package innerring

import (

type (
	// ContractProcessor interface defines functions for binding event producers
	// such as event.Listener and Timers with contract processor.
	ContractProcessor interface {
		ListenerNotificationParsers() []event.NotificationParserInfo
		ListenerNotificationHandlers() []event.NotificationHandlerInfo
		ListenerNotaryParsers() []event.NotaryParserInfo
		ListenerNotaryHandlers() []event.NotaryHandlerInfo

func connectListenerWithProcessor(l event.Listener, p ContractProcessor) {
	// register notification parsers
	for _, parser := range p.ListenerNotificationParsers() {

	// register notification handlers
	for _, handler := range p.ListenerNotificationHandlers() {

	// register notary parsers
	for _, notaryParser := range p.ListenerNotaryParsers() {

	// register notary handlers
	for _, notaryHandler := range p.ListenerNotaryHandlers() {

// bindMorphProcessor connects morph chain listener handlers.
func bindMorphProcessor(proc ContractProcessor, s *Server) error {
	connectListenerWithProcessor(s.morphListener, proc)
	return nil

// bindMainnetProcessor connects mainnet chain listener handlers.
func bindMainnetProcessor(proc ContractProcessor, s *Server) error {
	connectListenerWithProcessor(s.mainnetListener, proc)
	return nil