Leonard Lyubich d4569946c5 [] container: Do not invalidate cache on Container.Delete
In previous implementation `Container.Delete` operation caused local
node's cache invalidation (container itself, eACL and listings). Any
subsequent `Container.Get` operation reversed invalidation. Given the
low latency sensitivity of deleting a container, there is no need to
touch the cache. With this approach, all pending deletion operations on
the node via the NeoFS API protocol will be delayed by the cache TTL.

Do not call cache invalidation ops in `morphContainerWriter.Delete`.
Remove no longer needed `InvalidateContainerListByCID` and
`InvalidateContainer` methods.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2022-04-25 10:34:12 +03:00

327 lines
7.6 KiB

package main
import (
lru ""
cntClient ""
containerSDK ""
cid ""
eaclSDK ""
netmapSDK ""
type netValueReader func(interface{}) (interface{}, error)
type valueWithTime struct {
v interface{}
t time.Time
// entity that provides TTL cache interface.
type ttlNetCache struct {
ttl time.Duration
sz int
cache *lru.Cache
netRdr netValueReader
// complicates netValueReader with TTL caching mechanism.
func newNetworkTTLCache(sz int, ttl time.Duration, netRdr netValueReader) *ttlNetCache {
cache, err := lru.New(sz)
return &ttlNetCache{
ttl: ttl,
sz: sz,
cache: cache,
netRdr: netRdr,
// reads value by the key.
// updates the value from the network on cache miss or by TTL.
// returned value should not be modified.
func (c *ttlNetCache) get(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
val, ok := c.cache.Peek(key)
if ok {
valWithTime := val.(*valueWithTime)
if time.Since(valWithTime.t) < c.ttl {
return valWithTime.v, nil
val, err := c.netRdr(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.cache.Add(key, &valueWithTime{
v: val,
t: time.Now(),
return val, nil
func (c *ttlNetCache) remove(key interface{}) {
func (c *ttlNetCache) keys() []interface{} {
return c.cache.Keys()
// entity that provides LRU cache interface.
type lruNetCache struct {
cache *lru.Cache
netRdr netValueReader
// newNetworkLRUCache returns wrapper over netValueReader with LRU cache.
func newNetworkLRUCache(sz int, netRdr netValueReader) *lruNetCache {
cache, err := lru.New(sz)
return &lruNetCache{
cache: cache,
netRdr: netRdr,
// reads value by the key.
// updates the value from the network on cache miss.
// returned value should not be modified.
func (c *lruNetCache) get(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
val, ok := c.cache.Get(key)
if ok {
return val, nil
val, err := c.netRdr(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.cache.Add(key, val)
return val, nil
// wrapper over TTL cache of values read from the network
// that implements container storage.
type ttlContainerStorage ttlNetCache
func newCachedContainerStorage(v container.Source) *ttlContainerStorage {
const (
containerCacheSize = 100
containerCacheTTL = 30 * time.Second
lruCnrCache := newNetworkTTLCache(containerCacheSize, containerCacheTTL, func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
id := cid.New()
err := id.Parse(key.(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v.Get(id)
return (*ttlContainerStorage)(lruCnrCache)
// Get returns container value from the cache. If value is missing in the cache
// or expired, then it returns value from side chain and updates the cache.
func (s *ttlContainerStorage) Get(cid *cid.ID) (*containerSDK.Container, error) {
val, err := (*ttlNetCache)(s).get(cid.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return val.(*containerSDK.Container), nil
type ttlEACLStorage ttlNetCache
func newCachedEACLStorage(v eacl.Source) *ttlEACLStorage {
const (
eaclCacheSize = 100
eaclCacheTTL = 30 * time.Second
lruCnrCache := newNetworkTTLCache(eaclCacheSize, eaclCacheTTL, func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
id := cid.New()
err := id.Parse(key.(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v.GetEACL(id)
return (*ttlEACLStorage)(lruCnrCache)
// GetEACL returns eACL value from the cache. If value is missing in the cache
// or expired, then it returns value from side chain and updates cache.
func (s *ttlEACLStorage) GetEACL(cid *cid.ID) (*eaclSDK.Table, error) {
val, err := (*ttlNetCache)(s).get(cid.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return val.(*eaclSDK.Table), nil
// InvalidateEACL removes cached eACL value.
func (s *ttlEACLStorage) InvalidateEACL(cid *cid.ID) {
type lruNetmapSource struct {
netState netmap.State
cache *lruNetCache
func newCachedNetmapStorage(s netmap.State, v netmap.Source) netmap.Source {
const netmapCacheSize = 10
lruNetmapCache := newNetworkLRUCache(netmapCacheSize, func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return v.GetNetMapByEpoch(key.(uint64))
return &lruNetmapSource{
netState: s,
cache: lruNetmapCache,
func (s *lruNetmapSource) GetNetMap(diff uint64) (*netmapSDK.Netmap, error) {
return s.getNetMapByEpoch(s.netState.CurrentEpoch() - diff)
func (s *lruNetmapSource) GetNetMapByEpoch(epoch uint64) (*netmapSDK.Netmap, error) {
return s.getNetMapByEpoch(epoch)
func (s *lruNetmapSource) getNetMapByEpoch(epoch uint64) (*netmapSDK.Netmap, error) {
val, err := s.cache.get(epoch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return val.(*netmapSDK.Netmap), nil
func (s *lruNetmapSource) Epoch() (uint64, error) {
return s.netState.CurrentEpoch(), nil
// wrapper over TTL cache of values read from the network
// that implements container lister.
type ttlContainerLister ttlNetCache
func newCachedContainerLister(c *cntClient.Client) *ttlContainerLister {
const (
containerListerCacheSize = 100
containerListerCacheTTL = 30 * time.Second
lruCnrListerCache := newNetworkTTLCache(containerListerCacheSize, containerListerCacheTTL, func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
var (
id *owner.ID
strID = key.(string)
if strID != "" {
id = owner.NewID()
err := id.Parse(strID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.List(id)
return (*ttlContainerLister)(lruCnrListerCache)
// List returns list of container IDs from the cache. If list is missing in the
// cache or expired, then it returns container IDs from side chain and updates
// the cache.
func (s *ttlContainerLister) List(id *owner.ID) ([]*cid.ID, error) {
var str string
if id != nil {
str = id.String()
val, err := (*ttlNetCache)(s).get(str)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return val.([]*cid.ID), nil
// InvalidateContainerList removes cached list of container IDs.
func (s *ttlContainerLister) InvalidateContainerList(id *owner.ID) {
type cachedIRFetcher ttlNetCache
func newCachedIRFetcher(f interface{ InnerRingKeys() ([][]byte, error) }) *cachedIRFetcher {
const (
irFetcherCacheSize = 1 // we intend to store only one value
// Without the cache in the testnet we can see several hundred simultaneous
// requests (neofs-node #1278), so limiting the request rate solves the issue.
// Exact request rate doesn't really matter because Inner Ring list update
// happens extremely rare, but there is no side chain events for that as
// for now (neofs-contract v0.15.0 notary disabled env) to monitor it.
irFetcherCacheTTL = 30 * time.Second
irFetcherCache := newNetworkTTLCache(irFetcherCacheSize, irFetcherCacheTTL,
func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return f.InnerRingKeys()
return (*cachedIRFetcher)(irFetcherCache)
// InnerRingKeys returns cached list of Inner Ring keys. If keys are missing in
// the cache or expired, then it returns keys from side chain and updates
// the cache.
func (f *cachedIRFetcher) InnerRingKeys() ([][]byte, error) {
val, err := (*ttlNetCache)(f).get("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return val.([][]byte), nil