# Update epoch duration in side chain blocks (make update.epoch_duration val=30) update.epoch_duration: @./bin/config.sh EpochDuration $(val) # Update max object size in bytes (make update.max_object_size val=1000) update.max_object_size: @./bin/config.sh MaxObjectSize $(val) # Update audit fee per result in fixed 12 (make update.audit_fee val=100) update.audit_fee: @./bin/config.sh AuditFee $(val) # Update container fee per alphabet node in fixed 12 (make update.container_fee val=500) update.container_fee: @./bin/config.sh ContainerFee $(val) # Update amount of EigenTrust iterations (make update.eigen_trust_iterations val=2) update.eigen_trust_iterations: @./bin/config.sh EigenTrustIterations $(val) # Update basic income rate in fixed 12 (make update.basic_income_rate val=1000) update.basic_income_rate: @./bin/config.sh BasicIncomeRate $(val) # Tick new epoch in side chain tick.epoch: # UnusedGlobalVariable is passed as argument to # provoke epoch change without any changes in `bin/*`. @./bin/config.sh UnusedGlobalVariable 0