), Value: []byte("value2")}},
}, nil)
// two keys should be persisted (one overwritten and one new) and
// available in the ps
c, err = ts.Persist()
checkBatch(t, ts, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, c)
v, err = ts.MemoryStore.Get([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, ErrKeyNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), v)
v, err = ts.MemoryStore.Get([]byte("key2"))
assert.Equal(t, ErrKeyNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), v)
v, err = ps.Get([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte("newvalue"), v)
v, err = ps.Get([]byte("key2"))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte("value2"), v)
checkBatch(t, ts, nil, nil)
// we've persisted some values, make sure successive persist is a no-op
c, err = ts.Persist()
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, c)
// test persisting deletions
err = ts.Delete([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
checkBatch(t, ts, nil, []KeyValueExists{{KeyValue: KeyValue{Key: []byte("key")}, Exists: true}})
c, err = ts.Persist()
checkBatch(t, ts, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, c)
v, err = ps.Get([]byte("key"))
assert.Equal(t, ErrKeyNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), v)
v, err = ps.Get([]byte("key2"))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte("value2"), v)
func checkBatch(t *testing.T, ts *MemCachedStore, put []KeyValueExists, del []KeyValueExists) {
b := ts.GetBatch()
assert.Equal(t, len(put), len(b.Put), "wrong number of put elements in a batch")
assert.Equal(t, len(del), len(b.Deleted), "wrong number of deleted elements in a batch")
for i := range put {
assert.Contains(t, b.Put, put[i])
for i := range del {
assert.Contains(t, b.Deleted, del[i])
func TestMemCachedPersist(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("MemoryStore", func(t *testing.T) {
ps := NewMemoryStore()
testMemCachedStorePersist(t, ps)
t.Run("MemoryCachedStore", func(t *testing.T) {
ps1 := NewMemoryStore()
ps2 := NewMemCachedStore(ps1)
testMemCachedStorePersist(t, ps2)
t.Run("BoltDBStore", func(t *testing.T) {
ps := newBoltStoreForTesting(t)
testMemCachedStorePersist(t, ps)
func TestCachedGetFromPersistent(t *testing.T) {
key := []byte("key")
value := []byte("value")
ps := NewMemoryStore()
ts := NewMemCachedStore(ps)
assert.NoError(t, ps.Put(key, value))
val, err := ts.Get(key)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, value, val)
assert.NoError(t, ts.Delete(key))
val, err = ts.Get(key)
assert.Equal(t, err, ErrKeyNotFound)
assert.Nil(t, val)
func TestCachedSeek(t *testing.T) {
var (
// Given this prefix...
goodPrefix = []byte{'f'}
// these pairs should be found...
lowerKVs = []kvSeen{
{[]byte("foo"), []byte("bar"), false},
{[]byte("faa"), []byte("bra"), false},
// and these should be not.
deletedKVs = []kvSeen{
{[]byte("fee"), []byte("pow"), false},
{[]byte("fii"), []byte("qaz"), false},
// and these should be not.
updatedKVs = []kvSeen{
{[]byte("fuu"), []byte("wop"), false},
{[]byte("fyy"), []byte("zaq"), false},
ps = NewMemoryStore()
ts = NewMemCachedStore(ps)
for _, v := range lowerKVs {
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(v.key, v.val))
for _, v := range deletedKVs {
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(v.key, v.val))
require.NoError(t, ts.Delete(v.key))
for _, v := range updatedKVs {
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(v.key, []byte("stub")))
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(v.key, v.val))
foundKVs := make(map[string][]byte)
ts.Seek(goodPrefix, func(k, v []byte) {
foundKVs[string(k)] = v
assert.Equal(t, len(foundKVs), len(lowerKVs)+len(updatedKVs))
for _, kv := range lowerKVs {
assert.Equal(t, kv.val, foundKVs[string(kv.key)])
for _, kv := range deletedKVs {
_, ok := foundKVs[string(kv.key)]
assert.Equal(t, false, ok)
for _, kv := range updatedKVs {
assert.Equal(t, kv.val, foundKVs[string(kv.key)])
func benchmarkCachedSeek(t *testing.B, ps Store, psElementsCount, tsElementsCount int) {
var (
searchPrefix = []byte{1}
badPrefix = []byte{2}
lowerPrefixGood = append(searchPrefix, 1)
lowerPrefixBad = append(badPrefix, 1)
deletedPrefixGood = append(searchPrefix, 2)
deletedPrefixBad = append(badPrefix, 2)
updatedPrefixGood = append(searchPrefix, 3)
updatedPrefixBad = append(badPrefix, 3)
ts = NewMemCachedStore(ps)
for i := 0; i < psElementsCount; i++ {
// lower KVs with matching prefix that should be found
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(append(lowerPrefixGood, random.Bytes(10)...), []byte("value")))
// lower KVs with non-matching prefix that shouldn't be found
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(append(lowerPrefixBad, random.Bytes(10)...), []byte("value")))
// deleted KVs with matching prefix that shouldn't be found
key := append(deletedPrefixGood, random.Bytes(10)...)
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(key, []byte("deleted")))
if i < tsElementsCount {
require.NoError(t, ts.Delete(key))
// deleted KVs with non-matching prefix that shouldn't be found
key = append(deletedPrefixBad, random.Bytes(10)...)
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(key, []byte("deleted")))
if i < tsElementsCount {
require.NoError(t, ts.Delete(key))
// updated KVs with matching prefix that should be found
key = append(updatedPrefixGood, random.Bytes(10)...)
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(key, []byte("stub")))
if i < tsElementsCount {
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(key, []byte("updated")))
// updated KVs with non-matching prefix that shouldn't be found
key = append(updatedPrefixBad, random.Bytes(10)...)
require.NoError(t, ps.Put(key, []byte("stub")))
if i < tsElementsCount {
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(key, []byte("updated")))
for n := 0; n < t.N; n++ {
ts.Seek(searchPrefix, func(k, v []byte) {})
func BenchmarkCachedSeek(t *testing.B) {
var stores = map[string]func(testing.TB) Store{
"MemPS": func(t testing.TB) Store {
return NewMemoryStore()
"BoltPS": newBoltStoreForTesting,
"LevelPS": newLevelDBForTesting,
for psName, newPS := range stores {
for psCount := 100; psCount <= 10000; psCount *= 10 {
for tsCount := 10; tsCount <= psCount; tsCount *= 10 {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%dTSItems_%dPSItems", psName, tsCount, psCount), func(t *testing.B) {
ps := newPS(t)
benchmarkCachedSeek(t, ps, psCount, tsCount)
func newMemCachedStoreForTesting(t testing.TB) Store {
return NewMemCachedStore(NewMemoryStore())
type BadBatch struct{}
func (b BadBatch) Delete(k []byte) {}
func (b BadBatch) Put(k, v []byte) {}
type BadStore struct {
onPutBatch func()
func (b *BadStore) Batch() Batch {
return BadBatch{}
func (b *BadStore) Delete(k []byte) error {
return nil
func (b *BadStore) Get([]byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
func (b *BadStore) Put(k, v []byte) error {
return nil
func (b *BadStore) PutBatch(Batch) error {
return nil
func (b *BadStore) PutChangeSet(_ map[string][]byte, _ map[string]bool) error {
return ErrKeyNotFound
func (b *BadStore) Seek(k []byte, f func(k, v []byte)) {
func (b *BadStore) Close() error {
return nil
func TestMemCachedPersistFailing(t *testing.T) {
var (
bs BadStore
t1 = []byte("t1")
t2 = []byte("t2")
b1 = []byte("b1")
// cached Store
ts := NewMemCachedStore(&bs)
// Set a pair of keys.
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(t1, t1))
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(t2, t2))
// This will be called during Persist().
bs.onPutBatch = func() {
// Drop one, add one.
require.NoError(t, ts.Put(b1, b1))
require.NoError(t, ts.Delete(t1))
_, err := ts.Persist()
require.Error(t, err)
// PutBatch() failed in Persist, but we still should have proper state.
_, err = ts.Get(t1)
require.Error(t, err)
res, err := ts.Get(t2)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, t2, res)
res, err = ts.Get(b1)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, b1, res)