k6 extension to test and benchmark NeoFS related protocols.

--- [![License: GPL v3](]( # xk6-neofs # Build To build a `k6` binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites: - Go - Git 1. Install `xk6` framework for extending `k6`: ```shell go install ``` 2. Clone this repository ```shell git clone cd xk6-neofs ``` 3. Build the binary: ```shell xk6 build --with ``` 4. Run k6: ```shell ./k6 run test-script.js ``` # API ## Native Create native client with `connect` method. Arguments: - neofs storage node endpoint - WIF (empty value produces random key) ```js import native from 'k6/x/neofs/native'; const neofs_cli = native.connect("s01.neofs.devenv:8080", "") ``` ### Methods - `setBufferSize(size)`. Sets internal buffer size for data upload and download. Default is 64 KiB. - `put(container_id, headers, payload)`. Returns dictionary with `success` boolean flag, `object_id` string, and `error` string. - `get(container_id, object_id)`. Returns dictionary with `success` boolean flag, and `error` string. - `onsite(container_id, payload)`. Returns NeoFS object instance with prepared headers. Invoke `put(headers)` method on this object to upload it into NeoFS. It returns dicrionary with `success` boolean flag, `object_id` string and `error` string. ## S3 Create s3 client with `connect` method. Arguments: - s3 gateway endpoint Credentials are taken from default AWS configuration files and ENVs. ```js import s3 from 'k6/x/neofs/s3'; const s3_cli = s3.connect("http://s3.neofs.devenv:8080") ``` ### Methods - `createBucket(bucket, params)`. Returns dictionary with `success` boolean flag and `error` string. The `params` is a dictionary (e.g. `{acl:'private',lock_enabled:'true',location_constraint:'ru'}`) - `put(bucket, key, payload)`. Returns dictionary with `success` boolean flag and `error` string. - `get(bucket, key)`. Returns dictionary with `success` boolean flag and `error` string. # Examples See native protocol and s3 test suit examples in [examples](./examples) dir. # License - [GNU General Public License v3.0](LICENSE)