syntax = "proto3";

package neo.fs.v2.accounting;

option go_package = ";accounting";
option csharp_namespace = "Neo.FileStorage.API.Accounting";

import "accounting/types.proto";
import "refs/types.proto";
import "session/types.proto";

// Accounting service provides methods for interaction with NeoFS sidechain via
// other NeoFS nodes to get information about the account balance. Deposit and
// Withdraw operations can't be implemented here, as they require Mainnet NeoFS
// smart contract invocation. Transfer operations between internal NeoFS
// accounts are possible, if both use the same token type.
service AccountingService {
  // Returns the amount of funds in GAS token for the requested NeoFS account.
  // Statuses:
  // - **OK** (0, SECTION_SUCCESS):
  // balance has been successfully read;
  // - Common failures (SECTION_FAILURE_COMMON).
  rpc Balance (BalanceRequest) returns (BalanceResponse);

// BalanceRequest message
message BalanceRequest {
  // To indicate the account for which the balance is requested, it's identifier
  // is used. It can be any existing account in NeoFS sidechain `Balance` smart
  // contract. If omitted, client implementation MUST set it to the request's
  // signer `OwnerID`.
  message Body {
    // Valid user identifier in `OwnerID` format for which the balance is
    // requested. Required field.
    neo.fs.v2.refs.OwnerID owner_id = 1;
  // Body of the balance request message.
  Body body = 1;

  // Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;

  // Carries request verification information. This header is used to
  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
  // transmission.
  neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;

// BalanceResponse message
message BalanceResponse {
  // The amount of funds in GAS token for the `OwnerID`'s account requested.
  // Balance is `Decimal` format to avoid precision issues with rounding.
  message Body {
    // Amount of funds in GAS token for the requested account.
    Decimal balance = 1;
  // Body of the balance response message.
  Body body = 1;

  // Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
  // message transport and does not affect request execution.
  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;

  // Carries response verification information. This header is used to
  // authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of
  // transmission.
  neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;