NeoFS local Development and Testing environment

--- ## Overview Tools to set up local NeoFS network and Neo 3 privnet. Devenv, for short. ## Quick Start ``` $ make up ``` You can see the addresses and hostnames of components with `make hosts` command. ``` $ make hosts bastion.neofs.devenv main_chain.neofs.devenv ir01.neofs.devenv ... s04.neofs.devenv ``` It's recommended to add `make hosts` output to your local `/etc/hosts` file. ## How it's organized ``` . ├── Makefile # Commands to manage devenv ├── .services # List of services to work with ├── services # Services definitions and files │   ├── basenet │   ├── chain │   ├── ir │   ├── morph_chain │   └── storage ├── vendor # Temporary files and artifacts └── wallets # Wallet files to manage GAS assets ``` Main commands and targets to manage devenv's services are in `Makefile`. Each service is defined in it's own directory under `services/` with all required files to run and scripts to get external artifacts or dependencies. The list of services and the starting order is defined in `.services` file. You can comment out services you don't want to start or add your own new services. You can find more information on each service in `docs` directory. ## Contributing Feel free to contribute to this project after reading the [contributing guidelines]( Before starting to work on a certain topic, create an new issue first, describing the feature/topic you are going to implement. # License - [GNU General Public License v3.0](LICENSE)