package client import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" v2accounting "" v2container "" v2netmap "" v2object "" "" v2session "" "" ) type ( CallOption interface { apply(*callOptions) } Option interface { apply(*clientOptions) } callOptions struct { version *pkg.Version xHeaders []*pkg.XHeader ttl uint32 epoch uint64 key *ecdsa.PrivateKey session *token.SessionToken bearer *token.BearerToken } clientOptions struct { addr string dialTimeout time.Duration grpcOpts *grpcOptions } grpcOptions struct { conn *grpc.ClientConn v2ContainerClient *v2container.Client v2AccountingClient *v2accounting.Client v2SessionClient *v2session.Client v2NetmapClient *v2netmap.Client objectClientV2 *v2object.Client } v2SessionReqInfo struct { addr *refs.Address verb v2session.ObjectSessionVerb exp, nbf, iat uint64 } ) type errOptionsLack string func (e errOptionsLack) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("lack of sdk client options to create %s client", string(e)) } func (c clientImpl) defaultCallOptions() callOptions { return callOptions{ ttl: 2, version: pkg.SDKVersion(), key: c.key, session: c.sessionToken, bearer: c.bearerToken, } } type funcCallOption struct { f func(*callOptions) } func (fco *funcCallOption) apply(co *callOptions) { fco.f(co) } func newFuncCallOption(f func(option *callOptions)) *funcCallOption { return &funcCallOption{ f: f, } } func WithXHeader(x *pkg.XHeader) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.xHeaders = append(option.xHeaders, x) }) } func WithTTL(ttl uint32) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.ttl = ttl }) } // WithKey sets client's key for the next request. func WithKey(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.key = key }) } func WithEpoch(epoch uint64) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.epoch = epoch }) } func WithSession(token *token.SessionToken) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.session = token }) } func WithBearer(token *token.BearerToken) CallOption { return newFuncCallOption(func(option *callOptions) { option.bearer = token }) } func v2MetaHeaderFromOpts(options callOptions) *v2session.RequestMetaHeader { meta := new(v2session.RequestMetaHeader) meta.SetVersion(options.version.ToV2()) meta.SetTTL(options.ttl) meta.SetEpoch(options.epoch) xhdrs := make([]*v2session.XHeader, len(options.xHeaders)) for i := range options.xHeaders { xhdrs[i] = options.xHeaders[i].ToV2() } meta.SetXHeaders(xhdrs) if options.bearer != nil { meta.SetBearerToken(options.bearer.ToV2()) } meta.SetSessionToken(options.session.ToV2()) return meta } func defaultClientOptions() *clientOptions { return &clientOptions{ grpcOpts: new(grpcOptions), } } type funcClientOption struct { f func(*clientOptions) } func (fco *funcClientOption) apply(co *clientOptions) { fco.f(co) } func newFuncClientOption(f func(option *clientOptions)) *funcClientOption { return &funcClientOption{ f: f, } } func WithAddress(addr string) Option { return newFuncClientOption(func(option *clientOptions) { option.addr = addr }) } func WithGRPCConnection(grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn) Option { return newFuncClientOption(func(option *clientOptions) { option.grpcOpts.conn = grpcConn }) } // WithDialTimeout returns option to set connection timeout to the remote node. func WithDialTimeout(dur time.Duration) Option { return newFuncClientOption(func(option *clientOptions) { option.dialTimeout = dur }) } func newOwnerIDFromKey(key *ecdsa.PublicKey) (*owner.ID, error) { w, err := owner.NEO3WalletFromPublicKey(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } ownerID := new(owner.ID) ownerID.SetNeo3Wallet(w) return ownerID, nil }